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;;; org-ref-helm-bibtex.el --- Customization of helm-bibtex for org-ref -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016 John Kitchin
;; Author: John Kitchin <jkitchin@andrew.cmu.edu>
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file defines the completion engine for org-ref using `helm-bibtex'.
(declare-function 'org-ref-find-bibliography "org-ref-core.el")
(declare-function 'org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file "org-ref-core.el")
(defvar org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function)
(defvar org-ref-default-citation-link)
(defvar org-ref-cite-types)
(defvar org-ref-insert-link-function)
(defvar org-ref-insert-cite-function)
(defvar org-ref-insert-label-function)
(defvar org-ref-insert-ref-function)
(defvar org-ref-cite-onclick-function)
(defvar org-ref-insert-cite-key)
;;; Code:
(require 'helm-config)
(require 'helm)
(require 'helm-bibtex)
(require 'helm-utils)
(require 'org-ref-helm)
(require 'async)
(require 'package)
(defun org-ref-bibtex-completion-completion ()
"Use helm and ‘helm-bibtex’ for completion."
;; Define core functions for org-ref
(setq org-ref-insert-link-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link
org-ref-insert-cite-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link
org-ref-insert-label-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-label-link
org-ref-insert-ref-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-ref-link
org-ref-cite-onclick-function 'org-ref-cite-click-helm))
(define-key org-mode-map
(kbd org-ref-insert-cite-key)
(defcustom org-ref-bibtex-completion-actions
'(("Insert citation" . helm-bibtex-insert-citation)
("Open PDF, URL or DOI" . helm-bibtex-open-any)
("Open URL or DOI in browser" . helm-bibtex-open-url-or-doi)
("Insert reference" . helm-bibtex-insert-reference)
("Insert BibTeX key" . helm-bibtex-insert-key)
("Insert BibTeX entry" . helm-bibtex-insert-bibtex)
("Insert formatted citation(s)" . (lambda (_)
(mapconcat 'identity
(cl-loop for key in (helm-marked-candidates)
collect (org-ref-format-entry key))
("Attach PDF to email" . helm-bibtex-add-PDF-attachment)
("Edit notes" . helm-bibtex-edit-notes)
("Show entry" . helm-bibtex-show-entry)
("Add keywords to entries" . org-ref-helm-tag-entries)
("Copy entry to clipboard" . bibtex-completion-copy-candidate)
("Add PDF to library" . helm-bibtex-add-pdf-to-library))
"Cons cells of string and function to set the actions of `helm-bibtex' to.
The car of cons cell is the string describing the function.
The cdr of the the cons cell is the function to use."
:type '(alist :key-type (string) :value-type (function))
:group 'org-ref)
(cl-loop for i from 0 to (length org-ref-bibtex-completion-actions)
for ccell in org-ref-bibtex-completion-actions
(helm-delete-action-from-source (car ccell) helm-source-bibtex)
(car ccell)
(cdr ccell)
(defcustom org-ref-bibtex-completion-format-org
"Function for how `helm-bibtex' inserts citations."
:type 'function
:group 'org-ref)
(setf (cdr (assoc 'org-mode bibtex-completion-format-citation-functions))
(setq org-ref-insert-cite-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link
org-ref-cite-onclick-function 'org-ref-cite-click-helm)
;;* Helm bibtex setup.
(setq bibtex-completion-additional-search-fields '(keywords))
(setq bibtex-completion-display-formats
'((t . "${author:36} ${title:*} ${year:4} ${=has-pdf=:1}${=has-note=:1} ${=type=:7} ${keywords:31}")))
(defun bibtex-completion-copy-candidate (_candidate)
"Copy the selected bibtex entries to the clipboard.
Used as a new action in `helm-bibtex'.
CANDIDATE is ignored."
(mapc #'insert-file-contents
(-flatten (list bibtex-completion-bibliography)))
(let ((entries '()))
(cl-loop for bibtex-key in (helm-marked-candidates)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward (concat "^@\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier
(regexp-quote bibtex-key)
(cl-pushnew (buffer-substring
(dolist (entry entries)
(insert (format "%s\n\n" entry)))
(kill-new (buffer-string))))))
(defun org-ref-helm-tag-entries (_candidates)
"Set tags on selected bibtex entries from `helm-bibtex'.
User is prompted for tags. This function is called from `helm-bibtex'.
Argument CANDIDATES helm candidates."
(message "")
(let* ((keys (helm-marked-candidates))
(entry (bibtex-completion-get-entry (car keys)))
(field (cdr (assoc-string "keywords" entry)))
(value (when field (replace-regexp-in-string "^{\\|}$" "" field)))
(keywords (read-string "Keywords (comma separated): "
(when (and value (not (equal "" value)))
(concat value ", ")))))
(cl-loop for key in keys
(bibtex-completion-show-entry (list key))
;; delete keyword field if empty
(if (equal "" keywords)
(goto-char (car (cdr (bibtex-search-forward-field "keywords" t))))
(if (listp keywords)
(if (string-match value keywords)
(and (replace-match "")
(mapconcat 'identity keywords ", "))
(mapconcat 'identity keywords ", "))
;; remove trailing comma
(replace-regexp-in-string ", $" "" keywords)))))
(defun org-ref-bibtex-completion-format-org (keys)
"Insert selected KEYS as cite link.
Append KEYS if you are on a link.
Technically, this function should return a string that is
inserted by helm. This function does the insertion and gives helm
an empty string to insert. This lets us handle appending to a
link properly.
In the `helm-bibtex' buffer, \\[universal-argument] will give you a helm menu to
select a new link type for the selected entries.
A double \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] will
change the key at point to the selected keys."
(let* ((object (org-element-context))
(last-char (save-excursion
(when (org-element-property :end object)
(goto-char (org-element-property :end object))
(unless (bobp)
(if (looking-at " ")
" "
;; case where we are in a link
((and (equal (org-element-type object) 'link)
(org-element-property :type object)))
;; no prefix. insert or append keys
((equal helm-current-prefix-arg nil)
;; point after :
((looking-back ":" (- (point) 2))
(insert (concat (mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ",")))
;; point on :
((looking-at ":")
(insert (concat (mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ",")))
;; point on the cite type
((-contains? org-ref-cite-types (thing-at-point 'word))
(re-search-forward ":")
(insert (concat (mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ",")))
;; after ,
((looking-back "," (- (point) 2))
(insert (concat (mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ",")))
;; on comma
((looking-at ",")
(insert (concat (mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ",")))
;; somewhere in the middle or end
;; goto next comma or end
(org-element-property :end object) 'mv)
(skip-chars-backward " ")
(skip-chars-backward "]")
(unless (looking-at ",") (insert ","))
(insert (mapconcat 'identity keys ",")))))
;; double prefix, replace key at point
((equal helm-current-prefix-arg '(16))
(setf (buffer-substring
(org-element-property :begin object)
(org-element-property :end object))
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)) ; key
(mapconcat 'identity keys ",") ; new keys
(org-element-property :raw-link object))
;; replace space at end to avoid collapsing into next word.
;; and we want to go to the end of the new link
(org-element-property :end (org-element-context))))
(message "Not found"))))
;; We are next to a link, and we want to append
;; next to a link means one character back is on a link.
(unless (bobp) (backward-char))
(and (equal (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'link)
(org-element-property :type (org-element-context)))))
(skip-chars-backward " ")
(insert (concat "," (mapconcat 'identity keys ","))))
;; insert fresh link
(when org-ref-prefer-bracket-links "[[")
(if (equal helm-current-prefix-arg '(4))
(helm :sources `((name . "link types")
(candidates . ,org-ref-cite-types)
(action . (lambda (x) x))))
(s-join "," keys)
(when org-ref-prefer-bracket-links "]]"))))))
;; return empty string for helm
(defun org-ref-format-citation (keys)
"Formatter for org-ref citation commands.
Prompt for the command and additional arguments if the commands can
take any. If point is inside a citation link, append KEYS. Otherwise
prompt for pre/post text. Prompts can also be switched off by setting
the variable `bibtex-completion-cite-prompt-for-optional-arguments' to
nil. To enable this formatter, add it to
`bibtex-completion-format-citation-functions'. For example:
\(setf (cdr (assoc 'org-mode bibtex-completion-format-citation-functions)) 'org-ref-format-citation)
Note also that pre text is preceded by a double colon, for example:
\[[cite:key][See::Chapter 1]], which exports to:
\\cite[See][Chapter 1]{key}."
;; Check if point is inside a cite link
(let ((link (org-element-context))
end path)
(if (-contains? org-ref-cite-types (org-element-property :type link))
(setq end (org-element-property :end link)
path (org-element-property :path link))
(goto-char end)
(skip-chars-backward " ")
;; Check if link has pre/post text
(if (looking-back "\]" (line-beginning-position))
(re-search-backward path nil t)
(re-search-forward "\]" nil t)
(backward-char 1)
(format ",%s" (s-join "," keys))))
(format ",%s" (s-join "," keys)))
(let* ((initial (when bibtex-completion-cite-default-as-initial-input bibtex-completion-cite-default-command))
(unless bibtex-completion-cite-default-as-initial-input bibtex-completion-cite-default-command))
(if default (format " (default \"%s\")" default) ""))
(completing-read (format "Cite command%s: " default-info)
bibtex-completion-cite-commands nil nil initial
'bibtex-completion-cite-command-history default nil)))
(if (member cite-command '("nocite" "supercite")) ; These don't want arguments.
(format "%s:%s" cite-command (s-join "," keys))
(let ((text (if bibtex-completion-cite-prompt-for-optional-arguments
(read-from-minibuffer "Pre/post text: ")
(if (string= "" text)
(format "%s:%s" cite-command (s-join "," keys))
(format "[[%s:%s][%s]]" cite-command (s-join "," keys) text))))))))
(defvar bibtex-completion-cached-candidates)
(defvar bibtex-completion-bibliography-hash)
(defun org-ref-helm-load-completions-async ()
"Load the bibtex files into helm sources asynchronously.
For large bibtex files, the initial call to ‘org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link’
can take a long time to load the completion sources. This function loads
the completion sources in the background so the initial call to ‘org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link’ is much faster."
`(lambda (&optional formatter)
(require 'package)
(require 'helm-bibtex)
,(async-inject-variables "bibtex-compl.*")
(mapc #'insert-file-contents
(-flatten (list bibtex-completion-bibliography)))
;; Check hash of bibliography and reparse if necessary:
(let ((bibliography-hash (secure-hash 'sha256 (current-buffer))))
(unless (and bibtex-completion-cached-candidates
(string= bibtex-completion-bibliography-hash bibliography-hash))
(message "Loading bibliography ...")
(let* ((entries (bibtex-completion-parse-bibliography))
(entries (bibtex-completion-resolve-crossrefs entries))
(entries (bibtex-completion-prepare-entries entries))
(entries (nreverse entries))
(--map (cons (bibtex-completion-clean-string
(s-join " " (-map #'cdr it))) it)
(setq bibtex-completion-cached-candidates
(if (functionp formatter)
(funcall formatter entries)
(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography-hash bibliography-hash))
(cons bibliography-hash bibtex-completion-cached-candidates))))
(lambda (result)
(setq bibtex-completion-cached-candidates (cdr result))
(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography-hash (car result))
(message "Finished loading org-ref completions"))))
(defun org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link (&optional arg)
"Insert a citation link with `helm-bibtex'.
With one prefix ARG, insert a ref link.
With two prefix ARGs, insert a label link."
(interactive "P")
;; save all bibtex buffers so we get the most up-to-date selection. I find
;; that I often edit a bibliography and forget to save it, so the newest entry
;; does not show in helm-bibtex.
((equal arg nil)
(let ((bibtex-completion-bibliography (org-ref-find-bibliography)))
((equal arg '(4))
((equal arg '(16))
;; add our own fallback entries where we want them. These appear in reverse
;; order of adding in the menu
(setq bibtex-completion-fallback-options
(-insert-at 1 '("Crossref" . "http://search.crossref.org/?q=%s") bibtex-completion-fallback-options))
(setq bibtex-completion-fallback-options
'("Scopus" . "http://www.scopus.com/scopus/search/submit/xadvanced.url?searchfield=TITLE-ABS-KEY(%s)")
(setq bibtex-completion-fallback-options
(-insert-at 1 '("WOS" . "http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?topic=%s&GWVersion=2&SrcApp=WEB&SrcAuth=HSB&DestApp=UA&DestLinkType=GeneralSearchSummary") bibtex-completion-fallback-options))
(defun org-ref-cite-candidates ()
"Generate the list of possible candidates for click actions on a cite link.
Checks for pdf and doi, and add appropriate functions."
(let* ((results (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file))
(key (car results))
(bibfile (cdr results))
(bibtex-completion-bibliography (list bibfile))
(entry (bibtex-completion-get-entry key))
(pdf-file (funcall org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function key))
(pdf-bibtex-completion (car (bibtex-completion-find-pdf key)))
(notes-p (cdr (assoc "=has-note=" entry)))
(url (save-excursion
(insert-file-contents bibfile)
(bibtex-set-dialect (parsebib-find-bibtex-dialect) t)
(bibtex-search-entry key)
(bibtex-autokey-get-field "url"))))
(doi (save-excursion
(insert-file-contents bibfile)
(bibtex-set-dialect (parsebib-find-bibtex-dialect) t)
(bibtex-search-entry key)
;; I like this better than bibtex-url which does not always find
;; the urls
(bibtex-autokey-get-field "doi"))))
(candidates `(("Quit" . org-ref-citation-at-point)
("Open bibtex entry" . org-ref-open-citation-at-point))))
;; for some reason, when there is no doi or url, they are returned as "". I
;; prefer nil so we correct this here.
(when (string= doi "") (setq doi nil))
(when (string= url "") (setq url nil))
;; Conditional pdf functions
;; try with org-ref first
(cond ((file-exists-p pdf-file)
'("Open pdf" . (lambda ()
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function)))
;; try with bibtex-completion
'("Open pdf" . (lambda ()
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function)))
;; try with doi
'("Try to get pdf" . (lambda ()
(if notes-p
'("Open notes" . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
'("Add notes" . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
;; conditional url and doi functions
(when (or url doi)
'("Open in browser" . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(when doi
(mapc (lambda (x)
(cl-pushnew x candidates))
`(("WOS" . org-ref-wos-at-point)
("Related articles in WOS" . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
("Citing articles in WOS" . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
("Google Scholar" . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
("Pubmed" . org-ref-pubmed-at-point)
("Crossref" . org-ref-crossref-at-point))))
'("Insert new citation" . (lambda ()
(org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link nil)))
'("Delete key at point" . org-ref-delete-key-at-point)
;; This is kind of clunky. We store the key at point. Add the new ref. Get
;; it off the end, and put it in the original position.
'("Replace key at point" . org-ref-replace-key-at-point)
'("Delete citation at point" . org-ref-delete-cite-at-point)
(when bibtex-completion-cite-prompt-for-optional-arguments
'("Update pre/post text" . org-ref-update-pre-post-text)
'("Sort keys by year" . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
'("Copy formatted citation to clipboard" . org-ref-copy-cite-as-summary)
'("Copy key to clipboard" . (lambda ()
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))))
'("Copy bibtex entry to file" . org-ref-copy-entry-at-point-to-file)
'("Email bibtex entry and pdf" . (lambda ()
;; add Scopus functions. These work by looking up a DOI to get a Scopus
;; EID. This may only work for Scopus articles. Not all DOIs are recognized
;; in the Scopus API. We only load these if you have defined a
;; `*scopus-api-key*', which is required to do the API queries. See
;; `scopus'. These functions are appended to the candidate list.
(when (and (boundp '*scopus-api-key*) *scopus-api-key*)
'("Open in Scopus" . (lambda ()
(let ((eid (scopus-doi-to-eid (org-ref-get-doi-at-point))))
(if eid
(scopus-open-eid eid)
(message "No EID found.")))))
'("Scopus citing articles" . (lambda ()
(let ((url (scopus-citing-url
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "No url found.")))))
'("Scopus related by authors" . (lambda ()
(let ((url (scopus-related-by-author-url
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "No url found.")))))
'("Scopus related by references" . (lambda ()
(let ((url (scopus-related-by-references-url
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "No url found.")))))
'("Scopus related by keywords" . (lambda ()
(let ((url (scopus-related-by-keyword-url
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "No url found.")))))
;; finally return a numbered list of the candidates
(cl-loop for i from 0
for cell in (reverse candidates)
collect (cons (format "%2s. %s" i (car cell))
(cdr cell)))))
(defvar org-ref-helm-user-candidates '()
"List of user-defined candidates to act when clicking on a cite link.
This is a list of cons cells '((\"description\" . action)). The
action function should not take an argument, and should assume
point is on the cite key of interest.")
;; example of adding your own function
'("Open pdf in emacs" . (lambda ()
(file-name-as-directory org-ref-pdf-directory)
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file))
(defun org-ref-cite-click-helm (_key)
"Open helm for actions on a cite link.
subtle points.
1. get name and candidates before entering helm because we need
the org-buffer.
2. switch back to the org buffer before evaluating the
action. most of them need the point and buffer.
KEY is returned for the selected item(s) in helm."
(let ((name (org-ref-format-entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor)))
(candidates (org-ref-cite-candidates))
(cb (current-buffer)))
(helm :sources `(((name . ,name)
(candidates . ,candidates)
(action . (lambda (f)
(switch-to-buffer ,cb)
(funcall f))))
((name . "User functions")
(candidates . ,org-ref-helm-user-candidates)
(action . (lambda (f)
(switch-to-buffer ,cb)
(funcall f))))))))
;; browse labels
(defun org-ref-browser-label-source ()
(let ((labels (org-ref-get-labels)))
(helm-build-sync-source "Browse labels"
:follow 1
:candidates labels
:action '(("Browse labels" . (lambda (label)
(with-selected-window (selected-window)
(format "ref:%s" label)))))))))
;; browse citation links
(defun org-ref-browser-transformer (candidates)
"Add counter to candidates."
(let ((counter 0))
(cl-loop for i in candidates
collect (format "%s %s" (cl-incf counter) i))))
(defun org-ref-browser-display (candidate)
"Strip counter from candidates."
(replace-regexp-in-string "^[0-9]+? " "" candidate))
(defun org-ref-browser (&optional arg)
"Quickly browse label links in helm.
With a prefix ARG, browse citation links."
(interactive "P")
(if arg
(let ((keys nil)
(alist nil))
(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
(lambda (link)
(let ((plist (nth 1 link)))
(when (-contains? org-ref-cite-types (plist-get plist ':type))
(let ((start (org-element-property :begin link)))
(dolist (key
(org-ref-split-and-strip-string (plist-get plist ':path)))
(setq keys (append keys (list key)))
(setq alist (append alist (list (cons key start))))))))))
(let ((counter 0)
;; the idea here is to create an alist with ("counter key" .
;; position) to produce unique candidates
(setq count-key-pos (mapcar (lambda (x)
(format "%s %s" (cl-incf counter) (car x)) (cdr x)))
;; push mark to restore position with C-u C-SPC
(push-mark (point))
;; move point to the first citation link in the buffer
(goto-char (cdr (assoc (caar alist) alist)))
(helm :sources
(helm-build-sync-source "Browse citation links"
:follow 1
:candidates keys
:candidate-transformer 'org-ref-browser-transformer
:real-to-display 'org-ref-browser-display
:persistent-action (lambda (candidate)
(cdr (assoc candidate count-key-pos))))
:action `(("Open menu" . ,(lambda (candidate)
(cdr (assoc candidate count-key-pos)))
:candidate-number-limit 10000
:buffer "*helm browser*")))
(helm :sources (org-ref-browser-label-source)
:buffer "*helm labels*")))
(provide 'org-ref-helm-bibtex)
;;; org-ref-helm-bibtex.el ends here