Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(* swank-mlworks.sml -- SWANK server for MLWorks
* This code has been placed in the Public Domain.
(* This is an experiment to see how the interfaces/modules would look
* in a language with a supposedly "good" module system.
* MLWorks is probably the only SML implementation that tries to
* support "interactive programming". Since MLWorks wasn't maintained
* the last 15 or so years, big chunks of the SML Basis Library are
* missing or not the way as required by the standard. That makes it
* rather hard to do anything; it also shows that MLWorks hasn't been
* "used in anger" for a long time.
structure Swank = struct
structure Util = struct
fun utf8ToString (v:Word8Vector.vector) : string = Byte.bytesToString v
fun stringToUtf8 s = Byte.stringToBytes s
structure Map = struct
datatype ('a, 'b) map = Alist of {list: ('a * 'b) list ref,
eq: ('a * 'a) -> bool}
fun stringMap () =
Alist {list = ref [],
eq = (fn (x:string,y:string) => x = y)}
fun lookup (Alist {list, eq}, key) =
let fun search [] = NONE
| search ((key', value) :: xs) =
if eq (key', key) then SOME value
else search xs
in search (!list)
fun put (Alist {list, eq}, key, value) =
let val l = (key, value) :: (!list)
in list := l
structure CharBuffer = struct
structure C = CharArray
datatype buffer = B of {array : C.array ref,
index: int ref}
fun new hint = B {array = ref (C.array (hint, #"\000")),
index = ref 0}
fun append (buffer as B {array, index}, char) =
let val a = !array
val i = !index
val len = C.length a
in if i < len then
(C.update (a, i, char);
index := i + 1;
else let val aa = C.array (2 * len, #"\000")
fun copy (src, dst) =
let val len = C.length src
fun loop i =
if i = len then ()
else (C.update (dst, i, C.sub (src, i));
loop (i + 1))
in loop 0 end
in copy (a, aa);
C.update (aa, i, char);
array := aa;
index := i + 1;
fun toString (B {array, index}) =
let val a = !array
val i = !index
in CharVector.tabulate (i, fn i => C.sub (a, i)) end
structure Sexp = struct
structure Type = struct
datatype sexp = Int of int
| Str of string
| Lst of sexp list
| Sym of string
| QSym of string * string
| T
| Nil
| Quote
open Type
exception ReadError
fun fromUtf8 v =
let val len = Word8Vector.length v
val index = ref 0
fun getc () =
case getc' () of
SOME c => c
| NONE => raise ReadError
and getc' () =
let val i = !index
in if i = len then NONE
else (index := i + 1;
SOME (Byte.byteToChar (Word8Vector.sub (v, i))))
and ungetc () = index := !index - 1
and sexp () : sexp =
case getc () of
#"\"" => string (CharBuffer.new 100)
| #"(" => lst ()
| #"'" => Lst [Quote, sexp ()]
| _ => (ungetc(); token ())
and string buf : sexp =
case getc () of
#"\"" => Str (CharBuffer.toString buf)
| #"\\" => (CharBuffer.append (buf, getc ()); string buf)
| c => (CharBuffer.append (buf, c); string buf)
and lst () =
let val x = sexp ()
in case getc () of
#")" => Lst [x]
| #" " => let val Lst y = lst () in Lst (x :: y) end
| _ => raise ReadError
and token () =
let val tok = token' (CharBuffer.new 50)
val c0 = String.sub (tok, 0)
in if Char.isDigit c0 then (case Int.fromString tok of
SOME i => Int i
| NONE => raise ReadError)
Sym (tok)
and token' buf : string =
case getc' () of
NONE => CharBuffer.toString buf
| SOME #"\\" => (CharBuffer.append (buf, getc ());
token' buf)
| SOME #" " => (ungetc (); CharBuffer.toString buf)
| SOME #")" => (ungetc (); CharBuffer.toString buf)
| SOME c => (CharBuffer.append (buf, c); token' buf)
sexp ()
fun toString sexp =
case sexp of
(Str s) => "\"" ^ String.toCString s ^ "\""
| (Lst []) => "nil"
| (Lst xs) => "(" ^ String.concatWith " " (map toString xs) ^ ")"
| Sym (name) => name
| QSym (pkg, name) => pkg ^ ":" ^ name
| Quote => "quote"
| T => "t"
| Nil => "nil"
| Int i => Int.toString i
fun toUtf8 sexp = Util.stringToUtf8 (toString sexp)
structure Net = struct
structure S = Socket
structure I = INetSock
structure W = Word8Vector
fun createSocket (port) =
let val sock : S.passive I.stream_sock = I.TCP.socket ()
val SOME localhost = NetHostDB.fromString ""
S.Ctl.setREUSEADDR (sock, true);
S.bind (sock, I.toAddr (localhost, port));
S.listen (sock, 2);
fun addrToString sockAddr =
let val (ip, port) = I.fromAddr sockAddr
in NetHostDB.toString ip ^ ":" ^ Int.toString port
exception ShortRead of W.vector
exception InvalidHexString of string
fun acceptConnection port =
let val sock = createSocket port
val addr = S.Ctl.getSockName sock
val _ = print ("Listening on: " ^ addrToString addr ^ "\n")
val (peer, addr) = S.accept sock
S.close sock;
print ("Connection from: " ^ addrToString addr ^ "\n");
fun receivePacket socket =
let val v = S.recvVec (socket, 6)
val _ = if W.length v = 6 then ()
else raise ShortRead v
val s = Util.utf8ToString v
val _ = print ("s = " ^ s ^ "\n")
val len =
case StringCvt.scanString (Int.scan StringCvt.HEX) s of
SOME len => len
| NONE => raise InvalidHexString s
val _ = print ("len = " ^ Int.toString len ^ "\n")
val payload = S.recvVec (socket, len)
val plen = W.length payload
val _ = print ("plen = " ^ Int.toString plen ^ "\n")
val _ = if plen = len then ()
else raise ShortRead payload
fun nibbleToHex i:string = Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX i
fun loadNibble i pos =
Word32.toInt (Word32.andb (Word32.>> (Word32.fromInt i,
Word.fromInt (pos * 4)),
fun hexDigit i pos = nibbleToHex (loadNibble i pos)
fun lenToHex i =
concat [hexDigit i 5,
hexDigit i 4,
hexDigit i 3,
hexDigit i 2,
hexDigit i 1,
hexDigit i 0]
fun sendPacket (payload:W.vector, socket) =
let val len = W.length payload
val header = Util.stringToUtf8 (lenToHex len)
val packet = W.concat [header, payload]
in print ("len = " ^ Int.toString len ^ "\n"
^ "header = " ^ lenToHex len ^ "\n"
^ "paylad = " ^ Util.utf8ToString payload ^ "\n");
S.sendVec (socket, {buf = packet, i = 0, sz = NONE})
structure Rpc = struct
open Sexp.Type
val funTable : (string, sexp list -> sexp) Map.map
= Map.stringMap ()
fun define name f = Map.put (funTable, name, f)
exception UnknownFunction of string
fun call (name, args) =
(print ("call: " ^ name ^ "\n");
case Map.lookup (funTable, name) of
SOME f => f args
| NONE => raise UnknownFunction name)
local fun getpid () =
Word32.toInt (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ()))
fun connectionInfo [] =
Lst [Sym ":pid", Int (getpid ()),
Sym ":lisp-implementation", Lst [Sym ":type", Str "MLWorks",
Sym ":name", Str "mlworks",
Sym ":version", Str "2.x"],
Sym ":machine", Lst [Sym ":instance", Str "",
Sym ":type", Str "",
Sym ":version", Str ""],
Sym ":features", Nil,
Sym ":package", Lst [Sym ":name", Str "root",
Sym ":prompt", Str "-"]]
fun nyi _ = Nil
local structure D = Shell.Dynamic
fun interactiveEval [Str string] =
let val x = D.eval string
in Str (concat [D.printValue x, " : ", D.printType (D.getType x)])
val _ =
(define "swank:connection-info" connectionInfo;
define "swank:swank-require" nyi;
define "swank:interactive-eval" interactiveEval;
structure EventLoop = struct
open Sexp.Type
fun execute (sexp, pkg) =
(print ("sexp = " ^ (Sexp.toString sexp) ^ "\n");
case sexp of
Lst (Sym name :: args) => Rpc.call (name, args))
fun emacsRex (sexp, pkg, id as Int _, sock) =
let val result = (Lst [Sym (":ok"), execute (sexp, pkg)]
handle exn => (Lst [Sym ":abort",
Str (exnName exn ^ ": "
^ exnMessage exn)]))
val reply = Lst [Sym ":return", result, id]
in Net.sendPacket (Sexp.toUtf8 reply, sock)
fun dispatch (Lst ((Sym key) :: args), sock) =
case key of
":emacs-rex" => let val [sexp, pkg, _, id] = args
in emacsRex (sexp, pkg, id, sock)
fun processRequests socket:unit =
let val sexp = Sexp.fromUtf8 (Net.receivePacket socket)
in print ("request: "
^ Util.utf8ToString (Sexp.toUtf8 sexp)
^ "\n");
dispatch (sexp, socket);
processRequests socket
(* val _ = EventLoop.processRequests (Net.acceptConnection 4005) *)
val _ = ()
(* (Swank.EventLoop.processRequests (Swank.Net.acceptConnection 4005)) *)