Arrows
|
|
BangPatterns
|
|
Bool
|
|
Bounded
|
|
|
|
Char
|
|
Complex
|
|
ConstrainedClassMethods
|
|
Control.Applicative
|
|
Control.Arrow
|
|
Control.Category
|
|
Control.Concurrent
|
|
Control.Concurrent.MVar
|
|
Control.Concurrent.QSem
|
|
Control.Concurrent.QSemN
|
|
Control.Concurrent.STM
|
|
Control.Concurrent.STM.TArray
|
|
Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
|
|
Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
|
|
Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
|
|
Control.Concurrent.SampleVar
|
|
Control.Exception
|
|
Control.Exception.Base
|
|
Control.Monad
|
|
Control.Monad.Cont
|
|
Control.Monad.Cont.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.Error
|
|
Control.Monad.Error.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.Fix
|
|
Control.Monad.Identity
|
|
Control.Monad.Instances
|
|
Control.Monad.List
|
|
Control.Monad.RWS
|
|
Control.Monad.RWS.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
|
|
Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
|
|
Control.Monad.Reader
|
|
Control.Monad.Reader.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.ST
|
|
Control.Monad.ST.Lazy
|
|
Control.Monad.ST.Strict
|
|
Control.Monad.STM
|
|
Control.Monad.State
|
|
Control.Monad.State.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.State.Lazy
|
|
Control.Monad.State.Strict
|
|
Control.Monad.Trans
|
|
Control.Monad.Writer
|
|
Control.Monad.Writer.Class
|
|
Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
|
|
Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
|
|
Control.OldException
|
|
Control.Parallel
|
|
Control.Parallel.Strategies
|
|
|
|
Data.Array
|
|
Data.Array.Diff
|
|
Data.Array.IArray
|
|
Data.Array.IO
|
|
Data.Array.IO.Internals
|
|
Data.Array.MArray
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Arr
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Base
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Int
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Lifted
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.PArray
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Prelude
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Prelude.Double
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Stream
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Unlifted
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Unlifted.Distributed
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Unlifted.Paralell
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Unlifted.Sqeuential
|
|
Data.Array.Paralell.Word8
|
|
Data.Array.ST
|
|
Data.Array.Storable
|
|
Data.Array.Unboxed
|
|
Data.Bits
|
|
Data.Bool
|
|
Data.ByteString
|
|
Data.ByteString.Char8
|
|
Data.ByteString.Fusion
|
|
Data.ByteString.Internal
|
|
Data.ByteString.Lazy
|
|
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
|
|
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Fusion
|
|
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal
|
|
Data.ByteString.Unsafe
|
|
Data.Char
|
|
Data.Complex
|
|
Data.Data
|
|
Data.Dynamic
|
|
Data.Either
|
|
Data.Eq
|
|
Data.Fixed
|
|
Data.Foldable
|
|
Data.Function
|
|
Data.Generics
|
|
Data.Generics.Aliases
|
|
Data.Generics.Basics
|
|
Data.Generics.Instances
|
|
Data.Generics.Schemes
|
|
Data.Generics.Text
|
|
Data.Generics.Twins
|
|
Data.Graph
|
|
Data.HashTable
|
|
Data.IORef
|
|
Data.Int
|
|
Data.IntMap
|
|
Data.IntSet
|
|
Data.Ix
|
|
Data.List
|
|
Data.Map
|
|
Data.Maybe
|
|
Data.Monoid
|
|
Data.Ord
|
|
Data.Ratio
|
|
Data.STRef
|
|
Data.STRef.Lazy
|
|
Data.STRef.Strict
|
|
Data.Sequence
|
|
Data.Set
|
|
Data.String
|
|
Data.Time
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar.Easter
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar.Julian
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
|
|
Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
|
|
Data.Time.Clock
|
|
Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
|
|
Data.Time.Clock.TAI
|
|
Data.Time.Format
|
|
Data.Time.LocalTime
|
|
Data.Traversable
|
|
Data.Tree
|
|
Data.Tuple
|
|
Data.Typeable
|
|
Data.Unique
|
|
Data.Version
|
|
Data.Word
|
|
Debug.Trace
|
|
DeriveDataTypeable
|
|
DisambiguateRecordFields
|
|
Distribution.Compat.ReadP
|
|
Distribution.Compiler
|
|
Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
|
|
Distribution.License
|
|
Distribution.Make
|
|
Distribution.ModuleName
|
|
Distribution.Package
|
|
Distribution.PackageDescription
|
|
Distribution.PackageDescription.Check
|
|
Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
|
|
Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
|
|
Distribution.ParseUtils
|
|
Distribution.ReadE
|
|
Distribution.Simple
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Build
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule
|
|
Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Command
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Compiler
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Configure
|
|
Distribution.Simple.GHC
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Haddock
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Hugs
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Install
|
|
Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
|
|
Distribution.Simple.JHC
|
|
Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
|
|
Distribution.Simple.NHC
|
|
Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
|
|
Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
|
|
Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Program
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Register
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Setup
|
|
Distribution.Simple.SrcDist
|
|
Distribution.Simple.UserHooks
|
|
Distribution.Simple.Utils
|
|
Distribution.System
|
|
Distribution.Text
|
|
Distribution.Verbosity
|
|
Distribution.Version
|
|
Double
|
|
|
|
Either
|
|
EmptyDataDecls
|
|
Enum
|
|
Eq
|
|
ExistentialQuantification
|
|
ExtendedDefaultRules
|
|
False
|
|
FilePath
|
|
FlexibleContexts
|
|
FlexibleInstances
|
|
Float
|
|
Floating
|
|
Foreign
|
|
Foreign.C
|
|
Foreign.C.Error
|
|
Foreign.C.String
|
|
Foreign.C.Types
|
|
Foreign.Concurrent
|
|
Foreign.ForeignPtr
|
|
Foreign.Marshal
|
|
Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
|
|
Foreign.Marshal.Array
|
|
Foreign.Marshal.Error
|
|
Foreign.Marshal.Pool
|
|
Foreign.Marshal.Utils
|
|
Foreign.Ptr
|
|
Foreign.StablePtr
|
|
Foreign.Storable
|
|
ForeignFunctionInterface
|
|
Fractional
|
|
FunctionnalDependencies
|
|
Functor
|
|
|
|
|
|
GHC.Bool
|
|
GHC.Conc
|
|
GHC.ConsoleHandler
|
|
GHC.Desugar
|
|
GHC.Environment
|
|
|
|
GHC.Exts
|
|
GHC.Generics
|
|
GHC.Handle
|
|
GHC.Ordering
|
|
|
|
GHC.Prim
|
|
GHC.PrimopWrappers
|
|
GHC.Tuple
|
|
GHC.Types
|
|
GHC.Unicode
|
|
GHC.Unit
|
|
|
|
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
|
|
Generics
|
|
|
|
|
|
|
|
IOError
|
|
IOException
|
|
ImplicitParams
|
|
ImplicitPrelude
|
|
ImpredicativeTypes
|
|
IncoherentInstances
|
|
Int
|
|
Integer
|
|
Integral
|
|
Just
|
|
KindSignatures
|
|
|
|
|
|
|
|
Language.Haskell.Extension
|
|
Language.Haskell.Lexer
|
|
Language.Haskell.ParseMonad
|
|
Language.Haskell.ParseUtils
|
|
Language.Haskell.Parser
|
|
Language.Haskell.Pretty
|
|
Language.Haskell.Syntax
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
|
|
Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
|
|
Left
|
|
LiberalTypeSynonyms
|
|
MagicHash
|
|
Maybe
|
|
Monad
|
|
MonoPatBinds
|
|
MonomorphismRestriction
|
|
MultiParamTypeClasses
|
|
|
|
NamedFieldPuns
|
|
Network
|
|
Network.BSD
|
|
Network.Socket
|
|
Network.URI
|
|
NewQualifiedOperators
|
|
NoArrows
|
|
NoBangPatterns
|
|
|
|
NoConstrainedClassMethods
|
|
NoDeriveDataTypeable
|
|
NoDisambiguateRecordFields
|
|
NoEmptyDataDecls
|
|
NoExistentialQuantification
|
|
NoExtendedDefaultRules
|
|
NoFlexibleContexts
|
|
NoFlexibleInstances
|
|
NoForeignFunctionInterface
|
|
NoFunctionnalDependencies
|
|
|
|
NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
|
|
NoGenerics
|
|
NoImplicitParams
|
|
NoImplicitPrelude
|
|
NoImpredicativeTypes
|
|
NoIncoherentInstances
|
|
NoKindSignatures
|
|
NoLiberalTypeSynonyms
|
|
NoMagicHash
|
|
NoMonoPatBinds
|
|
NoMonomorphismRestriction
|
|
NoMultiParamTypeClasses
|
|
NoNamedFieldPuns
|
|
NoNewQualifiedOperators
|
|
NoOverlappingInstances
|
|
NoOverloadedStrings
|
|
NoPArr
|
|
NoPackageImports
|
|
NoParallelListComp
|
|
NoPatternGuards
|
|
NoPolymorphicComponents
|
|
NoQuasiQuotes
|
|
NoRank2Types
|
|
NoRankNTypes
|
|
NoRecordWildCards
|
|
NoRecursiveDo
|
|
NoRelaxedPolyRec
|
|
NoScopedTypeVariables
|
|
NoStandaloneDeriving
|
|
NoTemplateHaskell
|
|
NoTransformListComp
|
|
NoTypeFamilies
|
|
NoTypeOperators
|
|
NoTypeSynonymInstances
|
|
NoUnboxedTuples
|
|
NoUndecidableInstances
|
|
NoUnicodeSyntax
|
|
NoUnliftedFFITypes
|
|
NoViewPatterns
|
|
Nothing
|
|
Num
|
|
Numeric
|
|
|
|
Ord
|
|
Ordering
|
|
OverlappingInstances
|
|
OverloadedStrings
|
|
PArr
|
|
PackageImports
|
|
ParallelListComp
|
|
PatternGuards
|
|
PolymorphicComponents
|
|
Prelude
|
|
QuasiQuotes
|
|
|
|
Rank2Types
|
|
RankNTypes
|
|
Ratio
|
|
Read
|
|
ReadS
|
|
Real
|
|
RealFloat
|
|
RealFrac
|
|
RecordWildCards
|
|
RecursiveDo
|
|
RelaxedPolyRec
|
|
Right
|
|
|
|
|
|
ScopedTypeVariables
|
|
ShowS
|
|
StandaloneDeriving
|
|
String
|
|
System.CPUTime
|
|
System.Cmd
|
|
System.Console.Editline
|
|
System.Console.GetOpt
|
|
System.Console.Readline
|
|
System.Directory
|
|
System.Environment
|
|
System.Exit
|
|
System.FilePath
|
|
System.FilePath.Posix
|
|
System.FilePath.Windows
|
|
System.IO
|
|
System.IO.Error
|
|
System.IO.Unsafe
|
|
System.Info
|
|
System.Locale
|
|
System.Mem
|
|
System.Mem.StableName
|
|
System.Mem.Weak
|
|
System.Posix
|
|
System.Posix.Directory
|
|
System.Posix.DynamicLinker
|
|
System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Module
|
|
System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Prim
|
|
System.Posix.Env
|
|
System.Posix.Error
|
|
System.Posix.Files
|
|
System.Posix.IO
|
|
System.Posix.Process
|
|
System.Posix.Process.Internals
|
|
System.Posix.Resource
|
|
System.Posix.Semaphore
|
|
System.Posix.SharedMem
|
|
System.Posix.Signals
|
|
System.Posix.Signals.Exts
|
|
System.Posix.Temp
|
|
System.Posix.Terminal
|
|
System.Posix.Time
|
|
System.Posix.Types
|
|
System.Posix.Unistd
|
|
System.Posix.User
|
|
System.Process
|
|
System.Random
|
|
System.Time
|
|
System.Timeout
|
|
TemplateHaskell
|
|
Test.HUnit
|
|
Test.HUnit.Base
|
|
Test.HUnit.Lang
|
|
Test.HUnit.Terminal
|
|
Test.HUnit.Text
|
|
Test.QuickCheck
|
|
Test.QuickCheck.Batch
|
|
Test.QuickCheck.Poly
|
|
Test.QuickCheck.Utils
|
|
Text.Html
|
|
Text.Html.BlockTable
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Perm
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
|
|
Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec
|
|
Text.PrettyPrint
|
|
Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
|
|
Text.Printf
|
|
Text.Read
|
|
Text.Read.Lex
|
|
Text.Regex.Base
|
|
Text.Regex.Base.Context
|
|
Text.Regex.Base.Impl
|
|
Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike
|
|
Text.Regex.Posix
|
|
Text.Regex.Posix.ByteString
|
|
Text.Regex.Posix.String
|
|
Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap
|
|
Text.Show
|
|
Text.Show.Functions
|
|
Text.XHtml
|
|
Text.XHtml.Debug
|
|
Text.XHtml.Frameset
|
|
Text.XHtml.Strict
|
|
Text.XHtml.Table
|
|
Text.XHtml.Transitional
|
|
Trace.Hpc.Mix
|
|
Trace.Hpc.Reflect
|
|
Trace.Hpc.Tix
|
|
Trace.Hpc.Util
|
|
TransformListComp
|
|
True
|
|
TypeFamilies
|
|
TypeOperators
|
|
TypeSynonymInstances
|
|
|
|
UnboxedTuples
|
|
UndecidableInstances
|
|
UnicodeSyntax
|
|
UnliftedFFITypes
|
|
Unsafe.Coerce
|
|
ViewPatterns
|
|
|
|
abs
|
|
acos
|
|
acosh
|
|
all
|
|
and
|
|
any
|
|
appendFile
|
|
as
|
|
asTypeOf
|
|
asin
|
|
asinh
|
|
atan
|
|
atan2
|
|
atanh
|
|
break
|
|
case
|
|
catch
|
|
ceiling
|
|
class
|
|
compare
|
|
concat
|
|
concatMap
|
|
const
|
|
cos
|
|
cosh
|
|
curry
|
|
cycle
|
|
data
|
|
decodeFloat
|
|
default
|
|
deriving
|
|
div
|
|
divMod
|
|
do
|
|
drop
|
|
dropWhile
|
|
either
|
|
elem
|
|
else
|
|
encodeFloat
|
|
enumFrom
|
|
enumFromThen
|
|
enumFromThenTo
|
|
enumFromTo
|
|
error
|
|
exp
|
|
exponent
|
|
fail
|
|
filter
|
|
flip
|
|
floatDigits
|
|
floatRadix
|
|
floatRange
|
|
floor
|
|
fmap
|
|
fold
|
|
fold1
|
|
foldr
|
|
foldr1
|
|
fromEnum
|
|
fromInteger
|
|
fromIntegral
|
|
fromRational
|
|
fst
|
|
gcd
|
|
getChar
|
|
getContents
|
|
getLine
|
|
head
|
|
hiding
|
|
id
|
|
if
|
|
import
|
|
in
|
|
infix
|
|
infixl
|
|
infixr
|
|
init
|
|
instance
|
|
intract
|
|
ioError
|
|
isDenormalized
|
|
|
|
isInfinite
|
|
isNan
|
|
isNegativeZero
|
|
iterate
|
|
last
|
|
lcm
|
|
length
|
|
let
|
|
lex
|
|
lines
|
|
log
|
|
logBase
|
|
lookup
|
|
map
|
|
mapM
|
|
mapM_
|
|
max
|
|
maxBound
|
|
maximum
|
|
maybe
|
|
min
|
|
minBound
|
|
minimum
|
|
mod
|
|
module
|
|
negate
|
|
newtype
|
|
not
|
|
notElem
|
|
null
|
|
odd
|
|
of
|
|
or
|
|
otherwise
|
|
pi
|
|
pred
|
|
print
|
|
product
|
|
properFraction
|
|
putChar
|
|
putStr
|
|
putStrLn
|
|
qualified
|
|
quot
|
|
quotRem
|
|
read
|
|
readFile
|
|
readIO
|
|
readList
|
|
readLn
|
|
readParen
|
|
reads
|
|
readsPrec
|
|
realtoFrac
|
|
recip
|
|
rem
|
|
repeat
|
|
replicate
|
|
return
|
|
reverse
|
|
round
|
|
scaleFloat
|
|
scanl
|
|
scanl1
|
|
scanr
|
|
scanr1
|
|
seq
|
|
sequence
|
|
sequence_
|
|
show
|
|
showChar
|
|
showList
|
|
showParen
|
|
showString
|
|
shows
|
|
showsPrec
|
|
significand
|
|
signum
|
|
sin
|
|
sinh
|
|
snd
|
|
span
|
|
splitAt
|
|
sqrt
|
|
subtract
|
|
succ
|
|
sum
|
|
tail
|
|
take
|
|
takeWhile
|
|
tan
|
|
tanh
|
|
then
|
|
toEnum
|
|
toInteger
|
|
toRational
|
|
truncate
|
|
type
|
|
uncurry
|
|
undefined
|
|
unlines
|
|
until
|
|
unwords
|
|
unzip
|
|
unzip3
|
|
userError
|
|
where
|
|
words
|
|
writeFile
|
|
zip
|
|
zip3
|
|
zipWith
|
|
zipWith3
|