Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
2.6 KiB

/* XPM */
static char *rt4[]={
"24 24 85 2",
"Qt c None s backgroundToolBarColor",
".V c #14162c",
".A c #1c263c",
"#d c #24263c",
".K c #242e44",
".H c #2c3244",
"#o c #2c3644",
".Q c #34364c",
".Z c #3c3e54",
".N c #3c4264",
".q c #444664",
".p c #444a64",
"#. c #444e64",
".r c #4c4e6c",
".w c #4c566c",
"#m c #545e74",
"#j c #546284",
".B c #54628c",
"#e c #5c6284",
".4 c #5c6a9c",
"#k c #646a8c",
"#p c #646e8c",
".5 c #646e9c",
".S c #647294",
".b c #647a94",
".c c #6c769c",
".h c #6c7aa4",
".3 c #6c7ea4",
".k c #747ea4",
".O c #7482b4",
".u c #7482bc",
".i c #7486b4",
".X c #7c82a4",
".d c #7c86a4",
".g c #7c86ac",
"#b c #7c86b4",
".E c #7c86bc",
"#h c #7c8abc",
".L c #7c8ac4",
".a c #7c8eb4",
"## c #848eac",
".# c #848ebc",
".2 c #8492b4",
".m c #8492bc",
".l c #8492c4",
".I c #8492cc",
".t c #8496c4",
".f c #8c92b4",
".v c #8c92c4",
".W c #8c92cc",
".7 c #8c96a4",
".e c #8c96bc",
".F c #8c96c4",
"#l c #8c96cc",
".y c #8c9ac4",
".C c #8c9ad4",
"#f c #8c9ed4",
".1 c #949ac4",
".0 c #949ad4",
".D c #949ecc",
"#g c #94a2d4",
".Y c #9ca6c4",
".j c #9caadc",
"#a c #9caae4",
".J c #a4aae4",
".T c #a4aed4",
".P c #a4aee4",
"#i c #a4b2ec",
".9 c #acaebc",
".s c #acb2e4",
"#n c #acb2ec",
".G c #acb6e4",
".M c #b4baf4",
".o c #b4bedc",
"#c c #b4bef4",
"#s c #b4c6ec",
".n c #bcc2ec",
".z c #bcc2fc",
".U c #c4cef4",
".6 c #ccd2ec",
".8 c #ccd2fc",
".R c #ccd6ec",
"#r c #d4defc",
"#q c #d4e2fc",
".x c #1532ed",