- #pragma once
- #include "gp/algorithm/foreach.hpp"
- #include "gp/algorithm/reference.hpp"
- #include "gp/allocator/allocator.hpp"
- #include "gp/vector.hpp"
- #include "gp/vfs/file_description.hpp"
- #include "gp/vfs/filesystem.hpp"
- #include "gp/vfs/runqueue.hpp"
- #include "gp/vfs/scheduler.hpp"
- namespace gp{
- // TODO: thread safety
- class scheduling_scheme {
- public:
- virtual topic_list::node_ptr one(size_t token) = 0;
- virtual topic_list::node_ptr next(size_t token, topic_list::node_ptr current) = 0;
- virtual void push(topic_list::node_ptr current) = 0;
- virtual void link(class system&) = 0;
- virtual scheduler& current_scheduler() = 0;
- };
- class system {
- friend struct scheduler;
- public:
- gp::reference_wrapper<gp::allocator> system_allocator;
- gp::vector<gp::filesystem*> filesystems{system_allocator};
- gp::vector<gp::scheduler> process_managers;
- scheduling_scheme& scheme;
- topic_list::node main_context;
- system(allocator& v, scheduling_scheme& scheme_, gp::buffer<char> stack_estimate = gp::buffer<char>{nullptr, nullptr})
- : system_allocator{v}
- , process_managers{system_allocator}
- , scheme{scheme_}
- {
- [[maybe_unused]] volatile char a;
- if(stack_estimate.size() == 0) {
- auto seed = (char*)&a;
- auto jump = (uintptr_t)seed % gp_config::limits::process_stack;
- seed -= jump + (jump == 0)*gp_config::limits::process_stack;
- auto page_cnt = 1;
- if(jump == 0) page_cnt++;
- stack_estimate = gp::buffer<char>{seed, (size_t)(gp_config::limits::process_stack*page_cnt)};
- }
- main_context.value = (process_data*)system_allocator.get().allocate(sizeof(process_data));
- new(main_context.value) process_data(gp::function<void()>([]() -> void{}, nullopt), stack_estimate.begin().data, stack_estimate.size(), gp::unique_ptr<base_process_info>::make(system_allocator));
- gp_config::assertion(main_context.value != nullptr, "failed to allocate return to main switch");
- scheme.link(*this);
- }
- size_t spawn(gp::function<void()> fn) {
- constexpr size_t stack_sz = gp_config::limits::process_stack;
- void* stack = system_allocator.get().allocate(stack_sz);
- gp_config::assertion(stack != nullptr, "failed to allocate a stack");
- process_data* created_process = (process_data*)system_allocator.get().allocate(sizeof(process_data));
- gp_config::assertion(stack != nullptr, "failed to allocate a process data");
- new(created_process) process_data(fn, stack, stack_sz, gp::unique_ptr<base_process_info>::make(system_allocator));
- topic_list::node_ptr pp = (topic_list::node_ptr)system_allocator.get().allocate(
- sizeof(topic_list::node)
- );
- new(pp) topic_list::node();
- pp->value = created_process;
- auto pid = pp->value->pid;
- scheme.push(pp);
- return pid;
- }
- template<typename threading_function>
- void run(threading_function thread_starter) {
- for(auto& i : process_managers) {
- gp::function<void(void)> runner{
- [&](){
- i.run();
- },
- system_allocator
- };
- thread_starter(
- runner
- );
- }
- }
- void yield() {
- scheme.current_scheduler().yield();
- }
- };
- scheduler::scheduler(class system& v, size_t token)
- : id(token)
- , sys(v)
- , main_context_data{gp::function<void()>{[](){}, v.system_allocator}, nullptr, size_t(0), gp::unique_ptr<base_process_info>::make(v.system_allocator)}
- , main_context()
- {
- main_context.value = &main_context_data;
- gp_config::assertion(!main_context.try_acquire(), "node should be not aquired on creation");
- }
- no_inline_decl(inline scheduler* spawner (scheduler* new_p)) {
- auto& proc = *new_p->current->value;
- if(proc.state == gp::process_status::inactive) {
- proc.state = gp::process_status::running;
- proc.fn();
- proc.state = gp::process_status::finished;
- }
- return new_p;
- }
- void scheduler::yield_to(topic_list::node_ptr target)
- {
- previous = current;
- current->value->specifics.pull();
- current = target;
- auto new_p = this;
- do{
- new_p = spawner(static_cast<scheduler*>(target->value->specifics.push(new_p)));
- target = new_p->sys.scheme.next(new_p->id, new_p->current);
- new_p->previous = new_p->current;
- new_p->current->value->specifics.pull();
- new_p->current = target;
- } while(true);
- }
- void scheduler::yield(){
- current = sys.scheme.next(id, current);
- yield_to(current);
- }
- void scheduler::run()
- {
- main_context_data.pid = 0;
- main_context_data.state = process_status::running;
- main_context_data.specifics.pull();
- current = &main_context;
- sys.scheme.push(&main_context);
- auto new_p = spawner(static_cast<scheduler*>(current->value->specifics.push(this)));
- new_p->yield_to(new_p->sys.scheme.next(new_p->id, new_p->current));
- }
- }