- #include <gp/algorithms/foreach.hpp>
- #include <gp/utils/allocators/arena.hpp>
- #include <gp/containers/array.hpp>
- #include <gp/ipc/envelope/cbor.hpp>
- #include "test_scaffold.h"
- #include <bitset>
- #include <sstream>
- struct generic_cbor_test : public test_scaffold {
- std::unique_ptr<gp::array<char, 4096*4>> store = std::make_unique<gp::array<char, 4096*4>>();
- gp::arena alloc{&*store->begin(), store->size()};
- };
- struct cbor_test1 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test1() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##1";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- some_int a{16};
- some_int b = 12u;
- b = a;
- gp_config::assertion(b.is_a<int>(), "b got wrong type assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test2 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test2() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##2";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- some_int a{16u};
- some_int b = a;
- gp_config::assertion(b.is_a<unsigned int>(), "b got wrong type assigned");
- gp_config::assertion(b.value<unsigned int>() == 16, "b got wrong value assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test3 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test3() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##3";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- some_int a{16u};
- some_int b = gp::move(a);
- gp_config::assertion(b.is_a<unsigned int>(), "b got wrong type assigned");
- gp_config::assertion(b.value<unsigned int>() == 16, "b got wrong value assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test4 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test4() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##4";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- some_int a{16u};
- some_int b;
- new(&b) some_int(a);
- gp_config::assertion(b.is_a<unsigned int>(), "b got wrong type assigned");
- gp_config::assertion(b.value<unsigned int>() == 16, "b got wrong value assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test5 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test5() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##5";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- some_int a{16u};
- some_int b;
- new(&b) some_int(gp::move(a));
- gp_config::assertion(b.is_a<unsigned int>(), "b got wrong type assigned");
- gp_config::assertion(b.value<unsigned int>() == 16, "b got wrong value assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test6 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test6() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##6";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<some_int> vec{alloc};
- vec.emplace_back(12u);
- vec.emplace_back(-16);
- gp_config::assertion(vec[0].is_a<unsigned int>(), "vec0 got wrong type assigned");
- gp_config::assertion(vec[1].is_a<int>(), "vec1 got wrong type assigned");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test7 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test7() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##7";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, gp::cbor_associative_array_initiator{2});
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, gp::make_pair(uint64_t(12), int64_t(-98)));
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, gp::make_pair(uint64_t(13), int64_t(98)));
- log_segment("serialized[0]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[0]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[1]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[1]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[2]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[2]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[3]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[3]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[4]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[4]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[5]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[5]).c_str());
- log_segment("serialized[6]", std::to_string((unsigned char)serialized[6]).c_str());
- gp::array<char, 7> serialized_manual{
- char(0b10100010),
- char(0b00001100),
- char(0b00111000), char(98),
- char(0b00001101),
- char(0b00011000), char(98)
- };
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode: wrong output size");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- auto state = serialized_manual.as_buffer();
- size_t count = 0;
- auto count_handler = [](size_t size){
- {
- std::bitset<sizeof(size_t)*8> size_bits{size};
- std::stringstream v;
- v << size_bits;
- log_segment("size bits", v.str().c_str());
- }
- {
- std::bitset<sizeof(size_t)*8> size_bits{-size};
- std::stringstream v;
- v << size_bits;
- log_segment("-size bits", v.str().c_str());
- }
- {
- log_segment("-size value", std::to_string((size_t)-size).c_str());
- }
- gp_config::assertion(size == 2, "could not decode the correct size");
- return true;
- };
- auto callback_handler = [&count](gp::parsing_state state, gp::allocator& alloc) {
- count++;
- switch(count-1) {
- case 0: {
- auto [value, new_state] = gp::read_cbor<int64_t>(state, alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode value");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 12, "could not encode the correct size");
- return new_state;
- }
- case 1:{
- auto [value, new_state] = gp::read_cbor<int64_t>(state, alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode value");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == -98, "could not encode the correct size");
- return new_state;
- }
- case 2:{
- auto [value, new_state] = gp::read_cbor<int64_t>(state, alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode value");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 13, "could not encode the correct size");
- return new_state;
- }
- case 3:{
- auto [value, new_state] = gp::read_cbor<int64_t>(state, alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode value");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 98, "could not encode the correct size");
- return new_state;
- }
- default: return state;
- }
- };
- auto new_state = read_cbor_kv_list(
- state,
- alloc,
- callback_handler,
- count_handler
- );
- gp_config::assertion(state.size() > new_state.size(), "reading succeeded");
- gp_config::assertion(new_state.size() == 0, "something is left in the string");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test8 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test8() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##8";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 1> serialized_manual{
- char(1)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, 1);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode (wrong size)");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[0] == serialized_manual[0], "data did not encode correctly");
- auto [value, new_state] = gp::read_cbor<int>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not redecode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 1, "data did not serialize correctly: wrong value decoded");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test9 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test9() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##9";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 3> serialized_manual{
- char(0b00011001),
- char(0b00000100),
- char(0b00000000)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, 1024);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized_manual.size() == serialized.size(), "could not encode");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<int>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not decode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 1024, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test10 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test10() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##10";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 5> serialized_manual{
- char(0b00011010),
- char(0xAA),
- char(0xBB),
- char(0xCC),
- char(0xDD)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, 0xAABBCCDD);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized_manual.size() == serialized.size(), "could not encode");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<uint64_t>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not decode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 0xAABBCCDD, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test11 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test11() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##11";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 9> serialized_manual{
- char(0b00011011),
- char(0xAA),
- char(0xBB),
- char(0xCC),
- char(0xDD),
- char(0xEE),
- char(0xFF),
- char(0x00),
- char(0x11)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, 0xAABBCCDDEEFF0011ull);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized_manual.size() == serialized.size(), "could not encode");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<uint64_t>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not decode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == 0xAABBCCDDEEFF0011ull, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test12 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test12() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##12";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 1> serialized_manual{
- char(0b11100000+22)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, nullptr);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[0] == serialized_manual[0], "data did not serialize correctly");
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<std::nullptr_t>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == nullptr, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test13 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test13() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##13";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 1> serialized_manual{
- char(0b11100000+21)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, true);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[0] == serialized_manual[0], "data did not serialize correctly");
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<bool>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == true, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test14 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test14() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##14";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 1> serialized_manual{
- char(0b11100000+20)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, false);
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[0] == serialized_manual[0], "data did not serialize correctly");
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<bool>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == false, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test15 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test15() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##15";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 1> serialized_manual{
- char(0b11100000+24)
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, gp::cbor_undefined{});
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[0] == serialized_manual[0], "data did not serialize correctly");
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<gp::cbor_undefined>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not encode");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test16 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test16() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##16";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> str{alloc};
- str.reserve(5);
- for(auto a : {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'})
- str.push_back((char)a);
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 6> serialized_manual{
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o')
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, str.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() != serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- auto [value, state] = gp::read_cbor<gp::vector<char>>(serialized.as_buffer(), alloc);
- gp_config::assertion(value.has_value(), "could not decode");
- gp_config::assertion(value.value() == str, "data did not decode correctly");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- struct cbor_test17 : public generic_cbor_test {
- cbor_test17() {
- name = __FILE__ ":" "##17";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- using some_int = gp::fixed_variant<int, unsigned int, long long>;
- {
- gp::vector<char> str{alloc};
- str.reserve(5);
- for(auto a : {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'})
- str.push_back((char)a);
- gp::vector<char> serialized(alloc);
- gp::array<char, 31> serialized_manual{
- char(0b10000101),
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o'),
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o'),
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o'),
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o'),
- char(0b01000101),
- char('h'),
- char('e'),
- char('l'),
- char('l'),
- char('o')
- };
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, gp::cbor_array_initiator{5});
- gp::repeat(5,
- [&](){
- gp::push_as_cbor(serialized, str.as_buffer());
- }
- );
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.size() == serialized_manual.size(), "could not encode");
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < serialized_manual.size(); idx++) {
- gp_config::assertion(serialized[idx] == serialized_manual[idx], "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_pg5zhr84bv(new cbor_test1{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zdhr8bv(new cbor_test2{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrf8bv(new cbor_test3{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhdr8bv(new cbor_test4{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zghr8bv(new cbor_test5{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhfr8bv(new cbor_test6{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrs8bv(new cbor_test7{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrj8bv(new cbor_test8{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrh8bv(new cbor_test9{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrz8bv(new cbor_test10{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhrg8bv(new cbor_test11{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zher8bv(new cbor_test12{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zhr8rbv(new cbor_test13{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zzhr8bv(new cbor_test14{});
- append_test dummy_p78shrg8bv(new cbor_test15{});
- append_test dummy_p4sddr8rbv(new cbor_test16{});
- append_test dummy_pg5zzdjobv(new cbor_test17{});
- /*
- {
- gp::cbor_value data{alloc};
- data = gp::cbor_floating_point(128.5f);
- gp::array<std::byte, 5> serialized;
- gp::array<std::byte, 5> serialized_manual{
- std::byte(0b11111010),
- std::byte(0b01000011),
- std::byte(0b00000000),
- std::byte(0b10000000),
- std::byte(0b00000000)
- };
- auto ret_it = data.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- gp::fill(serialized,(std::byte)0);
- auto decoded = gp::cbor_value::decode(alloc, serialized_manual.as_buffer());
- ret_it = decoded.first.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- {
- gp::cbor_value data{alloc};
- data = gp::cbor_floating_point((double)128.5);
- gp::array<std::byte, 9> serialized;
- gp::array<std::byte, 9> serialized_manual{
- std::byte(0b11111011),
- std::byte(0b01000000),
- std::byte(0b01100000),
- std::byte(0b00010000),
- std::byte(0b00000000),
- std::byte(0b00000000),
- std::byte(0b00000000),
- std::byte(0b00000000),
- std::byte(0b00000000)
- };
- auto ret_it = data.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- gp::fill(serialized,(std::byte)0);
- auto decoded = gp::cbor_value::decode(alloc, serialized_manual.as_buffer());
- ret_it = decoded.first.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- {
- gp::vector<std::byte> str{alloc};
- str.reserve(5);
- for(auto a : {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'})
- str.push_back((std::byte)a);
- gp::cbor_value data{alloc};
- data = str;
- gp::vector<gp::cbor_value> meta{alloc};
- gp::repeat(5, [&](){
- meta.push_back(data);
- });
- data = meta;
- gp::array<std::byte, 31> serialized;
- gp::array<std::byte, 31> serialized_manual{
- std::byte(0b10000101),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o')
- };
- auto ret_it = data.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- gp::fill(serialized,(std::byte)0);
- auto decoded = gp::cbor_value::decode(alloc, serialized_manual.as_buffer());
- ret_it = decoded.first.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- {
- gp::vector<std::byte> str{alloc};
- str.reserve(5);
- for(auto a : {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'})
- str.push_back((std::byte)a);
- gp::cbor_value data{alloc};
- data = str;
- gp::vector<gp::pair<gp::cbor_value, gp::cbor_value>> meta{alloc};
- gp::repeat(2, [&](){
- meta.push_back(gp::make_pair(data, data));
- });
- data = meta;
- gp::array<std::byte, 25> serialized;
- gp::array<std::byte, 25> serialized_manual{
- std::byte(0b10100010),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o'),
- std::byte(0b01000101),
- std::byte('h'),
- std::byte('e'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('l'),
- std::byte('o')
- };
- auto ret_it = data.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- gp::fill(serialized,(std::byte)0);
- auto decoded = gp::cbor_value::decode(alloc, serialized_manual.as_buffer());
- ret_it = decoded.first.encode(serialized.as_buffer());
- gp_config::assertion(serialized.begin() != ret_it, "could not encode");
- gp_config::assertion(serialized == serialized_manual, "data did not serialize correctly");
- }
- */