Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

864 lines
33 KiB

;;; biblio-core.el --- A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Clément Pit-Claudel
;; Author: Clément Pit-Claudel <clement.pitclaudel@live.com>
;; Version: 0.2
;; Package-Version: 20190624.1408
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3") (let-alist "1.0.4") (seq "1.11") (dash "2.12.1"))
;; Keywords: bib, tex, convenience, hypermedia
;; URL: http://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; A framework for browsing bibliographic search results. This is the core
;; package; for user interfaces, see any of `biblio-crossref', `biblio-dblp', `biblio-doi',
;; `biblio-arxiv', `biblio-hal' and `biblio-dissemin', which are part of the `biblio' package.
;;; Code:
(require 'bibtex)
(require 'browse-url)
(require 'hl-line)
(require 'ido)
(require 'json)
(require 'url-queue)
(require 'dash)
(require 'let-alist)
(require 'seq)
(defvar-local biblio--target-buffer nil
"Buffer into which BibTeX entries should be inserted.
This variable is local to each search results buffer.")
(defvar-local biblio--search-terms nil
"Keywords that led to a page of bibliographic search results.")
(defvar-local biblio--backend nil
"Backend that produced a page of bibliographic search results.")
(defgroup biblio nil
"A browser for bibliographic information."
:group 'communication)
(defgroup biblio-core nil
"Core of the biblio package."
:group 'biblio)
(defgroup biblio-faces nil
"Faces of the biblio package."
:group 'biblio)
(defcustom biblio-synchronous nil
"Whether bibliographic queries should be synchronous."
:group 'biblio-core
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom biblio-authors-limit 10
"Maximum number of authors to display per paper."
:group 'biblio-core
:type 'integer)
;;; Compatibility
(defun biblio-alist-get (key alist)
"Copy of Emacs 25's `alist-get', minus default.
Get the value associated to KEY in ALIST, or nil."
(cdr (assq key alist)))
(defun biblio--plist-to-alist (plist)
"Copy of Emacs 25's `json--plist-to-alist'.
Return an alist of the property-value pairs in PLIST."
(let (res)
(while plist
(let ((prop (pop plist))
(val (pop plist)))
(push (cons prop val) res)))
(nreverse res)))
;;; Utilities
(defconst biblio--bibtex-entry-format
(list 'opts-or-alts 'numerical-fields 'page-dashes 'whitespace
'inherit-booktitle 'realign 'last-comma 'delimiters
'unify-case 'braces 'strings 'sort-fields)
"Format to use in `biblio-format-bibtex'.
See `bibtex-entry-format' for details; this list is all
transformations, except errors for missing fields.
Also see `biblio-cleanup-bibtex-function'.")
(defun biblio--cleanup-bibtex-1 (dialect autokey)
"Cleanup BibTeX entry starting at point.
DIALECT is `BibTeX' or `biblatex'. AUTOKEY: see `biblio-format-bibtex'."
(let ((bibtex-entry-format biblio--bibtex-entry-format)
(bibtex-align-at-equal-sign t)
(bibtex-autokey-edit-before-use nil)
(bibtex-autokey-year-title-separator ":"))
;; Use biblatex to allow for e.g. @Online
;; Use BibTeX to allow for e.g. @TechReport
(bibtex-set-dialect dialect t)
(bibtex-clean-entry autokey)))
(defun biblio--cleanup-bibtex (autokey)
"Default value of `biblio-cleanup-bibtex-function'.
AUTOKEY: See biblio-format-bibtex."
(when (search-forward "@data{" nil t)
(replace-match "@misc{")))
(ignore-errors ;; See https://github.com/crosscite/citeproc-doi-server/issues/12
(condition-case _
(biblio--cleanup-bibtex-1 'biblatex autokey)
(error (biblio--cleanup-bibtex-1 'BibTeX autokey)))))
(defcustom biblio-cleanup-bibtex-function
"Function to clean up BibTeX entries.
This function is called in a `bibtex-mode' buffer containing an
unprocessed, potentially invalid BibTeX (or BibLaTeX) entry, and
should clean it up in place. It should take a single argument,
AUTOKEY, indicating whether the entry needs a new key."
:group 'biblio
:type 'function)
(defun biblio-format-bibtex (bibtex &optional autokey)
"Format BIBTEX entry.
With non-nil AUTOKEY, automatically generate a key for BIBTEX."
(insert (biblio-strip bibtex)))
(when (functionp biblio-cleanup-bibtex-function)
(funcall biblio-cleanup-bibtex-function autokey))
(if (fboundp 'font-lock-ensure) (font-lock-ensure)
(with-no-warnings (font-lock-fontify-buffer)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun biblio--beginning-of-response-body ()
"Move point to beginning of response body."
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (re-search-forward "^\n" nil t)
(error "Invalid response from server: %S" (buffer-string))))
(defun biblio-response-as-utf-8 ()
"Extract body of response."
(set-buffer-multibyte t)
(decode-coding-region (point) (point-max) 'utf-8 t))
(defun biblio-decode-url-buffer (coding)
"Decode URL buffer with CODING."
(set-buffer-multibyte t) ;; URL buffer is unibyte
(decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) coding))
(defun biblio--event-error-code (event)
"Extract HTTP error code from EVENT, if any."
(pcase event
(`(:error . (error ,source ,details))
(cons source details))))
(define-error 'biblio--url-error "URL retrieval error."))
(defun biblio--throw-on-unexpected-errors (errors allowed-errors)
"Throw an url-error for any error in ERRORS not in ALLOWED-ERRORS."
(dolist (err errors)
(cond ((eq (car err) 'url-queue-timeout)
(signal 'biblio--url-error 'timeout))
((not (member err allowed-errors))
(signal 'biblio--url-error err)))))
(defun biblio--extract-errors (events)
"Extract errors from EVENTS."
(delq nil (mapcar #'biblio--event-error-code (biblio--plist-to-alist events))))
(defun biblio-generic-url-callback (callback &optional cleanup-function &rest allowed-errors)
"Make an `url'-ready callback from CALLBACK.
CALLBACK is called with no arguments; the buffer containing the
server's response is current at the time of the call, and killed
after the call returns. Call CLEANUP-FUNCTION before checking
for errors. If the request returns one of the errors in
ALLOWED-ERRORS, CALLBACK is instead called with one argument, the
list of allowed errors that occurred instead of a buffer. If the
request returns another error, an exception is raised."
(lambda (events)
(let ((target-buffer (current-buffer)))
(funcall (or cleanup-function #'ignore))
(condition-case err
(-if-let* ((errors (biblio--extract-errors events)))
(biblio--throw-on-unexpected-errors errors allowed-errors)
(funcall callback errors))
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(funcall callback))
(error (message "Error while processing request: %S" err))))
(kill-buffer target-buffer)))))
(defun biblio-url-retrieve (url callback)
"Wrapper around `url-queue-retrieve'.
URL and CALLBACK; see `url-queue-retrieve'"
(message "Fetching %s" url)
(if biblio-synchronous
(with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
(funcall callback nil))
(setq url-queue-timeout 1)
(url-queue-retrieve url callback)))
(defun biblio-strip (str)
"Remove spaces surrounding STR."
(when str
(->> str
(replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" "")
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t\n\r]+" ""))))
(defun biblio-cleanup-doi (doi)
"Cleanup DOI string."
(biblio-strip (replace-regexp-in-string "https?://\\(dx\\.\\)?doi\\.org/" "" doi)))
(defun biblio-remove-empty (strs)
"Remove empty sequences from STRS."
(seq-remove #'seq-empty-p strs))
(defun biblio-join-1 (sep strs)
"Join non-empty elements of STRS with SEP."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((strs (biblio-remove-empty strs)))
(mapconcat #'identity strs sep)))
(defun biblio-join (sep &rest strs)
"Join non-empty elements of STRS with SEP."
(declare (indent 1))
(biblio-join-1 sep strs))
(defmacro biblio--with-text-property (prop value &rest body)
"Set PROP to VALUE on text inserted by BODY."
(declare (indent 2)
(debug t))
(let ((beg-var (make-symbol "beg")))
`(let ((,beg-var (point)))
(put-text-property ,beg-var (point) ,prop ,value))))
(defmacro biblio-with-fontification (face &rest body)
"Apply FACE to text inserted by BODY."
(declare (indent 1)
(debug t))
(let ((beg-var (make-symbol "beg")))
`(let ((,beg-var (point)))
(font-lock-append-text-property ,beg-var (point) 'face ,face))))
;;; Help with major mode
(defsubst biblio--as-list (x)
"Make X a list, if it isn't."
(if (consp x) x (list x)))
(defun biblio--map-keymap (func map)
"Call `map-keymap' on FUNC and MAP, and collect the results."
(let ((out))
(map-keymap (lambda (&rest args) (push (apply func args) out)) map)
(defun biblio--flatten-map (keymap &optional prefix)
"Flatten KEYMAP, prefixing its keys with PREFIX.
This should really be in Emacs core (in Elisp), instead of being
implemented in C (at least for sparse keymaps). Don't run this on
non-sparse keymaps."
((keymapp keymap)
(seq-map (lambda (key-value)
"Add PREFIX to key in KEY-VALUE."
(cons (append prefix (biblio--as-list (car key-value)))
(cdr key-value)))
(delq nil
'list (biblio--map-keymap
(lambda (k v)
"Return a list of bindings in V, prefixed by K."
(biblio--flatten-map v (biblio--as-list k)))
;; This breaks if keymap is a symbol whose function cell is a keymap
((symbolp keymap)
(list (cons prefix keymap))))))
(defun biblio--group-alist (alist)
"Return a copy of ALIST whose keys are lists of keys, grouped by value.
That is, if two key map to `eq' values, they are grouped."
(let ((map (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
(new-alist nil))
(pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,value) alist)
(puthash value (cons key (gethash value map)) map))
(pcase-dolist (`(,_ . ,value) alist)
(-when-let* ((keys (gethash value map)))
(push (cons (nreverse keys) value) new-alist)
(puthash value nil map)))
(nreverse new-alist)))
(defun biblio--quote (str)
"Quote STR and call `substitute-command-keys' on it."
(if str (substitute-command-keys (concat "`" str "'")) ""))
(defun biblio--quote-keys (keys)
"Quote and concatenate keybindings in KEYS."
(mapconcat (lambda (keyseq)
(biblio--quote (ignore-errors (help-key-description keyseq nil))))
keys ", "))
(defun biblio--brief-docs (command)
"Return first line of documentation of COMMAND."
(let ((docs (or (ignore-errors (documentation command t)) "")))
(string-match "\\(.*\\)$" docs)
(match-string-no-properties 1 docs)))
(defun biblio--help-with-major-mode-1 (keyseqs-command)
"Print help on KEYSEQS-COMMAND to standard output."
;; (biblio-with-fontification 'font-lock-function-name-face
(insert (format "%s (%S)\n"
(biblio--quote-keys (car keyseqs-command))
(cdr keyseqs-command)))
(biblio-with-fontification 'font-lock-doc-face
(insert (format " %s\n\n" (biblio--brief-docs (cdr keyseqs-command))))))
(defun biblio--help-with-major-mode ()
"Display help with current major mode."
(let ((buf (format "*%S help*" major-mode)))
(with-help-window buf
(princ (format "Help with %s\n\n" (biblio--quote (symbol-name major-mode))))
(let ((bindings (nreverse
(with-current-buffer buf
(seq-do #'biblio--help-with-major-mode-1 bindings))))
;;; Interaction
(defconst biblio--search-result-marker-regexp "^> "
"Indicator of a search result.")
(defun biblio--selection-move (move-fn search-fn)
"Move using MOVE-FN, then call SEARCH-FN and go to first match."
(let ((target (point)))
(funcall move-fn)
(when (funcall search-fn biblio--search-result-marker-regexp nil t)
(setq target (match-end 0))))
(goto-char target)))
(defun biblio-get-url (metadata)
"Compute a url from METADATA.
Uses .url, and .doi as a fallback."
(let-alist metadata
(if .url .url
(when .doi
(concat "https://doi.org/" (url-encode-url .doi))))))
(defun biblio--selection-browse ()
"Open the web page of the current entry in a web browser."
(-if-let* ((url (biblio-get-url (biblio--selection-metadata-at-point))))
(browse-url url)
(user-error "This record does not contain a URL")))
(defun biblio--selection-browse-direct ()
"Open the full text of the current entry in a web browser."
(-if-let* ((url (biblio-alist-get 'direct-url (biblio--selection-metadata-at-point))))
(browse-url url)
(user-error "This record does not contain a direct URL (try arXiv or HAL)")))
(defun biblio--selection-next ()
"Move to next search result."
(biblio--selection-move #'end-of-line #'re-search-forward))
(defun biblio--selection-first ()
"Move to first search result."
(goto-char (point-min))
(biblio--selection-move #'ignore #'re-search-forward))
(defun biblio--selection-previous ()
"Move to previous search result."
(biblio--selection-move #'beginning-of-line #'re-search-backward))
(defun biblio--selection-copy-callback (bibtex entry)
"Add BIBTEX (from ENTRY) to kill ring."
(kill-new bibtex)
(message "Killed bibtex entry for %S."
(biblio--prepare-title (biblio-alist-get 'title entry))))
(defun biblio--selection-copy ()
"Copy BibTeX of current entry at point."
(biblio--selection-forward-bibtex #'biblio--selection-copy-callback))
(defun biblio--selection-copy-quit ()
"Copy BibTeX of current entry at point and close results."
(biblio--selection-forward-bibtex #'biblio--selection-copy-callback t))
(defun biblio--target-window ()
"Get the window of the source buffer."
(get-buffer-window biblio--target-buffer))
(defun biblio--selection-insert-callback (bibtex entry)
"Add BIBTEX (from ENTRY) to kill ring."
(let ((target-buffer biblio--target-buffer))
(with-selected-window (or (biblio--target-window) (selected-window))
(with-current-buffer target-buffer
(insert bibtex "\n\n"))))
(message "Inserted bibtex entry for %S."
(biblio--prepare-title (biblio-alist-get 'title entry))))
(defun biblio--selection-insert ()
"Insert BibTeX of current entry into source buffer."
(biblio--selection-forward-bibtex #'biblio--selection-insert-callback))
(defun biblio--selection-insert-quit ()
"Insert BibTeX of current entry into source buffer and close results."
(biblio--selection-forward-bibtex #'biblio--selection-insert-callback t))
(defun biblio--selection-metadata-at-point ()
"Return the metadata of the entry at point."
(or (get-text-property (point) 'biblio-metadata)
(user-error "No entry at point")))
(defun biblio--selection-forward-bibtex (forward-to &optional quit)
"Retrieve BibTeX for entry at point and pass it to FORWARD-TO.
If QUIT is set, also kill the results buffer."
(let* ((metadata (biblio--selection-metadata-at-point))
(results-buffer (current-buffer)))
(funcall (biblio-alist-get 'backend metadata)
'forward-bibtex metadata
(lambda (bibtex)
(with-current-buffer results-buffer
(funcall forward-to (biblio-format-bibtex bibtex) metadata))))
(when quit (quit-window)))))
(defun biblio--selection-change-buffer (buffer-name)
"Change buffer in which BibTeX results will be inserted.
BUFFER-NAME is the name of the new target buffer."
(interactive (list (read-buffer "Buffer to insert entries into: ")))
(let ((buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(if (buffer-local-value 'buffer-read-only buffer)
(user-error "%s is read-only" (buffer-name buffer))
(setq biblio--target-buffer buffer))))
(defvar biblio-selection-mode-actions-alist nil
"An alist of extensions for `biblio-selection-mode'.
Each element should be in the for (LABEL . FUNCTION); FUNCTION
will be called with the metadata of the current item.")
(defun biblio--completing-read-function ()
"Return ido, unless user picked another completion package."
(if (eq completing-read-function #'completing-read-default)
(defun biblio-completing-read (prompt collection &optional predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
"Complete using `biblio-completing-read-function'.
HIST, DEF, INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD: see `completing-read'."
(let ((completing-read-function (biblio--completing-read-function)))
(completing-read prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)))
(defun biblio-completing-read-alist (prompt collection &optional predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
"Same as `biblio-completing-read', when COLLECTION in an alist.
Complete with the `car's, and return the `cdr' of the result.
HIST, DEF, INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD: see `completing-read'."
(let ((choices (mapcar #'car collection)))
(cdr (assoc (biblio-completing-read
prompt choices predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
(defun biblio--read-selection-extended-action ()
"Read an action from `biblio-selection-mode-actions-alist'."
"Action: " biblio-selection-mode-actions-alist nil t))
(defun biblio--selection-extended-action (action)
"Run an ACTION with metadata of current entry.
Interactively, query for ACTION from
(interactive (list (biblio--read-selection-extended-action)))
(let* ((metadata (biblio--selection-metadata-at-point)))
(funcall action metadata)))
(defun biblio--selection-help ()
"Show help on local keymap."
(defvar biblio-selection-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "<up>") #'biblio--selection-previous)
(define-key map (kbd "C-p") #'biblio--selection-previous)
(define-key map (kbd "<down>") #'biblio--selection-next)
(define-key map (kbd "C-n") #'biblio--selection-next)
(define-key map (kbd "RET") #'biblio--selection-browse)
(define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") #'biblio--selection-browse-direct)
(define-key map (kbd "C-RET") #'biblio--selection-browse-direct)
(define-key map (kbd "M-w") #'biblio--selection-copy)
(define-key map (kbd "c") #'biblio--selection-copy)
(define-key map (kbd "C-w") #'biblio--selection-copy-quit)
(define-key map (kbd "C") #'biblio--selection-copy-quit)
(define-key map (kbd "i") #'biblio--selection-insert)
(define-key map (kbd "C-y") #'biblio--selection-insert-quit)
(define-key map (kbd "I") #'biblio--selection-insert-quit)
(define-key map (kbd "b") #'biblio--selection-change-buffer)
(define-key map (kbd "x") #'biblio--selection-extended-action)
(define-key map (kbd "?") #'biblio--selection-help)
(define-key map (kbd "h") #'biblio--selection-help)
(define-key map (kbd "q") #'quit-window)
"Keybindings for Bibliographic search results.")
(defconst biblio--selection-mode-name-base "Bibliographic search results")
(defun biblio--selection-mode-name ()
"Compute a modeline string for `biblio-selection-mode'."
(concat biblio--selection-mode-name-base
(if (bufferp biblio--target-buffer)
(format " (→ %s)"
(buffer-name biblio--target-buffer))
(define-derived-mode biblio-selection-mode fundamental-mode biblio--selection-mode-name-base
"Browse bibliographic search results.
(setq-local truncate-lines nil)
(setq-local cursor-type nil)
(setq-local buffer-read-only t)
(setq-local mode-name '(:eval (biblio--selection-mode-name)))
(propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to 0) 'face 'fringe))
(biblio-join " "
"\\[biblio--selection-help]: Help"
"\\[biblio--selection-insert],\\[biblio--selection-insert-quit]: Insert BibTex"
"\\[biblio--selection-copy],\\[biblio--selection-copy-quit]: Copy BibTeX"
"\\[biblio--selection-extended-action]: Extended action"
"\\[biblio--selection-browse]: Open in browser"
"\\[biblio--selection-change-buffer]: Change buffer"))))))
;;; Printing search results
(defun biblio-parenthesize (str)
"Add parentheses to STR, if not empty."
(if (seq-empty-p str) ""
(concat "(" str ")")))
(defun biblio-insert-with-prefix (prefix &rest strs)
"Like INSERT with PREFIX and STRS, but set `wrap-prefix'.
That is, the inserted text gets a `wrap-prefix' made of enough
white space to align with the end of PREFIX."
(declare (indent 1))
(biblio--with-text-property 'wrap-prefix (make-string (length prefix) ?\s)
(apply #'insert prefix strs)))
(defface biblio-detail-header-face
'((t :slant normal))
"Face used for headers of details in `biblio-selection-mode'."
:group 'biblio-faces)
(defun biblio--insert-detail (prefix items newline)
"Insert PREFIX followed by ITEMS, if ITEMS has non-empty entries.
If ITEMS is a list or vector, join its entries with “, ”. If
NEWLINE is non-nil, add a newline before the main text."
(when (or (vectorp items) (listp items))
(setq items (biblio-join-1 ", " items)))
(unless (seq-empty-p items)
(when newline (insert "\n"))
(let ((fontified (propertize prefix 'face 'biblio-detail-header-face)))
(biblio-insert-with-prefix fontified items))))
(defun biblio--nonempty-string-p (str)
"Return STR if STR is non-empty."
(unless (seq-empty-p str)
(defun biblio--cleanup-field (text)
"Cleanup TEXT for presentation to the user."
(when text (biblio-strip (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \r\n\t]+" " " text))))
(defun biblio--prepare-authors (authors)
"Cleanup and join list of AUTHORS."
(let* ((authors (biblio-remove-empty (seq-map #'biblio-strip authors)))
(num-authors (length authors)))
;; Only truncate when significantly above limit
(when (> num-authors (+ 2 biblio-authors-limit))
(let* ((last (nthcdr biblio-authors-limit authors)))
(setcar last (format "… (%d more)" (- num-authors biblio-authors-limit)))
(setcdr last nil)))
(if authors (biblio-join-1 ", " authors)
"(no authors)")))
(defun biblio--prepare-title (title &optional year)
"Cleanup TITLE and add YEAR for presentation to the user."
(concat (or (biblio--nonempty-string-p (biblio--cleanup-field title))
"(no title)")
(if year (format " [%s]" year) "")))
(defun biblio--browse-url (button)
"Open web browser on page pointed to by BUTTON."
(browse-url (button-get button 'target)))
(defun biblio-make-url-button (url &optional label)
"Make a text button pointing to URL.
With non-nil LABEL, use that instead of URL to label the button."
(unless (seq-empty-p url)
(insert-text-button (or label url)
'target url
'follow-link t
'action #'biblio--browse-url)
(defun biblio-insert-result (item &optional no-sep)
"Print a (prepared) bibliographic search result ITEM.
With NO-SEP, do not add space after the record.
This command expects ITEM to be a single alist, in the following format:
((title . \"Title of entry\")
(authors . (\"Author 1\" \"Author 2\" …))
(container . \"Where this was published (which journal, conference, …)\")
(type . \"Type of document (journal paper, proceedings, report, …)\")
(category . \"Category of this document (aka primary topic)\")
(publisher . \"Publisher of this document\")
(references . \"Identifier(s) of this document (DOI, DBLP id, Handle, …)\")
(open-access-status . \"Open access status of this document\")
(url . \"Relevant URL\")
(year . \"Publication year as a string, if available\")
(direct-url . \"Direct URL of paper (typically PDF)\"))
Each of `container', `type', `category', `publisher',
`references', and `open-access-status' may be a list; in that
case, entries of the list are displayed comma-separated. All
entries are optional.
`crossref--extract-interesting-fields' and `dblp--extract-interesting-fields'
provide examples of how to build such a result."
(biblio--with-text-property 'biblio-metadata item
(let-alist item
(biblio-with-fontification 'font-lock-function-name-face
(biblio-insert-with-prefix "> " (biblio--prepare-title .title .year)))
(insert "\n")
(biblio-with-fontification 'font-lock-doc-face
(biblio-insert-with-prefix " " (biblio--prepare-authors .authors)))
(biblio-with-fontification 'font-lock-comment-face
(biblio--insert-detail " In: " .container t)
(biblio--insert-detail " Type: " .type t)
(biblio--insert-detail " Category: " .category t)
(biblio--insert-detail " Publisher: " .publisher t)
(biblio--insert-detail " References: " .references t)
(biblio--insert-detail " Open Access: " .open-access-status t)
(biblio--insert-detail " URL: " (list (biblio-make-url-button .url)
(biblio-make-url-button .direct-url))
(unless no-sep
(insert "\n\n")))))
(defface biblio-results-header-face
'((t :height 1.5 :weight bold :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
"Face used for general search results header in `biblio-selection-mode'."
:group 'biblio-faces)
(defun biblio--search-results-header (&optional loading-p)
"Compute a header for the current `selection-mode' buffer.
With LOADING-P, mention that results are being loaded."
(format "%s search results for %s%s"
(funcall biblio--backend 'name)
(biblio--quote biblio--search-terms)
(if loading-p " (loading…)" "")))
(defun biblio--make-results-buffer (target-buffer search-terms backend)
"Set up the results buffer for TARGET-BUFFER, SEARCH-TERMS and BACKEND."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create
(format "*%s search*" (funcall backend 'name)))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(setq biblio--target-buffer target-buffer)
(setq biblio--search-terms search-terms)
(setq biblio--backend backend)
(biblio--insert-header (biblio--search-results-header t))
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(defun biblio--insert-header (header)
"Prettify and insert HEADER in current buffer."
(when header
(biblio--with-text-property 'line-spacing 0.5
(biblio--with-text-property 'line-height 1.75
(biblio-with-fontification 'biblio-results-header-face
(insert header "\n"))))))
(defun biblio-insert-results (items &optional header)
"Populate current buffer with ITEMS and HEADER, then display it."
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(biblio--insert-header header)
(seq-do #'biblio-insert-result items))
(pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
(defun biblio--tag-backend (backend items)
"Add (backend . BACKEND) to each alist in ITEMS."
(seq-map (lambda (i) (cons `(backend . ,backend) i)) items))
(defun biblio--callback (results-buffer backend)
"Generate a search results callback for RESULTS-BUFFER.
Results are parsed with (BACKEND 'parse-buffer)."
(lambda () ;; no allowed errors, so no arguments
"Parse results of bibliographic search."
(let ((results (biblio--tag-backend backend (funcall backend 'parse-buffer))))
(with-current-buffer results-buffer
(biblio-insert-results results (biblio--search-results-header)))
(message "Tip: learn to browse results with `h'")))))
;;; Searching
(defvar biblio--search-history nil)
(defvar biblio-backends nil
"List of biblio backends.
This list is generally populated through `biblio-init-hook',
which is called by `biblio-collect-backends'.
Each backend is a function that take a variable number of
arguments. The first argument is a command; the rest are
arguments to this specific command. The command is one of the
`name': (no arguments) The name of the backend, displayed when picking a
backend from a list.
`prompt': (no arguments) The string used when querying the user for a search
term to feed this backend.
`url': (one argument, QUERY) Create a URL to query the backend's API.
`parse-buffer': (no arguments) Parse the contents of the current
buffer and return a list of results. At the time of the call,
the current buffer contains the results of querying a url
returned by (THIS-BACKEND `url' QUERY). The format of individual
results is described in the docstring of `biblio-insert-result').
`forward-bibtex': (two arguments, METADATA and FORWARD-TO)
Produce a BibTeX record from METADATA (one of the elements of the
list produced by `parse-buffer') and call FORWARD-TO on it.
For examples of backends, see one of `biblio-crossref-backend',
`biblio-dblp-backend', `biblio-arxiv-backend', etc.
To register your backend automatically, you may want to add a
`register' command:
`register': Add the current backend to `biblio-backends'.
Something like (add-to-list \\='biblio-backends \\='THIS-BACKEND).
Then it's enough to add your backend to `biblio-init-hook':
\(add-hook \\='biblio-init-hook \\='YOUR-BACKEND-HERE).")
(defvar biblio-init-hook nil
"Hook run before every search.
Each function is called with one argument, `register'. This
makes it possible to register backends by adding them directly to
this hook, and making them react to `register' by adding
themselves to biblio-backends.")
(defun biblio-collect-backends ()
"Populate `biblio-backends' and return that."
(run-hook-with-args 'biblio-init-hook 'register)
(defun biblio--named-backends ()
"Collect an alist of (NAME . BACKEND)."
(seq-map (lambda (b) (cons (funcall b 'name) b)) (biblio-collect-backends)))
(defun biblio--read-backend ()
"Run `biblio-init-hook', then read a backend from `biblio-backend'."
(biblio-completing-read-alist "Backend: " (biblio--named-backends) nil t))
(defun biblio--read-query (backend)
"Interactively read a query.
Get prompt string from BACKEND."
(let* ((prompt (funcall backend 'prompt)))
(read-string prompt nil 'biblio--search-history)))
(defun biblio--lookup-1 (backend query)
"Just like `biblio-lookup' on BACKEND and QUERY, but never prompt."
(let ((results-buffer (biblio--make-results-buffer (current-buffer) query backend)))
(funcall backend 'url query)
(biblio--callback results-buffer backend))
(defun biblio-lookup (&optional backend query)
"Perform a search using BACKEND, and QUERY.
Prompt for any missing or nil arguments. BACKEND should be a
function obeying the interface described in the docstring of
`biblio-backends'. Returns the buffer in which results will be
(unless backend (setq backend (biblio--read-backend)))
(unless query (setq query (biblio--read-query backend)))
(biblio--lookup-1 backend query))
(defun biblio-kill-buffers ()
"Kill all `biblio-selection-mode' buffers."
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(when (and (buffer-live-p buf)
(eq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buf)
(kill-buffer buf))))
;; Local Variables:
;; nameless-current-name: "biblio"
;; checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag: nil
;; End:
(provide 'biblio-core)
;;; biblio-core.el ends here