You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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758 B

5 years ago
  1. { pkgs, ... }:
  2. with pkgs;
  3. [
  4. wget
  5. # Editors
  6. vim emacs
  7. # Instant Messaging
  8. tdesktop weechat
  9. # Art
  10. gimp krita blender
  11. # Games
  12. multimc
  13. # Internet
  14. firefox
  15. # Terminal Emulator
  16. alacritty
  17. # Readers
  18. zathura mupdf
  19. # Viewers
  20. feh w3m
  21. # Bar
  22. polybar
  23. # App Search
  24. rofi
  25. # Office Tools
  26. texlive.combined.scheme-basic
  27. # MicroControler development
  28. arduino
  29. stdenv
  30. findutils
  31. coreutils
  32. psmisc
  33. iputils
  34. nettools
  35. netcat
  36. rsync
  37. iotop
  38. python
  39. unzip
  40. zip
  41. p7zip
  42. bind
  43. file
  44. bc
  45. sshuttle
  46. lsof
  47. patchelf
  48. binutils
  49. git
  50. gcc
  51. fuse
  52. nmap
  53. tomb
  54. gnupg
  55. nixos-container
  56. nix-prefetch-git
  57. ]