Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
2.0 KiB

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: sh-ow <sh-ow@users.noreply.github.com>
# name: commentblock
# key: cob
# --
${1:$(let* ((col (current-column))
(str "")
(lastcom (substring (yas-trimmed-comment-start) -1))
(start (yas-trimmed-comment-start))
(end (yas-trimmed-comment-end))
(over (- (+ (string-width yas-text) (length start) (length end) col) 77)))
(while (< (length str) (+ (- 79 (length start) (length end) col) (if (> over 0) over 0)))
(setq str (concat str lastcom)))
(concat start str end))}
${1:$(let* ((col (current-column))
(str "")
(start (yas-trimmed-comment-start))
(end (yas-trimmed-comment-end)))
(while (< (length str) (ffloor (/ (- 78.0 (+ col (length start) (string-width yas-text) (length end))) 2.0)))
(setq str (concat str " ")))
(concat start str))} ${1:comment} ${1:$(let* ((col (current-column))
(str "")
(start (yas-trimmed-comment-start))
(end (yas-trimmed-comment-end)))
(while (< (length str) (- 79.0 (if (eq (mod (string-width yas-text) 2) 1) (- col 1) col) (length end)))
(setq str (concat str " ")))
(concat str end))}
${1:$(let* ((col (current-column))
(str "")
(lastcom (substring (yas-trimmed-comment-start) -1))
(start (yas-trimmed-comment-start))
(end (yas-trimmed-comment-end))
(over (- (+ (string-width yas-text) (length start) (length end) col) 77)))
(while (< (length str) (+ (- 79 (length start) (length end) col) (if (> over 0) over 0)))
(setq str (concat str lastcom)))
(concat start str end))}$0