Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.
Martin Klimeš 88831e7ac3 Initial commit hace 4 años
LICENSES Initial commit hace 4 años
images Initial commit hace 4 años
Readme.org Initial commit hace 4 años
local.css Initial commit hace 4 años
org-re-reveal-autoloads.el Initial commit hace 4 años
org-re-reveal-pkg.el Initial commit hace 4 años
org-re-reveal.el Initial commit hace 4 años
org-re-reveal.elc Initial commit hace 4 años
ox-re-reveal.el Initial commit hace 4 años
ox-re-reveal.elc Initial commit hace 4 años


Introduction to org-re-reveal


The project org-re-reveal is a fork of org-reveal. It provides an export back-end for HTML presentations with reveal.js from Org mode source files.

For a reveal.js presentation for this Readme (which is written in the lightweight markup language Org mode), see there: https://oer.gitlab.io/org-re-reveal/


If you are interested in org-re-reveal, I suggest that you take a look at emacs-reveal, which embeds org-re-reveal, reveal.js, and useful plugins as submodules, combined with suitable Emacs configuration. A Howto for the generation of reveal.js presentations (slides with audio) with emacs-reveal exists as well.

I use emacs-reveal to generate Open Educational Resources (OER), and macros coming with emacs-reveal simplify license attribution for embedded figures considerably: OER presentations for a course on operating systems

Relationships between packages

Package Description
org-reveal Origin of org-re-reveal
org-re-reveal Fork of org-reveal, initially to add audio fragments, now with various changes
org-re-reveal-ref Addon to org-re-reveal for bibliography slide based on org-ref
oer-reveal Export backend derived from org-re-reveal; functionality for installation of reveal.js and plugins; simplification of licensing for OER
emacs-reveal Bundling of org-re-reveal, org-re-reveal-ref, and oer-reveal

Originally, emacs-reveal was created to enhance org-reveal, and it contained the code of what is now maintained separately as org-re-reveal-ref and oer-reveal. Those packages were separated to make as much of emacs-reveal available on MELPA as possible. Whether anyone wants to use those package in isolation is up to them.


See file CHANGELOG for changes of org-re-reveal compared to org-reveal and onward

Side note: Customization of variables

  • GNU Emacs can be customized in various ways, and org-re-reveal is no exception in that regard.

    • This Readme frequently suggests “to customize” some variables.

  • You may want to read the manual entry on customization.

  • As shortcut

    • Type C-h v (which means press the Ctrl key and h simultaneously, then v). You are asked for a variable name. Enter it, e.g., org-re-reveal-script-files. You wind up in a help buffer, showing the current value and a “customize” link. Enter/press the link, leading to a customization buffer, where you can change the value and “Apply” (or “Apply and Save”) it.

Reveal.js and org-re-reveal

  • Reveal.js is a tool for creating good-looking HTML presentations, authored by Hakim El Hattab.

  • Org-re-reveal exports your Org mode documents to reveal.js presentations.

    With org-re-reveal, you can create beautiful presentations with 3D effects from simple but powerful Org contents.

Requirements and Installation

  • Reveal.js

  • GNU Emacs, version 24.4 or later

  • Org mode

  • Org-re-reveal

  • Htmlize or highlight.js

    • For source code highlighting, which is explained below

      • Depending on your version of Org mode, htmlize.el may be necessary even if you want to use highlight.js

Install reveal.js

Note: This is only necessary if you do not use emacs-reveal, which installs and configures reveal.js with several of it plugins.

Download reveal.js packages from here.

Extract reveal.js folders from the downloaded zip file.

If you do not wish to download reveal.js yourself and would rather get a copy from a CDN, see the section Set the location of reveal.js

Install org-re-reveal from MELPA

Package org-re-reveal is available on MELPA. Use of MELPA requires some setup code in your .emacs file. See here how to get started with MELPA.

This package defines the Org export back-end re-reveal. As usual for export back-ends, you can either customize org-export-backends to include re-reveal or add the following to your .emacs file.

(require 'org-re-reveal)

Install org-re-reveal from GitLab

You can download org-re-reveal as archive from GitLab (zip archive and several tar variants; note the download icon on the project page).

Alternatively, you can clone the repository of org-re-reveal:

git clone https://gitlab.com/oer/org-re-reveal.git

Add the directory of org-re-reveal.el to your Emacs's load-path, and add the following statement to your .emacs file.

(require 'org-re-reveal)

Note: It is suggested to use a recent version of Org mode with org-re-reveal. Installation of Org mode.


Options and Plug-ins

All options, keywords, and customizable variables of org-re-reveal are shown in the following table, with hints on the next slide.

Option Keyword Variable
reveal_center nil org-re-reveal-center
reveal_control nil org-re-reveal-control
reveal_defaulttiming nil org-re-reveal-defaulttiming
reveal_fragmentinurl nil org-re-reveal-fragmentinurl
reveal_generate_ids nil org-re-reveal-generate-custom-ids
reveal_hashonebasedindex nil org-re-reveal-hashonebasedindex
reveal_height nil org-re-reveal-height
reveal_history nil org-re-reveal-history
reveal_inter_presentation_links nil org-re-reveal-inter-presentation-links
reveal_keyboard nil org-re-reveal-keyboard
reveal_klipsify_src nil org-re-reveal-klipsify-src
reveal_mousewheel nil org-re-reveal-mousewheel
reveal_overview nil org-re-reveal-overview
reveal_pdfseparatefragments nil org-re-reveal-pdfseparatefragments
reveal_progress nil org-re-reveal-progress
reveal_rolling_links nil org-re-reveal-rolling-links
reveal_single_file nil org-re-reveal-single-file
reveal_global_footer nil org-re-reveal-global-footer
reveal_global_header nil org-re-reveal-global-header
reveal_slide_number nil org-re-reveal-slide-number
reveal_toc_footer nil org-re-reveal-toc-footer
reveal_subtree_with_title_slide nil org-re-reveal-subtree-with-title-slide
reveal_width nil org-re-reveal-width
nil REVEAL_CODEMIRROR_CONFIG org-re-reveal-klipse-codemirror
nil REVEAL_DEFAULT_FRAG_STYLE org-re-reveal-default-frag-style
nil REVEAL_EXTERNAL_PLUGINS org-re-reveal-external-plugins
nil REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR org-re-reveal-extra-attr
nil REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS org-re-reveal-extra-css
nil REVEAL_EXTRA_JS org-re-reveal-extra-js
nil REVEAL_EXTRA_OPTIONS org-re-reveal-extra-options
nil REVEAL_EXTRA_SCRIPTS org-re-reveal-extra-scripts
nil REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE org-re-reveal-head-preamble
nil REVEAL_INIT_SCRIPT org-re-reveal-init-script
nil REVEAL_HIGHLIGHT_CSS org-re-reveal-highlight-css
nil REVEAL_HIGHLIGHT_URL org-re-reveal-highlight-url
nil REVEAL_KLIPSE_CSS_URL org-re-reveal-klipse-css
nil REVEAL_KLIPSE_EXTRA_CONFIG org-re-reveal-klipse-extra-config
nil REVEAL_KLIPSE_JS_URL org-re-reveal-klipse-js
nil REVEAL_KLIPSE_SETUP org-re-reveal-klipse-setup
nil REVEAL_MARGIN org-re-reveal-margin
nil REVEAL_MATHJAX_URL org-re-reveal-mathjax-url
nil REVEAL_MAX_SCALE org-re-reveal-max-scale
nil REVEAL_MIN_SCALE org-re-reveal-min-scale
nil REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_ID org-re-reveal-multiplex-id
nil REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_SECRET org-re-reveal-multiplex-secret
nil REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_SOCKETIO_URL org-re-reveal-multiplex-socketio-url
nil REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_URL org-re-reveal-multiplex-url
nil REVEAL_PLUGINS org-re-reveal-plugins
nil REVEAL_POSTAMBLE org-re-reveal-postamble
nil REVEAL_PREAMBLE org-re-reveal-preamble
nil REVEAL_ROOT org-re-reveal-root
nil REVEAL_SCRIPT_FILES org-re-reveal-script-files
nil REVEAL_SLIDE_HEADER org-re-reveal-slide-header
nil REVEAL_SLIDE_FOOTER org-re-reveal-slide-footer
nil REVEAL_SPEED org-re-reveal-transition-speed
nil REVEAL_THEME org-re-reveal-theme
nil REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE org-re-reveal-title-slide
nil REVEAL_TOC_SLIDE_TITLE org-re-reveal-toc-slide-title
nil REVEAL_TRANS org-re-reveal-transition

For documentation of variables, see their doc strings. E.g., either invoke C-h v followed by the name of the variable or browse the customization group org-export-re-reveal: enter M-x customize-group, then org-export-re-reveal.

For examples, please refer to the heading part of this document and to test-cases in the GitLab repository.

Options and keywords that do not have a variable documenting their effects are explained in this document. Search in reveal.js presentations is invoked with C-S-f (which means “Control” and “Shift” and “f”; curiously, “f” is shown as “F” on keyboards, which actually is “Shift f”).

Note that #+REVEAL_EXTRA_OPTIONS: your_comma_separated_options and org-re-reveal-extra-options allow to specify all configuration options of reveal.js.

Set the location of reveal.js

org-re-reveal must know where reveal.js is on your computer before exporting Org contents. You do not have to worry about any of this with emacs-reveal.

The location of reveal.js is the path to the top directory of the reveal.js packages, the directory which contains file README.md, but not the one that contains the file reveal.js.

The default location is ./reveal.js, relative to the Org file.

Customize org-re-reveal-root to change the location globally, or use keyword REVEAL_ROOT in an individual Org file. For example, add the following statement to your .emacs file:

(setq org-re-reveal-root "file:///d:/reveal.js")

IMPORTANT: If you use absolute paths to reveal.js as illustrated above, they should be in URL form, file:///path_to_reveal.js.

,#+REVEAL_ROOT: file:///d:/reveal.js

You can also set REVEAL_ROOT to a URL to use reveal.js from the web instead of downloading a local copy. The reveal.js documentation does not recommend this, though.

,#+REVEAL_ROOT: https://revealjs.com/

URL form for file location

For example if you cloned this repository to your home directory, this file in Mac OS X might be referred to as file:///Users/username/org-re-reveal/Readme.org. This file in GNU/Linux could be file:///home/username/org-re-reveal/Readme.org, in Windows file:///c:/Users/username/org-re-reveal/Readme.org. For more details on this standard please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme.

First Try

The library org-re-reveal needs to be loaded first. That can happen either by adding (require 'org-re-reveal) to your .emacs file or manually: Type "M-x load-library", then "org-re-reveal".

Now you can export this manual, Readme.org, into a reveal.js presentation by typing "C-c C-e v v". That key binding can be changed by customizing org-re-reveal-keys.

Open the generated "Readme.html" in your browser and enjoy the cool slides. (Of course, the location of reveal.js must be configured properly, as explained earlier.)

Error about head.min.js

Older versions of reveal.js included an initialization file head.min.js, which does not exist with newer versions. By default, org-re-reveal tries to load all files of org-re-reveal-script-files. If you see an error (in the browser’s console) that lib/js/head.min.js does not exist, customize org-re-reveal-script-files to remove it.

The HLevel

org-re-reveal maps each heading and its contents to one reveal.js slide. Since reveal.js arranges slides into a 2-dimensional matrix, org-re-reveal use a HLevel value to decide whether to map headings to horizontal or vertical slides.

  • Headings of level less than or equal to HLevel are mapped to horizontal slides.

  • Headings with a deeper level are mapped to vertical slides.

HLevel's default value is 1, means only level 1 headings are arranged horizontally. Deeper headings are mapped to vertical slides below their parent level 1 heading.

HLevel's Effects on Slides Layout

Assume we have a simple Org file as below:

,* H1
,* H2
,** H2.1
,*** H2.1.1
,* H3

If HLevel is 1, the default value, headings H2.1 and H2.1.1 will be mapped to vertical slides below the slides of heading H2.


If HLevel is changed to 2, slides of heading H2.1 will be changed to the main horizontal queue, and slides of heading H2.1.1 will be a vertical slide below it.


Configure HLevel's Value

  • Change variable org-re-reveal-hlevel's value to set HLevel globally. For example, add the following statement to your .emacs file.

    (setq org-re-reveal-hlevel 2)
  • Set HLevel within individual Org file with option REVEAL_HLEVEL:



If you want one slide to have its usual heading followed by a subheading, you can add a NOSLIDE property (and make sure that the subheading does not appear in the table of contents):

,* A normal slide
,** A subheading
   :UNNUMBERED: notoc
   :NOSLIDE: t

Force Split

If one heading has too many things to fit into one slide, you can split the contents into multiple vertical slides manually, by inserting

,#+REVEAL: split

Now a new slide begins after the #+REVEAL keyword.

By default, any background attributes of a slide should remain in effect for the split parts. In addition, you can add HTML attributes after #+REVEAL: split, e.g., this slide uses #+REVEAL: split data-background="#555555" to set a background color.

Select Theme and Transition

Themes and transition styles are set globally throughout the whole file by setting options REVEAL_THEME, REVEAL_TRANS, and REVEAL_SPEED.

For an example, please check the heading part of this document. Note that some themes access remote servers to download fonts. Your privacy policy should explain this.

Available themes can be found in "css/theme/" in the reveal.js directory and customized via org-re-reveal-theme.

Available transitions can be found in the README of reveal.js and customized via org-re-reveal-transition.

Set The Title Slide

By default, org-re-reveal generates a title slide displaying the title, the author, the Email, the date and the time-stamp of the Org document, controlled by Org's export settings.

To avoid a title slide, set variable org-re-reveal-title-slide to nil or add the following header line: #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE:

Customize the Title Slide

To customize the title slide, set org-re-reveal-title-slide to a string with HTML code. Escape sequences are documented for variable org-re-reveal-title-slide; they can be used to retrieve document information. See test-title-slide.org for an example including REVEAL_ACADEMIC_TITLE, REVEAL_TALK_URL, REVEAL_TALK_QR_CODE

Alternatively, you can also write the title slide's HTML code (with escape sequences) into a separate file and set org-re-reveal-title-slide to the name of that file.

Set Slide Background

Slide background can be set to a color, an image, or a repeating image array by setting heading properties.


Colored Background

Set property reveal_background to either an RGB color value, or any supported CSS color format.

,*** Colored Background
   :reveal_background: linear-gradient(to left, #910830, #521623)

Single Image Background - Instructions

Set property reveal_background to an URL of background image. Set property reveal_background_trans to slide to make background image sliding rather than fading.

,*** Single Image Background - Result
    :reveal_background: ./images/adult-education-3258944_640.jpg
    :reveal_background_trans: slide

Single Image Background - Result

Repeating Image Background - Instructions

Resize background image by setting property reveal_background_size to a number.

Set property reveal_background_repeat to repeat to repeat image on the background.

,*** Repeating Image Background - Result
    :reveal_background: ./images/adult-education-3258944_640.jpg
    :reveal_background_size: 200px
    :reveal_background_repeat: repeat

Repeating Image Background - Result

Title Slide Background Image

To set the title slide's background image, please specify the following options:

  • REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: A URL to the background image.

  • REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND_SIZE: HTML size specification, e.g. 200px.

  • REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND_REPEAT: set to repeat to repeat the image.

Slide Size

Reveal.js scales slides to best fit the display resolution, but you can also specify the desired size by settings the option tags width and height.

The scaling behavior can also be constrained by setting following options:


a float number, the factor of empty area surrounding slide contents.


a float number, the minimum scaling down ratio.


a float number, the maximum scaling up ratio.

Slide Numbering

By default, the slide number is showed at the lower-right corner of each slide.

To disable slide numbering, please add reveal_slide_number:nil to the #+OPTIONS: line.

From reveal.js 3.1.0, slide numbering can have several custom formats. To choose one format, please set reveal_slide_number to its proper string. For example, reveal_slide_number:h/v.

Supported format strings can be found in the reveal.js manual.

Slide Header/Footer

Specify slide header/footer by #+REVEAL_SLIDE_HEADER: and #+REVEAL_SLIDE_FOOTER:. The option content will be put into divisions of class slide-header and slide-footer, so you can control their appearance in custom CSS file (see /klimi/dotfiles/src/commit/9e02e18dddf1cee04e3d727413aeea9c4ab48d81/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/org-re-reveal-20191020.1137/Extra%20Stylesheets). By default header/footer content will only display on content slides. To show them also on the title and toc slide you can add reveal_global_header:t and reveal_global_footer:t to #+OPTIONS: line. To show the footer on the toc slide but not on the title slide, use option reveal_toc_footer:t.

Fragmented Contents

Make contents fragmented (show up one-by-one) by setting option ATTR_REVEAL with property ":frag frag-style", as illustrated below.

Paragraphs can be fragmented.

  • Lists can

  • be fragmented.

Pictures, tables and many other HTML elements can be fragmented.

Fragment Styles

Available fragment styles are:

  • grow

  • shrink

  • roll-in

  • fade-out

  • highlight-red

  • highlight-green

  • highlight-blue

  • appear

Setting :frag t will use reveal.js default fragment style, which can be overridden by local option #+REVEAL_DEFAULT_FRAG_STYLE or global variable org-re-reveal-default-frag-style.

Fragment Index

Fragment sequence can be changed by assigning adding :frag_idx property to each fragmented element.

And, this paragraph shows at last.

This paragraph shows secondly.

This paragraph shows at first.

List Fragments

#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag frag-style above a list defines fragment style for the list as a whole.

  1. All items grow.

  2. As a whole.

To define fragment styles for every list item, please enumerate each item's style in a lisp list.

none in the style list will disable fragment for the corresponding list item.

Custom fragment sequence should also be enumerated for each list item.

An example:

,#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (grow shrink roll-in fade-out none) :frag_idx (4 3 2 1 -)
   * I will grow.
   * I will shrink.
   * I rolled in.
   * I will fade out.
   * I don't fragment.
  • I will grow.

  • I will shrink.

  • I rolled in.

  • I will fade out.

  • I don't fragment.

When there is :frag_idx specified, insufficient fragment style list will be extended by its last element. So a :frag (appear) assigns each item of a list the appear fragment style.

,#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
   * I appear.
   * I appear.
   * I appear.
  • I appear.

  • I appear.

  • I appear.

List Fragments with Audio

You can also use org-re-reveal in combination with the audio-slideshow plugin of reveal.js-plugins. For example, when the audio-slideshow plugin is configured properly, the following plays 1.ogg when the first list item appears, 2.ogg for the second list item, and no audio for the third. (You need to add suitable audio files to the current directory first.)

,#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear) :audio (1.ogg 2.ogg none)
   * I appear with audio 1.ogg.
   * I appear with audio 2.ogg.
   * I appear without audio.
  • I appear with audio 1.ogg.

  • I appear with audio 2.ogg.

  • I appear without audio.

Data State and Classes for Headlines and Slides, including generated ones

Set property reveal_data_state to a headline to change this slide's display style. (In the past, reveal.min.css defined classes alert, blackout, soothe, which were activated by the data state.) In any case, property reveal_data_state adds a data-state attribute to the slide's section element, which is called “Slide State” by reveal.js; this might also be useful with reveal.js plugins.

To add a data-state attribute to a generated title slide or table of contents slide, you can use the following options:



To add a class attribute to a section element, use an Extra Slide Attribute (e.g., property :reveal_extra_attr: class="my-class").

To add a class attribute to the section element of a generated table of contents slide, you can use the option REVEAL_TOC_SLIDE_CLASS.

To add a class attribute to a slide's h-element, add property html_headline_class to the headline.

Third-Party Plugins

Reveal.js is also extensible through third-party plugins, which can be loaded with org-re-reveal. Several plugins are included and configured with emacs-reveal.

The paths to javascript loading code need to be customized in the variable org-re-reveal-external-plugins. This variable can be an associative list or a filename. If it is an associative list the first element of each Assoc cell is a symbol – the name of the plugin – and the second is a string that will be expanded by the format function when the plugin is loaded. So, this second element should have the form:

" {src: \"%srelative/path/toplugin/from/reveal/root.js\"}"

If you need the async or callback parameters, include those too.

If org-re-reveal-external-plugins is a filename, that file must contain strings of the above format, one per line (without names of plugins, just the src information embedded in braces); this can also be configured within your Org presentation with a line like this:

#+REVEAL_EXTERNAL_PLUGINS: external_plugins.js

In any case, org-re-reveal will add the plugins to the dependencies parameter when Reveal is initialized.

Highlight Source Code

There are three options to highlight source code (or not), see doc string of customizable variable org-re-reveal-no-htmlize-src.

  1. Use your Emacs theme with htmlize.el

  2. Use highlight.js

  3. Disable htmlize with above variable, enable on selected source code blocks

To use your Emacs theme, please make sure htmlize.el is installed. Then no more setup is necessary.

If indentation is wrong, maybe set variable org-html-indent to nil and/or org-src-preserve-indentation to t. Then export again.

Using highlight.js

You can also use highlight.js, by adding highlight to the reveal.js plugin list.

  ,#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (highlight)

The default highlighting theme is zenburn.css brought with reveal.js. To use other themes, please specify the CSS file name by #+REVEAL_HIGHLIGHT_CSS or the variable org-re-reveal-highlight-css.

The "%r" in the given CSS file name will be replaced by reveal.js' URL.

Editable and Executable Source Code

Thanks to klipse, it is possible to embed code blocks in CodeMirror instance in order to edit and execute code during a presentation. Note that klipse support has been rewritten in org-re-reveal 1.1.11. Previously, code was displayed in iframes, which does not allow to share state between different pieces of code; in particular, SQL did not work (see this issue).

Now, without iframes, some CSS settings of klipse and reveal.js are in conflict. In particular, scaling needs to be disabled with klipse. See settings of this Readme and examples in the Tips section under /klimi/dotfiles/src/commit/9e02e18dddf1cee04e3d727413aeea9c4ab48d81/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/org-re-reveal-20191020.1137/Executable%20Source%20Blocks as well as that test file to get started.

At present code editing is supported in: {{{klipse-languages}}}


${ \over k!(n-k)!} = {n \choose k}$

LaTeX equations are rendered in native HTML5 contents.

IMPORTANT: Displaying equations requires an internet connection to load JavaScript or a local MathJax installation. For the latter, set option REVEAL_MATHJAX_URL to the URL pointing to the local MathJax location.

If you use MathJax from a remote location, your privacy policy should explain this.

Preamble and Postamble

You can define preamble and postamble contents which will not be shown as slides, but will be exported into the body part of the generated HTML file, at just before and after the slide contents.

Change preamble and postamble contents globally by setting variable org-re-reveal-preamble and org-re-reveal-postamble.

Change preamble and postamble contents locally by setting options REVEAL_PREAMBLE and REVEAL_POSTAMBLE, as illustrated at the heading part of this document.

To add custom contents into HTML <head> parts, set contents to variable org-re-reveal-head-preamble or option REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE.

Generating Pre/Postamble by Emacs-Lisp Functions

If the contents of pre/postamble is the name of an evaluated Emacs-Lisp function, which must accept an argument of Org mode info and return a string, the returned string will be taken as pre/postamble contents.

So you can embed the Emacs-Lisp function as an Org Babel source block and mark it to be evaluated when exporting the document.

Raw HTML in Slides

Besides the Org contents, you can embed raw HTML contents into slides by placing a #+REVEAL_HTML keyword.

A talk by Linus Torvalds on Git (the source code to embed that video makes use of attribute data-src for lazy loading of the video):

Speaker Notes

Reveal.js supports speaker notes, which are displayed in a separate browser window. Pressing 's' on slide's windows opens a popup window (or indicates if you need to enable this browser feature) displaying the current slide with its speaker notes, a timer, and a preview of upcoming contents. To configure timing, see org-re-reveal-defaulttiming. The following example shows how to define speaker notes for a slide with an estimated talk time of 120s.

,* Heading 1
   :reveal_extra_attr: data-timing="120"
   Some contents.
  Enter speaker notes here.
  - With bullet points
    - If necessary

Speaker note functionality requires that notes is configured as plugin (which is true by default with org-re-reveal-plugins) and that popup windows are permitted.

Due to a bug in reveal.js, sometimes the speaker notes window does not initialize properly. As workaround, close the speaker notes windows and press ’s’ again; notes should be working then. If this does not work, you may need to put the presentation HTML file into the reveal.js root directory and reopen it in the browser.

Easy-Template for Speaker Notes

Org-re-reveal registers 'n' as key for the speaker notes template: You can press '<' followed by 'n' and then press TAB, which inserts #+begin_notes and #+end_notes. For this to work with Org version 9.2 or newer, you need to place (require 'org-tempo) into your .emacs or add org-tempo to org-modules. (Besides, function org-insert-structure-template allows to insert different kinds of block structures.)

Customize org-re-reveal-note-key-char to change the default key 'n'. Set to nil to avoid auto-completion for speaker notes.


Reveal.js supports multiplexing, which allows allows your audience to view the slides of the presentation you are controlling on their own phone, tablet or laptop. As the master presentation navigates the slides, all client presentations will update in real time.

Please see this sample presentation for instructions. Briefly, you need to configure multiplex as plugin, with URL, ID and Secret of a socket.io server. Then, generate master (with Secret) and client presentations and publish the client presentation for your audience.

Extra Stylesheets

Set REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS to a stylesheet file path in order to load extra custom styles after loading a theme.

,#+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: url-to-custom-stylesheet.css

Select Built-In Scripts

Set option REVEAL_PLUGINS or variable org-re-reveal-plugins to a lisp list to activate additional reveal.js functionality.

Variable org-re-reveal-plugins allows to select among available plugins.

The following example selects markdown, highlight, and search.

,#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (markdown highlight search)

Extra JavaScript Libraries

Set REVEAL_EXTRA_SCRIPTS to a list of extra JavaScript libraries of script elements.

,#+REVEAL_EXTRA_SCRIPTS: ("filename.js" "<script>Your code here\n</script>")

Extra Slide Attribute

Set REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR to add any additional attributes to all slides if required.

,#+REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR: data-autoslide=20000

This global default value can also be overridden per heading by setting reveal_extra_attr property on the headings.

,*** Heading with overriden autoslide
   :reveal_extra_attr: data-autoslide=10000

Export into Single File

By setting option reveal_single_file to t, images and basic reveal.js scripts will be embedded into the exported HTML file, to make a portable HTML. Please note that remote images will not be included in the single file, so presentations with remote images will still require an Internet connection.

Attention: This needs locally available reveal.js files!

,#+OPTIONS: reveal_single_file:t

Limitations of single file export

  • Some functions provided by reveal.js libraries will be disabled, including PDF export, Markdown support, zooming, speaker notes, and remote control.

    • Code highlighting by highlight.js is also disabled, but code highlighting by Emacs is not affected.

  • Plugins are not enabled.

  • CSS needs to be self-contained. Neither @import rules nor other forms of URLs work (images need to be embedded as data URIs).

  • If you use org-re-reveal-title-slide with custom HTML code and images, you need to embed images in the form of data URIs yourself.

Export Current Subtree

Use menu entry "C-c C-e v s" to export only current subtree, without the title slide and the table of content, for a quick preview of your current edition.

Customize org-re-reveal-subtree-with-title-slide to also export a title slide.


En-/Disable Heading Numbers

Use Org export option num, e.g., num:t or num:nil:

,#+OPTIONS: num:nil

With heading numbers (i.e., without num:nil), depending on org-re-reveal-generate-custom-ids, (more) stable slide IDs can be generated (instead of hash values that change with content changes). See doc string (C-h v) of variable org-re-reveal-generate-custom-ids for more details.

Disable Table of Contents

Add toc:nil to #+OPTIONS to disable the table of contents:

,#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

This is actually an option recognized by org-export.

Table of Contents at Specified Position

When using option toc:nil, you can also insert a slide with the table of contents at a position of your choice with keyword REVEAL_TOC (where the number after headlines defines the depth of headlines to include) in a section of its own (see this test file):

,** Table of Contents
   :UNNUMBERED: notoc
,#+REVEAL_TOC: headlines 1

WARNING: Previous versions of org-re-reveal used keyword TOC (which generates the table of contents in a section with default headline) instead of REVEAL_TOC. Keyword TOC may or may not work for you. Its use is discouraged as it may break some presentations.

Internal Links

Reveal.js only supports jumps to entire slides, but not to specific elements on slides. Thus, we can only link to headlines in an Org document.

You can create links pointing to a headline's text, or its custom-id, as in the examples below:

If you add reveal_inter_presentation_links:t to #+OPTIONS, such links also work between presentations on the same server, e.g., [[file:somefile.org::#anchor][link text]].

Reveal.js advertises to use broken internal links, which are used in org-re-reveal by default. (Those links work with reveal.js, but are not understood by search engines.) If you change org-re-reveal--href-fragment-prefix from its default to the value of org-re-reveal--slide-id-prefix, valid links are generated:

(setq org-re-reveal--href-fragment-prefix org-re-reveal--slide-id-prefix)

Whether this change is a good idea might be discussed under this reveal.js issue.

Custom JS

To pass custom JS code to Reveal.initialize, state the code by #+REVEAL_INIT_SCRIPT (multiple statements are concatenated) or by custom variable org-re-reveal-init-script.

Executable Source Blocks

To allow live execution of code in some languages, enable the klipse plugin with variable org-re-reveal-klipsify-src (or with option reveal_klipsify_src:t)

Src blocks with the languages contained in org-re-reveal-klipse-setup will be executed with output shown in a console-like environment. See the README of klipse for more details.

Additional examples (e.g., Python and SQL) can be found in a test file.

HTML Src Block

<h1 class="whatever">hello, what's your name</h1>

Javascript Src Block

var x='string using single quote';

Perl Src Block (not klipsified)

I don't know perl!


Courtesy to:

The powerful Org mode,

the impressive reveal.js

and the precise MathJax