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;;; ess-sp6-d.el --- S-Plus 6 & 7 & 8 customization
;; Copyright (C) 2001--2005 A.J. Rossini, Richard M. Heiberger, Martin
;; Maechler, Kurt Hornik, Rodney Sparapani, and Stephen Eglen.
;; Author: A.J. Rossini <rossini@u.washington.edu>
;; Created: 2001/02/06
;; Maintainer: ESS Core Team <ESS-core@r-project.org>
;; Keywords: languages
;; This file is part of ESS.
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
;; https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
;;; Commentary:
;; AJR copied S+5 to be S+6.
;; AJR copied S4 to be S+5.
;; DB contributed the changes from ess-sp3-d.el to
;; ess-s4-d.el. (removed the old ugly approach).
;; This file defines Sp5 customizations for ess-mode. Lots of thanks
;; to RMH and JMC for code and suggestions
;; Thanks to MM for making this sensible.
;;; Code:
(require 'ess-mode)
(require 'ess-inf)
(require 'ess-s-lang)
(require 'ess-trns)
;; You now need to make sure you've defined if you are running 5.0 or 5.1.
;; Lots of things are broken between them, GRR...
(defun S+-directory-p (directory)
"Splus 5++ directories have a .Data directory and a __Meta directory within."
(and directory
(file-directory-p (concat directory ".Data"))
(file-directory-p (concat directory ".Data/__Meta"))))
(defvar S+-directory-function #'inferior-ess-default-directory)
(defvaralias 'S+6-setup-directory-function 'S+-setup-directory-function)
(defvar S+-setup-directory-function
(lambda (startdir)
(when (and startdir (S+-directory-p startdir))
(setenv "S_WORK"
(if (getenv "S_WORK")
(concat startdir ":" (getenv "S_WORK"))
;;(message "adding %s to S_WORK" startdir)
(defvaralias 'S+6-customize-alist 'S+-customize-alist)
(defvar S+-customize-alist
'((ess-local-customize-alist . 'S+-customize-alist)
(ess-dialect . S+-dialect-name)
(ess-function-pattern . ess-r-function-pattern)
(ess-object-name-db-file . "ess-sp6-namedb.el")
(inferior-ess-program . inferior-S+-program)
(inferior-ess-help-command . "help(\"%s\", pager=\"slynx -dump\", window=FALSE)\n")
(inferior-ess-search-list-command . "searchPaths()\n")
(ess-directory-function . S+-directory-function)
(ess-setup-directory-function . S+-setup-directory-function)
(ess-STERM . "iESS"))
"Variables to customize for S+.")
(defvar ess-S+-post-run-hook nil
"Functions run in process buffer after the initialization of S+
(defvar ess-S+--injected-code
".ess_funargs <- function(funname){
## funname <- deparse(substitute(object))
fun <- try(eval(parse(text=funname)), silent = TRUE)
if(is.function(fun)) {
special <- grepl('[:$@[]', funname)
args <- args(fun)
fmls <- formals(args)
fmls.names <- names(fmls)
fmls <- gsub('\\\"', '\\\\\\\"', as.character(fmls), fixed = TRUE)
args.alist <- sprintf(\"'(%s)\", paste(\"(\\\"\", fmls.names, \"\\\" . \\\"\", fmls, \"\\\")\", sep = '', collapse = ' '))
## envname <- environmentName(environment(fun))
envname <- if (special) '' else 'S+'
cat(sprintf('(list \\\"%s\\\" %s )\\n', envname, args.alist))
(defalias 'S+6 'S+)
(defun S+ (&optional proc-name)
"Call 'Splus6', based on S version 4, from Bell Labs.
New way to do it."
(format "\n(S+): ess-dialect=%s, buf=%s\n" ess-dialect (current-buffer)))
(let ((inf-buf (inferior-ess nil S+-customize-alist)))
(ess-command ess-S+--injected-code)
(when inferior-ess-language-start
(ess-eval-linewise inferior-ess-language-start))
(with-current-buffer inf-buf
(run-mode-hooks 'ess-S+-post-run-hook))
(defalias 'S+6-mode 'S+-mode)
(defun S+-mode (&optional proc-name)
"Major mode for editing S+ source. See `ess-mode' for more help."
(setq-local ess-local-customize-alist S+-customize-alist)
(if (fboundp 'ess-add-toolbar) (ess-add-toolbar))
(setq imenu-generic-expression ess-imenu-S-generic-expression)
(when ess-imenu-use-S (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu-S")))
(defalias 'S+6-transcript-mode 'S+-transcript-mode)
(define-derived-mode S+-transcript-mode ess-transcript-mode "ESS S Transcript"
"S-PLUS 6 transcript mode."
:syntax-table S-syntax-table
:group 'ess-S)
(defvar ess-s-versions '("Splus")
"List of partial strings for versions of S to access within ESS.
Each string specifies the start of a filename. If a filename
beginning with one of these strings is found on `exec-path', a M-x
command for that version of S is made available. For example, if the
file \"Splus7\" is found and this variable includes the string
\"Splus\", a function called `M-x Splus7' will be available to run that
version of S.
If duplicate versions of the same program are found (which happens if
the same path is listed on `exec-path' more than once), they are
ignored by calling `delete-dups'.
Set this variable to nil to disable searching for other versions
of S using this method.
If you set this variable, you need to restart Emacs (and set this variable
before ess-site is loaded) for it to take effect.")
'ess-s-versions-created 'ess-s-created-runners "ESS 18.10")
(defvar ess-s-created-runners)
(defun ess-s-define-runners ()
"Generate functions for starting other versions of S.
See `ess-s-versions' for strings that determine which functions are created.
It assumes these versions of S can be run as a substitute for Splus6.
This function returns the list of functions, if any, that were
created. The functions will normally be placed on the menubar upon
ESS initialization."
(when ess-s-versions
(let ((versions
(mapcar #'file-name-nondirectory
(apply #'nconc
(mapcar #'ess-find-exec-completions
;; Iterate over each string in VERSIONS, creating a new defun
;; each time.
(setq ess-s-created-runners
(mapc (lambda (v) (ess-define-runner v "S")) versions))
;; Add to menu
(when ess-s-created-runners
;; new-menu will be a list of 3-vectors, of the form:
;; ["R-1.8.1" R-1.8.1 t]
(let ((new-menu (mapcar (lambda (x) (vector x (intern x) t))
(easy-menu-add-item ess-mode-menu '("Start Process")
(cons "Other" new-menu)))))))
;; Define the runners
'ess-s-versions-create 'ess-s-define-runners "ESS 18.10")
; Provide package
(provide 'ess-sp6-d)
;;; ess-sp6-d.el ends here