CLINL Kernel
<meta name="description" content="The official website of the CLINL-Kernel. CLINL stands for C++-LINL is not Linux and was an initiative to renew Linux, started in 2018">
<meta name="keywords" content="CLINL, Kernel, GNU">
<meta name="author" content="Ludovic Lagouardette, Maximilian Wittmer, OxFFFFFFFFF">
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<a href="index.html" class="col-xs-3 navbut">Home</a>
<a href="https://kernel.clinl.org" class="col-xs-3 navbut">Repository</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" class="col-xs-3 navbut">About us</a>
<a href="contribute.html" class="col-xs-3 navbut">Contribute</a>
<div class="par">
There are a few criteria that you have to meet in order to contribute. Make sure that you comply to all of them!
<li>Knowledge of Modern C++</li>
<li>Willingness to learn</li>
<li>Knowledge of Backend C++</li>
<span class="big">If you think that you could help us</span>, you will in a first time need to set up your local fossil repository.
On a terminal, type:
<div class="code">
$>fossil clone https://kernel.clinl.org ./clinl.fossil
<br> $>fossil open ./clinl.fossil
Then, compile a cross-compiler according to
<a href="https://wiki.osdev.org/GCC_Cross-Compiler">OSDevWiki</a>. Set the makefile up as you wish, in order for it to work on your machine.
<br> then, you can contribute. Edit the files just like you would edit them on a github repository. Once you are done,
<div class="code">
$>make clean
<br>$>fossil addremove
<br>$>fossil commit -m "your MEANINGFUL commit message"
<br>$>fossil push
Before pushing you might need to setup an account at kernel.clinl.org
If you are facing any problems, contact us
<a href="mailto:social@clinl.org">here!</a>