- # gplib
- General Purpose library for Freestanding C++ environment and POSIX systems.
- > Expects C++17
- ## Datastructures
- ### `buffer`
- Also named "slices" in other languages, they are a combination of a pointer and a size.
- ### `array`
- A fixed size, inplace array.
- ### `indexed_array`
- A resizable, fragmentation resistant array, it associates elements with fixed indices. It will reuse deleted indices.
- ### `optional`
- A Maybe monad, will not allocate for final classes or primitives.
- ### `variant` and `fixed_variant`
- ### `ring_list`
- ### `bloomfilter`
- ### `quotient_filter`
- ## Algorithms
- ## Tools
- ### Allocators
- ### Renderer
- ### Internal file-system
- ## GP Configuration
- ### `enum class gp_errorcodes`
- This `enum` should not contain any non-zero value.
- - `infinite_skipstone`: used when a linear probing reaches infinity lookup
- ### Generic elements
- - `constexpr bool gp_config::has_exceptions`: enables or disables exceptions throwing
- - `constexpr bool gp_config::has_buffer_bounds`: enables or disables bound checking
- - `constexpr size_t gp_config::arc4random_strength`: determines the amount of shuffling of the arc4random PRNG
- - `constexpr /* T */ gp_config::assertion`: `T` is a callable type taking a boolean predicate and a `const char*`
- - `typedef /* T */ file_descriptor_t`: `T` is an integer type. No negative value should be expected
- ### Rendering and mathematics
- - `using gp_config::rendering::default_type`: provide a numeric type for rendering and for the mathematical framework
- - `constexpr default_type gp_config::rendering::epsilon`: a small value of the default type (example for float: `0.001f`)
- - `#define GP_CONFIG__RENDERING__COLOR_T`: a configuration define for storing a color for rendering purposes
- ### Memory
- - `using gp_config::memory_module::default_allocator`: a default constructible allocator type
- - `constexpr bool gp_config::memory_module::is_ok`: true if the default allocator is able to allocate, false if not