Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
Du kan inte välja fler än 25 ämnen Ämnen måste starta med en bokstav eller siffra, kan innehålla bindestreck ('-') och vara max 35 tecken långa.

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;;; magit-transient.el --- support for transients -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2008-2019 The Magit Project Contributors
;; You should have received a copy of the AUTHORS.md file which
;; lists all contributors. If not, see http://magit.vc/authors.
;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Magit. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library implements Magit-specific prefix and suffix classes,
;; and their methods.
;;; Code:
(require 'subr-x))
(require 'transient)
(require 'magit-git)
(require 'magit-mode)
(require 'magit-process)
;;; Classes
(defclass magit--git-variable (transient-variable)
((scope :initarg :scope)))
(defclass magit--git-variable:choices (magit--git-variable)
((choices :initarg :choices)
(fallback :initarg :fallback :initform nil)
(default :initarg :default :initform nil)))
(defclass magit--git-variable:urls (magit--git-variable)
((seturl-arg :initarg :seturl-arg :initform nil)))
;;; Methods
;;;; Init
(cl-defmethod transient-init-scope ((obj magit--git-variable))
(oset obj scope
(cond (transient--prefix
(oref transient--prefix scope))
((slot-boundp obj 'scope)
(funcall (oref obj scope) obj)))))
(cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj magit--git-variable))
(let ((variable (format (oref obj variable)
(oref obj scope))))
(oset obj variable variable)
(oset obj value
(cond ((oref obj multi-value)
(magit-get-all variable))
(magit-git-string "config" "--local" variable))))))
;;;; Read
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-read :around ((obj magit--git-variable:urls))
(mapcar (lambda (url)
(if (string-prefix-p "~" url)
(expand-file-name url)
(cl-call-next-method obj)))
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj magit--git-variable:choices))
(let ((choices (oref obj choices)))
(when (functionp choices)
(setq choices (funcall choices)))
(if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
(cadr (member value choices))
(car choices))))
;;;; Readers
(defun magit-transient-read-person (prompt initial-input history)
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(and (string-match "\\`[\s\t]+[0-9]+\t" line)
(list (substring line (match-end 0))))))
(magit-git-lines "shortlog" "-n" "-s" "-e" "HEAD"))
nil nil initial-input history))
(defun magit-transient-read-revision (prompt initial-input history)
(or (magit-completing-read prompt (cons "HEAD" (magit-list-refnames))
nil nil initial-input history
(or (magit-branch-or-commit-at-point)
(user-error "Nothing selected")))
;;;; Set
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj magit--git-variable) value)
(let ((variable (oref obj variable)))
(oset obj value value)
(if (oref obj multi-value)
(magit-set-all value variable)
(magit-set value variable))
(unless (or value transient--prefix)
(message "Unset %s" variable))))
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj magit--git-variable:urls) values)
(let ((previous (oref obj value))
(seturl (oref obj seturl-arg))
(remote (oref transient--prefix scope)))
(oset obj value values)
(dolist (v (-difference values previous))
(magit-call-git "remote" "set-url" seturl "--add" remote v))
(dolist (v (-difference previous values))
(magit-call-git "remote" "set-url" seturl "--delete" remote
(concat "^" (regexp-quote v) "$")))
;;;; Draw
(cl-defmethod transient-format-description ((obj magit--git-variable))
(or (oref obj description)
(oref obj variable)))
(cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj magit--git-variable))
(if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
(if (oref obj multi-value)
(if (cdr value)
(mapconcat (lambda (v)
(concat "\n "
(propertize v 'face 'transient-value)))
value "")
(propertize (car value) 'face 'transient-value))
(propertize (car (split-string value "\n"))
'face 'transient-value))
(propertize "unset" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)))
(cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj magit--git-variable:choices))
(let* ((variable (oref obj variable))
(choices (oref obj choices))
(local (magit-git-string "config" "--local" variable))
(global (magit-git-string "config" "--global" variable))
(default (oref obj default))
(fallback (oref obj fallback))
(fallback (and fallback
(when-let ((val (magit-get fallback)))
(concat fallback ":" val)))))
(when (functionp choices)
(setq choices (funcall choices)))
(propertize "[" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)
(mapconcat (lambda (choice)
(propertize choice 'face (if (equal choice local)
(if (member choice choices)
(if (and local (not (member local choices)))
(cons local choices)
(propertize "|" 'face 'transient-inactive-value))
(and (or global fallback default)
(propertize "|" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)
(cond (global
(propertize (concat "global:" global)
'face (cond (local
((member global choices)
(propertize fallback
'face (if local
(propertize (concat "default:" default)
'face (if local
(propertize "]" 'face 'transient-inactive-value))))
;;; _
(provide 'magit-transient)
;;; magit-transient.el ends here