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;;; julia-mode.el --- Major mode for editing Julia source code
;; Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Julia contributors
;; URL: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia
;; Version: 0.3
;; Keywords: languages
;;; Usage:
;; Put the following code in your .emacs, site-load.el, or other relevant file
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "path-to-julia-mode")
;; (require 'julia-mode)
;;; Commentary:
;; This is the official Emacs mode for editing Julia programs.
;;; License:
;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
;; the following conditions:
;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
;;; Code:
;; We can't use cl-lib whilst supporting Emacs 23 users who don't use
;; ELPA.
(require 'cl)) ;; incf, decf, plusp
(defvar julia-mode-hook nil)
(defgroup julia ()
"Major mode for the julia programming language."
:group 'languages
:prefix "julia-")
(defcustom julia-indent-offset 4
"Number of spaces per indentation level."
:type 'integer
:group 'julia)
(defface julia-macro-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
"Face for Julia macro invocations."
:group 'julia-mode)
(defface julia-quoted-symbol-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
"Face for quoted Julia symbols, e.g. :foo."
:group 'julia-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jl\\'" . julia-mode))
;; define ignore-errors macro if it isn't present
;; (necessary for emacs 22 compatibility)
(when (not (fboundp 'ignore-errors))
(defmacro ignore-errors (body) `(condition-case nil ,body (error nil))))
(defun julia--regexp-opt (strings &optional paren)
"Emacs 23 provides `regexp-opt', but it does not support PAREN taking the value 'symbols.
This function provides equivalent functionality, but makes no efforts to optimise the regexp."
((>= emacs-major-version 24)
(regexp-opt strings paren))
((not (eq paren 'symbols))
(regexp-opt strings paren))
((null strings)
(rx-to-string `(seq symbol-start (or ,@strings) symbol-end)))))
(defvar julia-mode-syntax-table
(let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?@ "_" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?! "_" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "< 14" table) ; # single-line and multiline start
(modify-syntax-entry ?= ". 23bn" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table) ; \n single-line comment end
(modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(} " table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){ " table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(] " table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[ " table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\( "() " table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")( " table)
;; Here, we treat ' as punctuation (when it's used for transpose),
;; see our use of `julia-char-regex' for handling ' as a character
;; delimiter
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?. "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?? "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?$ "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?& "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?* "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?< "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?> "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?% "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?′ "w" table) ; \prime is a word constituent
"Syntax table for `julia-mode'.")
(defconst julia-char-regex
(rx (or (any "-" ";" "\\" "^" "!" "|" "?" "*" "<" "%" "," "=" ">" "+" "/" "&" "$" "~" ":")
(syntax open-parenthesis)
(syntax whitespace)
(group "'")
(or (repeat 0 8 (not (any "'"))) (not (any "\\"))
(group "'"))))
(defconst julia-hanging-operator-regexp
;; taken from julia-parser.scm
(concat "^[^#\n]+ "
'( ;; conditional
;; assignment
"=" ":=" "+=" "-=" "*=" "/=" "//=" ".//=" ".*=" "./=" "\\=" ".\\="
"^=" ".^=" "÷=" ".÷=" "%=" ".%=" "|=" "&=" "$=" "=>" "<<=" ">>="
">>>=" "~" ".+=" ".-="
;; arrow
"--" "-->" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "⬿" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
;; or and and
"&&" "||"
;; comparison
">" "<" ">=" "" "<=" "" "==" "===" "" "!=" "" "!==" "" ".>"
".<" ".>=" ".≥" ".<=" ".≤" ".==" ".!=" ".≠" ".=" ".!" "<:" ">:" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "⩿" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "⪿" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
;; pipe, colon
"|>" "<|" ":" ".."
;; plus
"+" "-" "" "" "" "" ".+" ".-" "++" "|" "" "" "$" "" "±" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
;; bitshift
"<<" ">>" ">>>" ".<<" ".>>" ".>>>"
;; times
"*" "/" "./" "÷" "" "%" "" "" "×" ".%" ".*" "\\"
".\\" "&" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "⦿" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" ""
;; rational
"//" ".//"
;; power
"^" ".^" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
;; decl, dot
"::" "."))
(regexp-opt '(" #" " \n" "#" "\n"))))
(defconst julia-triple-quoted-string-regex
;; We deliberately put a group on the first and last delimiter, so
;; we can mark these as string delimiters for font-lock.
(rx (group "\"")
(group "\"\""
;; After the delimiter, we're a sequence of
;; non-backslashes or blackslashes paired with something.
(*? (or (not (any "\\"))
(seq "\\" anything)))
(group "\"")))
(defconst julia-unquote-regex
(defconst julia-forloop-in-regex
"for +.*[^
].* \\(in\\)\\(\\s-\\|$\\)+")
(defconst julia-function-regex
(rx line-start (* (or space "@inline" "@noinline")) symbol-start
(1+ space)
;; Don't highlight module names in function declarations:
(* (seq (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))) "."))
;; The function name itself
(group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
(defconst julia-function-assignment-regex
(rx line-start (* (or space "@inline" "@noinline")) symbol-start
(* (seq (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))) ".")) ; module name
(group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))
(? "{" (* (not (any "}"))) "}")
"(" (* (or
(seq "(" (* (not (any "(" ")"))) ")")
(not (any "(" ")"))))
(* space)
(? "::" (* space) (1+ (not (any space))))
(* space)
(* (seq "where" (or "{" (+ space)) (+ (not (any "=")))))
(not (any "="))))
(defconst julia-type-regex
(rx symbol-start (or ;;"immutable" "type" ;; remove after 0.6
"abstract type" "primitive type" "struct" "mutable struct")
(1+ space) (group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
(defconst julia-type-annotation-regex
(rx "::" (0+ space) (group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
;;(defconst julia-type-parameter-regex
;; (rx symbol-start (1+ (or (or word (syntax symbol)) ?_)) "{" (group (1+ (or (or word (syntax symbol)) ?_))) "}"))
(defconst julia-subtype-regex
(rx "<:" (0+ space) (group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol)))) (0+ space) (or "\n" "{" "}" "end")))
(defconst julia-macro-regex
(rx symbol-start (group "@" (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
(defconst julia-keyword-regex
'("if" "else" "elseif" "while" "for" "begin" "end" "quote"
"try" "catch" "return" "local" "function" "macro" "ccall"
"finally" "break" "continue" "global" "where"
"module" "using" "import" "export" "const" "let" "do" "in"
;; "importall" ;; deprecated in 0.7
;; "immutable" "type" "bitstype" "abstract" "typealias" ;; removed in 1.0
"abstract type" "primitive type" "struct" "mutable struct")
(defconst julia-builtin-regex
;;'("error" "throw")
(defconst julia-builtin-types-regex
'("Number" "Real" "BigInt" "Integer"
"UInt" "UInt8" "UInt16" "UInt32" "UInt64" "UInt128"
"Int" "Int8" "Int16" "Int32" "Int64" "Int128"
"BigFloat" "AbstractFloat" "Float16" "Float32" "Float64"
;;"Complex128" "Complex64" ;; replaced in 1.0
"ComplexF32" "ComplexF64"
"Cuchar" "Cshort" "Cushort" "Cint" "Cuint" "Clonglong" "Culonglong" "Cintmax_t" "Cuintmax_t"
"Cfloat" "Cdouble" "Cptrdiff_t" "Cssize_t" "Csize_t"
"Cchar" "Clong" "Culong" "Cwchar_t" "Cvoid"
"Cstring" "Cwstring" ;; C strings made of ordinary and wide characters
"Char" "String" "SubString"
"Array" "DArray" "AbstractArray" "AbstractVector" "AbstractMatrix" "AbstractSparseMatrix" "SubArray" "StridedArray" "StridedVector" "StridedMatrix" "VecOrMat" "StridedVecOrMat" "DenseArray" "SparseMatrixCSC" "BitArray"
"AbstractRange" "OrdinalRange" "StepRange" "UnitRange" "FloatRange"
"Tuple" "NTuple" "Vararg"
"DataType" "Symbol" "Function" "Vector" "Matrix" "Union" "Type" "Any" "Complex" "AbstractString" "Ptr" "Nothing" "Exception" "Task" "Signed" "Unsigned" "AbstractDict" "Dict" "IO" "IOStream" "Rational" "Regex" "RegexMatch" "Set" "BitSet" "Expr" "WeakRef" "ObjectIdDict"
"AbstractRNG" "MersenneTwister"
(defconst julia-quoted-symbol-regex
;; :foo and :foo2 are valid, but :123 is not.
(rx (or bol whitespace "(" "[" "," "=")
(group ":" (or letter (syntax symbol)) (0+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
(defconst julia-font-lock-keywords
;; Ensure :: and <: aren't highlighted, so we don't confuse ::Foo with :foo.
;; (in Emacs, keywords don't overlap).
(cons (rx (or "::" "<:")) ''default)
;; Highlight quoted symbols before keywords, so :function is not
;; highlighted as a keyword.
(list julia-quoted-symbol-regex 1 ''julia-quoted-symbol-face)
(cons julia-builtin-types-regex 'font-lock-type-face)
(cons julia-keyword-regex 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(cons julia-macro-regex ''julia-macro-face)
'("true" "false" "C_NULL" "Inf" "NaN" "Inf32" "NaN32" "nothing" "undef")
(list julia-unquote-regex 2 'font-lock-constant-face)
(list julia-forloop-in-regex 1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(list julia-function-regex 1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
(list julia-function-assignment-regex 1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
(list julia-type-regex 1 'font-lock-type-face)
(list julia-type-annotation-regex 1 'font-lock-type-face)
;;(list julia-type-parameter-regex 1 'font-lock-type-face)
(list julia-subtype-regex 1 'font-lock-type-face)
(list julia-builtin-regex 1 'font-lock-builtin-face)
(defconst julia-block-start-keywords
(list "if" "while" "for" "begin" "try" "function" "let" "macro"
"quote" "do" "module"
;; "immutable" "type" ;; remove after 0.6
"abstract type" "primitive type" "struct" "mutable struct"))
;; For keywords that begin a block without additional indentation
(defconst julia-block-start-keywords-no-indent
(list "module"))
(defconst julia-block-end-keywords
(list "end" "else" "elseif" "catch" "finally"))
(defun julia-stringify-triple-quote ()
"Put `syntax-table' property on triple-quoted string delimiters.
Based on `python-syntax-stringify'."
(let* ((string-start-pos (- (point) 3))
(string-end-pos (point))
(ppss (prog2
(backward-char 3)
(forward-char 3)))
(in-comment (nth 4 ppss))
(in-string (nth 8 ppss)))
(unless in-comment
(if in-string
;; We're in a string, so this must be the closing triple-quote.
;; Put | on the last " character.
(put-text-property (1- string-end-pos) string-end-pos
'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|"))
;; We're not in a string, so this is the opening triple-quote.
;; Put | on the first " character.
(put-text-property string-start-pos (1+ string-start-pos)
'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|"))))))
(defconst julia-syntax-propertize-function
(unless (< emacs-major-version 24)
(0 (ignore (julia-stringify-triple-quote))))
(1 "\"") ; Treat ' as a string delimiter.
(2 ".") ; Don't highlight anything between.
(3 "\""))))) ; Treat the last " in """ as a string delimiter.
(defun julia-in-comment (&optional syntax-ppss)
"Return non-nil if point is inside a comment using SYNTAX-PPSS.
Handles both single-line and multi-line comments."
(nth 4 (or syntax-ppss (syntax-ppss))))
(defun julia-in-string (&optional syntax-ppss)
"Return non-nil if point is inside a string using SYNTAX-PPSS.
Note this is Emacs' notion of what is highlighted as a string.
As a result, it is true inside \"foo\", `foo` and 'f'."
(nth 3 (or syntax-ppss (syntax-ppss))))
(defun julia-in-brackets ()
"Return non-nil if point is inside square brackets."
(let ((start-pos (point))
(open-count 0))
;; Count all the [ and ] characters on the current line.
(while (< (point) start-pos)
;; Don't count [ or ] inside strings, characters or comments.
(unless (or (julia-in-string) (julia-in-comment))
(when (looking-at (rx "["))
(incf open-count))
(when (looking-at (rx "]"))
(decf open-count)))
(forward-char 1)))
;; If we've opened more than we've closed, we're inside brackets.
(plusp open-count)))
(defun julia-at-keyword (kw-list)
"Return the word at point if it matches any keyword in KW-LIST.
KW-LIST is a list of strings. The word at point is not considered
a keyword if used as a field name, X.word, or quoted, :word."
(and (or (= (point) 1)
(and (not (equal (char-before (point)) ?.))
(not (equal (char-before (point)) ?:))))
(not (looking-at "(")) ; handle "function(" when on (
(member (current-word t) kw-list)
;; 'end' is not a keyword when used for indexing, e.g. foo[end-2]
(or (not (equal (current-word t) "end"))
(not (julia-in-brackets)))
(not (julia-in-comment))))
;; if backward-sexp gives an error, move back 1 char to move over the '('
(defun julia-safe-backward-sexp ()
(if (condition-case nil (backward-sexp) (error t))
(ignore-errors (backward-char))))
(defun julia-following-import-export-using ()
"If the current line follows an `export` or `import` keyword
with valid syntax, return the position of the keyword, otherwise
`nil`. Works by stepping backwards through comma-separated
symbol, gives up when this is not true."
;; Implementation accepts a single Module: right after the keyword, and saves
;; the module name for future use, but does not enforce that `export` has no
;; module name.
(let ((done nil) ; find keyword or give up
(module nil)) ; found "Module:"
(while (and (not done) (< (point-min) (point)))
((looking-at (rx (or "import" "export" "using")))
(setf done (point)))
((looking-at (rx (group (* (or word (syntax symbol)))) (0+ space) ":"))
(if module
(setf done 'broken)
(setf module (match-string-no-properties 1))))
((looking-at (rx (* (or word (syntax symbol))) (0+ space) ","))
(when module (setf done 'broken)))
(t (setf done 'broken)))))
(if (eq done 'broken)
(defun julia-last-open-block-pos (min)
"Return the position of the last open block, if one found.
Do not move back beyond position MIN."
(let ((count 0))
(while (not (or (> count 0) (<= (point) min)))
(setq count
(cond ((julia-at-keyword julia-block-start-keywords)
(+ count 1))
((and (equal (current-word t) "end")
(not (julia-in-comment)))
(- count 1))
(t count))))
(if (> count 0)
(defun julia-last-open-block (min)
"Move back and return indentation level for last open block.
Do not move back beyond MIN."
;; Ensure MIN is not before the start of the buffer.
(setq min (max min (point-min)))
(let ((pos (julia-last-open-block-pos min)))
(and pos
(goto-char pos)
(+ julia-indent-offset (current-indentation))))))
(defsubst julia--safe-backward-char ()
"Move back one character, but don't error if we're at the
beginning of the buffer."
(unless (eq (point) (point-min))
(defcustom julia-max-block-lookback 5000
"When indenting, don't look back more than this
many characters to see if there are unclosed blocks.
This variable has a moderate effect on indent performance if set too
high, but stops indenting in the middle of long blocks if set too low."
:type 'integer
:group 'julia)
(defun julia-paren-indent ()
"Return the column of the text following the innermost
containing paren before point, so we can align succeeding code
with it. Returns nil if we're not within nested parens."
(let ((parser-state (syntax-ppss)))
(cond ((nth 3 parser-state) nil) ;; strings
((= (nth 0 parser-state) 0) nil) ;; top level
(ignore-errors ;; return nil if any of these movements fail
(skip-syntax-forward " ")
(let ((possibly-close-paren-point (point)))
(let ((open-paren-point (point)))
(skip-syntax-forward " ")
(if (eolp)
(let ((paren-closed (= (point) possibly-close-paren-point)))
(goto-char open-paren-point)
(skip-syntax-forward " ")
(+ (current-column)
(if paren-closed
(defun julia-prev-line-skip-blank-or-comment ()
"Move point to beginning of previous line skipping blank lines
and lines including only comments. Returns number of lines moved.
A return of -1 signals that we moved to the first line of
the (possibly narrowed) buffer, so there is nowhere else to go."
(catch 'result
(let ((moved 0) this-move)
(while t
(setq this-move (forward-line -1))
;; moved into comment or blank
((and (= 0 this-move)
(or (looking-at-p "^\\s-*\\(?:#.*\\)*$")
(incf moved))
;; success
((= 0 this-move)
(throw 'result (1+ moved)))
;; on first line and in comment
((and (bobp)
(or (looking-at-p "^\\s-*\\(?:#.*\\)*$")
(throw 'result -1))
(throw 'result moved))
(throw 'result 0)))))))
(defun julia-indent-hanging ()
"Calculate indentation for lines that follow \"hanging\"
operators (operators that end the previous line) as defined in
`julia-hanging-operator-regexp'. An assignment operator ending
the previous line increases the indent as do the other operators
unless another operator is found two lines up. Previous line
means previous line after skipping blank lines and lines with
only comments."
(let (prev-indent)
(when (> (julia-prev-line-skip-blank-or-comment) 0)
(setq prev-indent (current-indentation))
(when (looking-at-p julia-hanging-operator-regexp)
(if (and (> (julia-prev-line-skip-blank-or-comment) 0)
(looking-at-p julia-hanging-operator-regexp))
;; two preceding hanging operators => indent same as line
;; above
;; one preceding hanging operator => increase indent from line
;; above
(+ julia-indent-offset prev-indent)))))))
(defun julia-indent-in-string ()
"Indentation inside strings with newlines is \"manual\",
meaning always increase indent on TAB and decrease on S-TAB."
(when (julia-in-string)
(if (member this-command '(julia-latexsub-or-indent
(+ julia-indent-offset (current-indentation))
;; return the current indentation to prevent other functions from
;; indenting inside strings
(defun julia-indent-import-export-using ()
"Indent offset for lines that follow `import` or `export`, otherwise nil."
(when (julia-following-import-export-using)
(defun julia-indent-line ()
"Indent current line of julia code."
(let* ((point-offset (- (current-column) (current-indentation))))
;; note: if this first function returns nil the beginning of the line
;; cannot be in a string
;; If we're inside an open paren, indent to line up arguments. After this,
;; we cannot be inside parens which includes brackets
;; indent due to hanging operators (lines ending in an operator)
;; indent for import and export
;; Indent according to how many nested blocks we are in.
;; jump out of any comments
(let ((state (syntax-ppss)))
(when (nth 4 state)
(goto-char (nth 8 state))))
(forward-to-indentation 0)
(let ((endtok (julia-at-keyword julia-block-end-keywords))
(last-open-block (julia-last-open-block (- (point) julia-max-block-lookback))))
(max 0 (+ (or last-open-block 0)
(if (or endtok
(julia-at-keyword julia-block-start-keywords-no-indent))
(- julia-indent-offset) 0)))))))
;; Point is now at the beginning of indentation, restore it
;; to its original position (relative to indentation).
(when (>= point-offset 0)
(move-to-column (+ (current-indentation) point-offset)))))
(defalias 'julia-mode-prog-mode
(if (fboundp 'prog-mode)
;;; Navigation
;; based off python.el
(defconst julia-beginning-of-defun-regex
(concat julia-function-regex "\\|"
julia-function-assignment-regex "\\|"
"Regex matching beginning of Julia function or macro.")
(defun julia-syntax-context-type (&optional syntax-ppss)
"Return the context type using SYNTAX-PPSS.
TYPE can be `comment', `string' or `paren'."
(let ((ppss (or syntax-ppss (syntax-ppss))))
((nth 8 ppss) (if (nth 4 ppss) 'comment 'string))
((nth 1 ppss) 'paren))))
(defsubst julia-syntax-comment-or-string-p (&optional syntax-ppss)
"Return non-nil if SYNTAX-PPSS is inside string or comment."
(nth 8 (or syntax-ppss (syntax-ppss))))
(defun julia-looking-at-beginning-of-defun (&optional syntax-ppss)
"Check if point is at `beginning-of-defun' using SYNTAX-PPSS."
(and (not (julia-syntax-comment-or-string-p (or syntax-ppss (syntax-ppss))))
(beginning-of-line 1)
(looking-at julia-beginning-of-defun-regex))))
(defun julia--beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
"Internal implementation of `julia-beginning-of-defun'.
With positive ARG search backwards, else search forwards."
(when (or (null arg) (= arg 0)) (setq arg 1))
(let* ((re-search-fn (if (> arg 0)
(line-beg-pos (line-beginning-position))
(line-content-start (+ line-beg-pos (current-indentation)))
(pos (point-marker))
(and (> arg 0)
(while (and (not (julia-looking-at-beginning-of-defun))
;; f(x) = ... function bodies may span multiple lines
(or (and (julia-indent-hanging)
(forward-line -1))
;; inside dangling parameter list
(and (eq 'paren (julia-syntax-context-type))
(julia-last-open-block (point-min)))))
(or (and (julia-looking-at-beginning-of-defun)
(+ (current-indentation) julia-indent-offset))
(when (and (< arg 0)
(end-of-line 1))
(while (and (funcall re-search-fn
julia-beginning-of-defun-regex nil t)
(or (julia-syntax-comment-or-string-p)
;; handle nested defuns when moving backwards
;; by checking matching indentation
(and (> arg 0)
(not (= (current-indentation) 0))
(>= (current-indentation) beg-indentation)))))
(and (julia-looking-at-beginning-of-defun)
(or (not (= (line-number-at-pos pos)
(and (>= (point) line-beg-pos)
(<= (point) line-content-start)
(> pos line-content-start)))))))
(if found
(or (beginning-of-line 1) (point))
(and (goto-char pos) nil))))
(defun julia-beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
"Move point to `beginning-of-defun'.
With positive ARG search backwards else search forward.
ARG nil or 0 defaults to 1. When searching backwards,
nested defuns are handled depending on current point position.
Return non-nil (point) if point moved to `beginning-of-defun'."
(when (or (null arg) (= arg 0)) (setq arg 1))
(let ((found))
(while (and (not (= arg 0))
(let ((keep-searching-p
(julia--beginning-of-defun arg)))
(when (and keep-searching-p (null found))
(setq found t))
(setq arg (if (> arg 0) (1- arg) (1+ arg))))
(defun julia-end-of-defun (&optional arg)
"Move point to the end of the current function.
Return nil if point is not in a function, otherwise point."
(let ((beg-defun-indent)
(beg-pos (point)))
(when (or (julia-looking-at-beginning-of-defun)
(julia-beginning-of-defun 1)
(julia-beginning-of-defun -1))
(if (looking-at-p julia-function-assignment-regex)
;; f(x) = ...
;; skip any dangling lines
(while (and (forward-line)
(not (eobp))
(or (julia-indent-hanging)
;; dangling closing paren
(and (eq 'paren (julia-syntax-context-type))
(search-forward ")"))))))
;; otherwise skip forward to matching indentation (not in string/comment)
(setq beg-defun-indent (current-indentation))
(while (and (not (eobp))
(forward-line 1)
(or (julia-syntax-comment-or-string-p)
(> (current-indentation) beg-defun-indent)))))
(defvar julia-imenu-generic-expression
;; don't use syntax classes, screws egrep
'(("Function (_)" "[ \t]*function[ \t]+\\(_[^ \t\n]*\\)" 1)
("Function" "^[ \t]*function[ \t]+\\([^_][^\t\n]*\\)" 1)
("Const" "[ \t]*const \\([^ \t\n]*\\)" 1)
("Type" "^[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*type[a-zA-Z0-9_]* \\([^ \t\n]*\\)" 1)
("Require" " *\\(\\brequire\\)(\\([^ \t\n)]*\\)" 2)
("Include" " *\\(\\binclude\\)(\\([^ \t\n)]*\\)" 2)
;; ("Classes" "^.*setClass(\\(.*\\)," 1)
;; ("Coercions" "^.*setAs(\\([^,]+,[^,]*\\)," 1) ; show from and to
;; ("Generics" "^.*setGeneric(\\([^,]*\\)," 1)
;; ("Methods" "^.*set\\(Group\\|Replace\\)?Method(\"\\(.+\\)\"," 2)
;; ;;[ ]*\\(signature=\\)?(\\(.*,?\\)*\\)," 1)
;; ;;
;; ;;("Other" "^\\(.+\\)\\s-*<-[ \t\n]*[^\\(function\\|read\\|.*data\.frame\\)]" 1)
;; ("Package" "^.*\\(library\\|require\\)(\\(.*\\)," 2)
;; ("Data" "^\\(.+\\)\\s-*<-[ \t\n]*\\(read\\|.*data\.frame\\).*(" 1)))
(define-derived-mode julia-mode julia-mode-prog-mode "Julia"
"Major mode for editing julia code."
(set-syntax-table julia-mode-syntax-table)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "# ")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "#+\\s-*")
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(julia-font-lock-keywords))
(if (< emacs-major-version 24)
;; Emacs 23 doesn't have syntax-propertize-function
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-keywords)
(1 "\"") ; Treat ' as a string delimiter.
(2 ".") ; Don't highlight anything between the open and close '.
(3 "\"")) ; Treat the close ' as a string delimiter.
(1 "\"") ; Treat the first " in """ as a string delimiter.
(2 ".") ; Don't highlight anything between.
(3 "\"")))) ; Treat the last " in """ as a string delimiter.
;; Emacs 24 and later has syntax-propertize-function, so use that instead.
(set (make-local-variable 'syntax-propertize-function)
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'julia-indent-line)
(set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) #'julia-beginning-of-defun)
(set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) #'julia-end-of-defun)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq imenu-generic-expression julia-imenu-generic-expression)
(imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu"))
(defun julia-manual-deindent ()
"Deindent by `julia-indent-offset' regardless of current
indentation context. To be used to manually indent inside
(indent-line-to (max 0 (- (current-indentation) julia-indent-offset))))
(define-key julia-mode-map (kbd "<backtab>") 'julia-manual-deindent)
(defvar julia-latexsubs (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun julia-latexsub ()
"Perform a LaTeX-like Unicode symbol substitution."
(interactive "*i")
(let ((orig-pt (point)))
(while (not (or (bobp) (= ?\\ (char-before))
(= ?\s (char-syntax (char-before)))))
(if (and (not (bobp)) (= ?\\ (char-before)))
(let ((sub (gethash (buffer-substring (point) orig-pt) julia-latexsubs)))
(if sub
(delete-region (point) orig-pt)
(insert sub))
(goto-char orig-pt))))
(goto-char orig-pt))))
(defalias 'latexsub 'julia-latexsub)
(defun julia-latexsub-or-indent (arg)
"Either indent according to mode or perform a LaTeX-like symbol substution"
(interactive "*i")
(if (latexsub)
(indent-for-tab-command arg)))
(define-key julia-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'julia-latexsub-or-indent)
(defalias 'latexsub-or-indent 'julia-latexsub-or-indent)
;;; populate LaTeX symbols hash table from a generated file.
;;; (See Julia issue #8947 for why we don't use the Emacs tex input mode.)
(load (expand-file-name "julia-latexsubs" (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
;; Math insertion in julia. Use it with
;; (add-hook 'julia-mode-hook 'julia-math-mode)
;; (add-hook 'inferior-julia-mode-hook 'julia-math-mode)
(when (require 'latex nil t)
(declare-function LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix "latex")
(defun julia-math-insert (s)
"Inserts math symbol given by `s'"
(when s
(let ((sym (gethash (concat "\\" s) julia-latexsubs)))
(when sym
(insert sym)))))
(define-minor-mode julia-math-mode
"A minor mode with easy access to TeX math commands. The
command is only entered if it is supported in Julia. The
following commands are defined:
nil nil (list (cons (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) LaTeX-math-keymap))
(if julia-math-mode
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-math-insert-function)
;; Code for `inferior-julia-mode'
(require 'comint)
(defcustom julia-program "julia"
"Path to the program used by `inferior-julia'."
:type 'string
:group 'julia)
(defcustom julia-arguments '("-i" "--color=yes")
"Commandline arguments to pass to `julia-program'."
:type '(repeat (string :tag "argument"))
:group 'julia)
(defvar julia-prompt-regexp "^\\w*> "
"Regexp for matching `inferior-julia' prompt.")
(defvar inferior-julia-mode-map
(let ((map (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) comint-mode-map)))
;; example definition
(define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'julia-latexsub-or-indent)
"Basic mode map for `inferior-julia-mode'.")
(defun inferior-julia ()
"Run an inferior instance of `julia' inside Emacs."
(let ((julia-program julia-program)
(buffer (get-buffer-create "*Julia*")))
(when (not (comint-check-proc "*Julia*"))
(apply #'make-comint-in-buffer "Julia" "*Julia*"
julia-program nil julia-arguments))
(pop-to-buffer-same-window "*Julia*")
(defun inferior-julia--initialize ()
"Helper function to initialize `inferior-julia'."
(setq comint-use-prompt-regexp t))
(define-derived-mode inferior-julia-mode comint-mode "Julia"
"Major mode for `inferior-julia'.
nil "Julia"
(setq comint-prompt-regexp julia-prompt-regexp)
(setq comint-prompt-read-only t)
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(julia-font-lock-keywords t))
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) julia-prompt-regexp)
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'julia-indent-line))
(add-hook 'inferior-julia-mode-hook 'inferior-julia--initialize)
(defalias 'run-julia #'inferior-julia
"Run an inferior instance of `julia' inside Emacs.")
(provide 'julia-mode)
;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not obsolete)
;; End:
;;; julia-mode.el ends here