- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #title :5-4.py
- #description :Opdracht 5.4 - Functie met if
- #author :Marcel Haazen
- #email :marcel@haazen.xyz
- <<<<<<< HEAD
- #date :23-09-2019 - 11:10
- #version :0.1
- #usage :python3 5-4.py
- #notes :
- #python_version :3.7.4
- #==============================================================================
- def new_password(oldpassword, newpassword):
- if (newpassword != oldpassword) and (len(newpassword) >= 6) and (any(char.isdigit() for char in newpassword) == True):
- =======
- #date :22-09-2019 - 13:50
- #version :0.1
- #usage :python3 5-4.py
- #notes : Optionele opdracht ook gedaan
- #python_version :3.7.4
- #==============================================================================
- def new_password(oldpassword,newpassword):
- if (newpassword.lower() != oldpassword.lower()) and (len(newpassword) >= 6) and (any(char.isdigit() for char in newpassword) == True):
- >>>>>>> Add assignments
- print(True)
- else:
- print(False)
- <<<<<<< HEAD
- new_password("Hogeschool", "Utrecht1")
- =======
- new_password("Hogeschool","Utrecht1")
- >>>>>>> Add assignments