- #pragma once
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <gp/math.hpp>
- #include <gp/array.hpp>
- #include <gp/algorithm/rotate.hpp>
- // BUG: A proper investigation is required to fix this file so that it gives the correct output.
- template<typename word_t = uint32_t, size_t r = 20, size_t b = 128, word_t P = 0xb7e15163, word_t Q = 0x9e3779b9>
- class RC6 {
- static constexpr size_t word_size = 8*sizeof(word_t);
- constexpr static word_t r_l(const word_t& w, size_t v) {
- return (w << v) | ( w >> (word_size-v));
- }
- constexpr static word_t r_r(const word_t& w, size_t v) {
- return (w >> v) | ( w << (word_size-v));
- }
- class RC6_KeySched {
- using sched_t = gp::array<word_t, 2*r+4>;
- public:
- static constexpr size_t c = (b+word_size-1)/word_size;
- static constexpr size_t v_3 = gp::max(c, 2*r+4);
- static constexpr size_t v = v_3*3;
- private:
- sched_t S{};
- public:
- constexpr RC6_KeySched(gp::array<word_t, c> L)
- {
- static_assert(r_l(r_r(13,13),13) == 13);
- auto it = S.begin();
- *(it++) = P;
- for(; it != S.end(); ++it)
- {
- *it = *(it-1) + Q;
- }
- word_t A = 0;
- word_t B = 0;
- word_t i = 0;
- word_t j = 0;
- size_t s = 0;
- while(true)
- {
- A = S[i] = r_l( S[i] + A + B, 3 );
- B += A;
- B = L[j] = r_l( L[j] + B, B%(word_size));
- ++s;
- if(s >= v) break;
- i = s % S.size();
- j = s % L.size();
- }
- }
- const auto cbegin()
- {
- return S.cbegin();
- }
- const auto cend()
- {
- return S.cend();
- }
- const auto crbegin()
- {
- return S.crbegin();
- }
- const auto crend()
- {
- return S.crend();
- }
- };
- RC6_KeySched S;
- public:
- typedef gp::array<word_t, RC6_KeySched::c> key_type;
- typedef gp::array<word_t, 4> block_type;
- constexpr RC6(const key_type& key)
- : S(key)
- {}
- constexpr block_type&& encrypt(block_type plaintext) {
- using namespace gp::math;
- auto& A = plaintext[0];
- auto& B = plaintext[1];
- auto& C = plaintext[2];
- auto& D = plaintext[3];
- auto it = S.cbegin();
- B += *(it++);
- D += *(it++);
- for(size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i)
- {
- auto u = r_l( D * ( 2 * D + 1 ), msb(word_size));
- auto t = r_l( B * ( 2 * B + 1 ), msb(word_size));
- A = r_l((A ^ t), u % word_size) + *(it++);
- C = r_l((C ^ u), t % word_size) + *(it++);
- gp::rotate(plaintext.begin(), plaintext.begin()+1, plaintext.end());
- }
- A += *(it++);
- C += *(it++);
- assert(it == S.cend());
- return std::move(plaintext);
- }
- constexpr block_type decrypt(block_type plaintext) {
- using namespace gp::math;
- auto& A = plaintext[0];
- auto& B = plaintext[1];
- auto& C = plaintext[2];
- auto& D = plaintext[3];
- auto it = S.crbegin();
- C -= *(it++);
- A -= *(it++);
- for(size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i)
- {
- gp::rotate(plaintext.begin(), plaintext.end()-1, plaintext.end());
- auto u = r_l( D * ( 2 * D + 1 ), msb(word_size));
- auto t = r_l( B * ( 2 * B + 1 ), msb(word_size));
- C = r_r( (C - *(it++)) , t % word_size) ^ u ;
- A = r_r( (A - *(it++)) , u % word_size) ^ t ;
- }
- D -= *(it++);
- B -= *(it++);
- assert(it == S.crend());
- return std::move(plaintext);
- }
- };