Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

246 lines
8.3 KiB

;;; swank-presentations.lisp --- imitate LispM's presentations
;; Authors: Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l@mumble.net>
;; Luke Gorrie <luke@synap.se>
;; Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net>
;; Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
;; License: This code has been placed in the Public Domain. All warranties
;; are disclaimed.
(in-package :swank)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(swank-require :swank-repl))
;;;; Recording and accessing results of computations
(defvar *record-repl-results* t
"Non-nil means that REPL results are saved for later lookup.")
(defvar *object-to-presentation-id*
(make-weak-key-hash-table :test 'eq)
"Store the mapping of objects to numeric identifiers")
(defvar *presentation-id-to-object*
(make-weak-value-hash-table :test 'eql)
"Store the mapping of numeric identifiers to objects")
(defun clear-presentation-tables ()
(clrhash *object-to-presentation-id*)
(clrhash *presentation-id-to-object*))
(defvar *presentation-counter* 0 "identifier counter")
(defvar *nil-surrogate* (make-symbol "nil-surrogate"))
;; XXX thread safety? [2006-09-13] mb: not in the slightest (fwiw the
;; rest of slime isn't thread safe either), do we really care?
(defun save-presented-object (object)
"Save OBJECT and return the assigned id.
If OBJECT was saved previously return the old id."
(let ((object (if (null object) *nil-surrogate* object)))
;; We store *nil-surrogate* instead of nil, to distinguish it from
;; an object that was garbage collected.
(or (gethash object *object-to-presentation-id*)
(let ((id (incf *presentation-counter*)))
(setf (gethash id *presentation-id-to-object*) object)
(setf (gethash object *object-to-presentation-id*) id)
(defslimefun lookup-presented-object (id)
"Retrieve the object corresponding to ID.
The secondary value indicates the absence of an entry."
(etypecase id
(multiple-value-bind (object foundp)
(gethash id *presentation-id-to-object*)
((eql object *nil-surrogate*)
;; A stored nil object
(values nil t))
((null object)
;; Object that was replaced by nil in the weak hash table
;; when the object was garbage collected.
(values nil nil))
(values object foundp)))))
(dcase id
((:frame-var thread-id frame index)
(declare (ignore thread-id)) ; later
(frame-var-value frame index)
(t (condition)
(declare (ignore condition))
(values nil nil))
(:no-error (value)
(values value t))))
((:inspected-part part-index)
(inspector-nth-part part-index))))))
(defslimefun lookup-presented-object-or-lose (id)
"Get the result of the previous REPL evaluation with ID."
(multiple-value-bind (object foundp) (lookup-presented-object id)
(cond (foundp object)
(t (error "Attempt to access unrecorded object (id ~D)." id)))))
(defslimefun lookup-and-save-presented-object-or-lose (id)
"Get the object associated with ID and save it in the presentation tables."
(let ((obj (lookup-presented-object-or-lose id)))
(save-presented-object obj)))
(defslimefun clear-repl-results ()
"Forget the results of all previous REPL evaluations."
(defun present-repl-results (values)
;; Override a function in swank.lisp, so that
;; presentations are associated with every REPL result.
(flet ((send (value)
(let ((id (and *record-repl-results*
(save-presented-object value))))
(send-to-emacs `(:presentation-start ,id :repl-result))
(send-to-emacs `(:write-string ,(prin1-to-string value)
(send-to-emacs `(:presentation-end ,id :repl-result))
(send-to-emacs `(:write-string ,(string #\Newline)
(if (null values)
(send-to-emacs `(:write-string "; No value" :repl-result))
(mapc #'send values))))
;;;; Presentation menu protocol
;; To define a menu for a type of object, define a method
;; menu-choices-for-presentation on that object type. This function
;; should return a list of two element lists where the first element is
;; the name of the menu action and the second is a function that will be
;; called if the menu is chosen. The function will be called with 3
;; arguments:
;; choice: The string naming the action from above
;; object: The object
;; id: The presentation id of the object
;; You might want append (when (next-method-p) (call-next-method)) to
;; pick up the Menu actions of superclasses.
(defvar *presentation-active-menu* nil)
(defun menu-choices-for-presentation-id (id)
(multiple-value-bind (ob presentp) (lookup-presented-object id)
(cond ((not presentp) 'not-present)
(let ((menu-and-actions (menu-choices-for-presentation ob)))
(setq *presentation-active-menu* (cons id menu-and-actions))
(mapcar 'car menu-and-actions))))))
(defun swank-ioify (thing)
(cond ((keywordp thing) thing)
((and (symbolp thing)(not (find #\: (symbol-name thing))))
(intern (symbol-name thing) 'swank-io-package))
((consp thing) (cons (swank-ioify (car thing))
(swank-ioify (cdr thing))))
(t thing)))
(defun execute-menu-choice-for-presentation-id (id count item)
(let ((ob (lookup-presented-object id)))
(assert (equal id (car *presentation-active-menu*)) ()
"Bug: Execute menu call for id ~a but menu has id ~a"
id (car *presentation-active-menu*))
(let ((action (second (nth (1- count) (cdr *presentation-active-menu*)))))
(swank-ioify (funcall action item ob id)))))
(defgeneric menu-choices-for-presentation (object)
(:method (ob) (declare (ignore ob)) nil)) ; default method
;; Pathname
(defmethod menu-choices-for-presentation ((ob pathname))
(let* ((file-exists (ignore-errors (probe-file ob)))
(lisp-type (make-pathname :type "lisp"))
(source-file (and (not (member (pathname-type ob) '("lisp" "cl")
:test 'equal))
(let ((source (merge-pathnames lisp-type ob)))
(and (ignore-errors (probe-file source))
(fasl-file (and file-exists
(equal (ignore-errors
(merge-pathnames lisp-type ob)))))
(namestring (truename ob))))))
(remove nil
(and (and file-exists (not fasl-file))
(list "Edit this file"
(lambda(choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id))
(ed-in-emacs (namestring (truename object)))
(and file-exists
(list "Dired containing directory"
(lambda (choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id))
(ed-in-emacs (namestring
(make-pathname :name "" :type "")
(and fasl-file
(list "Load this fasl file"
(lambda (choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id object))
(load ob)
(and fasl-file
(list "Delete this fasl file"
(lambda (choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id object))
(let ((nt (namestring (truename ob))))
(when (y-or-n-p-in-emacs "Delete ~a? " nt)
(delete-file nt)))
(and source-file
(list "Edit lisp source file"
(lambda (choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id object))
(ed-in-emacs (namestring (truename source-file)))
(and source-file
(list "Load lisp source file"
(lambda(choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id object))
(load source-file)
(and (next-method-p) (call-next-method))))))
(defmethod menu-choices-for-presentation ((ob function))
(list (list "Disassemble"
(lambda (choice object id)
(declare (ignore choice id))
(disassemble object)))))
(defslimefun inspect-presentation (id reset-p)
(let ((what (lookup-presented-object-or-lose id)))
(when reset-p
(inspect-object what)))
(defslimefun init-presentations ()
;; FIXME: import/use swank-repl to avoid package qualifier.
(setq swank-repl:*send-repl-results-function* 'present-repl-results))
(provide :swank-presentations)