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;;; biblio-arxiv.el --- Lookup and import bibliographic entries from arXiv -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Clément Pit-Claudel
;; Author: Clément Pit-Claudel <clement.pitclaudel@live.com>
;; URL: http://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Lookup and download bibliographic records from arXiv using `arxiv-lookup'.
;; When a DOI is available, the metadata is fetched from the DOI's issuer;
;; otherwise, this package uses arXiv's metadata to generate an entry.
;; This file implements a backend for the for the `biblio' package (which see for more
;; documentation).
;;; Code:
(require 'biblio-core)
(require 'biblio-doi)
(require 'timezone)
(defgroup biblio-arxiv nil
"arXiv support in biblio.el"
:group 'biblio)
(defcustom biblio-arxiv-bibtex-header "online"
"Which header to use for BibTeX entries generated from arXiv metadata."
:group 'biblio
:type 'string)
(defun biblio-arxiv--build-bibtex-1 (metadata)
"Create an unformated BibTeX record for METADATA."
(let-alist metadata
(format "@%s{NO_KEY,
author = {%s},
title = {{%s}},
year = {%s},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {%s},
primaryClass = {%s}}"
(biblio-join-1 " AND " .authors)
.title .year .identifier .category)))
(defun biblio-arxiv--build-bibtex (metadata)
"Create a BibTeX record for METADATA."
(let-alist metadata
(message "Auto-generating a BibTeX entry for %S." .id)
(biblio-format-bibtex (biblio-arxiv--build-bibtex-1 metadata) t)))
(defun biblio-arxiv--forward-bibtex (metadata forward-to)
"Forward BibTeX for arXiv entry METADATA to FORWARD-TO."
(let-alist metadata
(if (seq-empty-p .doi)
(funcall forward-to (biblio-arxiv--build-bibtex metadata))
(biblio-doi-forward-bibtex .doi forward-to))))
(defun biblio-arxiv--format-author (author)
"Format AUTHOR for arXiv search results."
(when (eq (car-safe author) 'author)
(let-alist (cdr author)
(biblio-join " "
(cadr .name)
(biblio-parenthesize (cadr .arxiv:affiliation))))))
(defun biblio-arxiv--extract-id (id)
"Extract identifier from ID, the URL of an arXiv abstract."
(replace-regexp-in-string "https?://arxiv.org/abs/" "" id))
(defun biblio-arxiv--pdf-url (id)
"Extract PDF url from ID of an arXiv entry."
(when id
(concat "http://arxiv.org/pdf/" id)))
(defun biblio-arxiv--extract-interesting-fields (entry)
"Prepare an arXiv search result ENTRY for display."
(let-alist entry
(let ((id (biblio-arxiv--extract-id (cadr .id))))
(list (cons 'doi (cadr .arxiv:doi))
(cons 'identifier id)
(cons 'year (aref (timezone-parse-date (cadr .published)) 0))
(cons 'title (cadr .title))
(cons 'authors (seq-map #'biblio-arxiv--format-author entry))
(cons 'container (cadr .arxiv:journal_ref))
(cons 'category
(biblio-alist-get 'term (car .arxiv:primary_category)))
(cons 'references (list (cadr .arxiv:doi) id))
(cons 'type "eprint")
(cons 'url (biblio-alist-get 'href (car .link)))
(cons 'direct-url (biblio-arxiv--pdf-url id))))))
(defun biblio-arxiv--entryp (entry)
"Check if ENTRY is an arXiv entry."
(eq (car-safe entry) 'entry))
(defun biblio-arxiv--parse-search-results ()
"Extract search results from arXiv response."
(biblio-decode-url-buffer 'utf-8)
(let-alist (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max))
(seq-map #'biblio-arxiv--extract-interesting-fields
(seq-filter #'biblio-arxiv--entryp .feed))))
(defun biblio-arxiv--url (query)
"Create an arXiv url to look up QUERY."
(format "http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=%s"
(url-encode-url query)))
(defun biblio-arxiv-backend (command &optional arg &rest more)
"A arXiv backend for biblio.el.
COMMAND, ARG, MORE: See `biblio-backends'."
(pcase command
(`name "arXiv")
(`prompt "arXiv query: ")
(`url (biblio-arxiv--url arg))
(`parse-buffer (biblio-arxiv--parse-search-results))
(`forward-bibtex (biblio-arxiv--forward-bibtex arg (car more)))
(`register (add-to-list 'biblio-backends #'biblio-arxiv-backend))))
(add-hook 'biblio-init-hook #'biblio-arxiv-backend)
(defun biblio-arxiv-lookup (&optional query)
"Start an arXiv search for QUERY, prompting if needed."
(biblio-lookup #'biblio-arxiv-backend query))
(defalias 'arxiv-lookup 'biblio-arxiv-lookup)
(provide 'biblio-arxiv)
;;; biblio-arxiv.el ends here