Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
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628 B

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Xah Lee (XahLee.org)
# name: a function that process a file
# key: x-file
# --
(defun doThisFile (fpath)
"Process the file at path FPATH ..."
(let ()
;; create temp buffer without undo record or font lock. (more efficient)
;; first space in temp buff name is necessary
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " myTemp"))
(insert-file-contents fpath nil nil nil t)
;; process it ...
;; (goto-char 0) ; move to begining of file's content (in case it was open)
;; ... do something here
;; (write-file fpath) ;; write back to the file
(kill-buffer " myTemp")))