- #include "allocator.hpp"
- #include "gp/algorithms/repeat.hpp"
- #include "gp/algorithms/rotate.hpp"
- #include "gp/algorithms/move.hpp"
- #include "gp/utils/allocators/aggregator.hpp"
- #include "gp/utils/allocators/arena.hpp"
- #include "gp/utils/allocators/buddy.hpp"
- #include "gp/utils/allocators/dummy.hpp"
- #include "gp/containers/array.hpp"
- #include "gp/math/boolean/bitops.hpp"
- #include "gp/containers/indexed_array.hpp"
- #include "gp/containers/ring_list.hpp"
- #include "test_scaffold.h"
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <numeric>
- #include <random>
- #include <set>
- #include <stack>
- #include <thread>
- #define FUZZ_STRENGTH 2048
- #endif
- #define MACRO_STRGEN(X) #X
- constexpr bool time_fuzzes = true;
- struct arraysum_test : public test_scaffold {
- arraysum_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":1";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- gp::array<uint32_t, 16> test;
- for(auto& elem : test)
- {
- elem = 12;
- }
- return std::accumulate(test.begin(), test.end(), 0) != 12*test.size();
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_sd45uisd3(new arraysum_test{});
- struct optional_test : public test_scaffold {
- optional_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":1";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- gp::optional<uint32_t> test;
- if(test.has_value())
- {
- res++;
- }
- test = 12;
- if(test.has_value())
- {
- if(test.value()!=12)
- {
- res++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- res++;
- }
- }
- {
- gp::optional<std::ifstream> test;
- if(test.has_value())
- {
- res++;
- }
- test = std::ifstream("/proc/cpuinfo");
- if(!test.has_value())
- {
- res++;
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_mlyusisd3(new optional_test{});
- struct buddy_test : public test_scaffold {
- buddy_test() {
- name = std::string(__FILE__ "seed_") + std::to_string(seed) + ":3";
- rng.seed(seed);
- }
- std::mt19937 rng{};
- int seed = std::random_device{}();
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- gp::repeat(10, [&](){
- gp::array<char, 4096> store;
- {
- gp::dummy_allocator dummyall;
- static_assert(gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(8) == 3);
- static_assert(gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(127) == 7);
- static_assert(gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096) == 12);
- gp::buddy<gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096)> bud{&*store.begin(), store.size()};
- gp::buddy<gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096)> dum_bud{store.size(), dummyall};
- {
- gp::buddy<> inner_bud{2048, bud};
- gp_config::assertion(!dummyall.try_reallocate(nullptr, 0), "reallocation works wut?");
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.try_reallocate(nullptr, 0), "reallocation works wut?");
- gp_config::assertion(!inner_bud.try_reallocate(nullptr, 0), "reallocation works wut?");
- std::set<void*> ptr_set;
- for(int i = 0; i < 2048 / 16; i++)
- {
- void* v = inner_bud.allocate(16);
- gp_config::assertion(!inner_bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(v == nullptr)
- {
- throw gp::runtime_error("allocation failed");
- }
- ptr_set.insert(v);
- }
- bool wut = ptr_set.count(nullptr)!=0 || ptr_set.size()!=(2048/16);
- if(wut) throw gp::runtime_error("some allocations failed line: " MACRO_STR(__LINE__));
- if(nullptr != inner_bud.allocate(8)) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation succeeded, failure was expected");
- for(auto elem : ptr_set) {
- gp_config::assertion(!inner_bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(inner_bud.deallocate(elem) == false)
- {
- res += 1;
- }
- }
- gp_config::assertion(inner_bud.empty(), "allocator should be empty");
- }
- {
- gp_config::assertion(!dummyall.try_reallocate(nullptr, 0), "reallocation works wut?");
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.try_reallocate(nullptr, 0), "reallocation works wut?");
- std::set<void*> ptr_set;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4096 / 16; i++)
- {
- void* v = bud.allocate(16);
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(v == nullptr) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation failed");
- ptr_set.insert(v);
- }
- if(ptr_set.count(nullptr)!=0 || ptr_set.size()!=(4096/16)) throw gp::runtime_error("some allocations failed line: " MACRO_STR(__LINE__));
- if(nullptr != bud.allocate(8)) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation succeeded, failure was expected");
- for(auto elem : ptr_set) {
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(bud.deallocate(elem) == false)
- {
- res += 1;
- }
- }
- gp_config::assertion(bud.empty(), "allocator should be empty");
- }
- {
- std::set<void*> ptr_set;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4096 / 8; i++)
- {
- void* v = bud.allocate(8);
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(v == nullptr) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation failed");
- ptr_set.insert(v);
- }
- if(ptr_set.count(nullptr)!=0 || ptr_set.size()!=(4096/8)) throw gp::runtime_error("some allocations failed line: " MACRO_STR(__LINE__));
- if(nullptr != bud.allocate(8)) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation succeeded, failure was expected");
- for(auto elem : ptr_set) {
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(bud.deallocate(elem) == false)
- {
- res += 1;
- }
- }
- gp_config::assertion(bud.empty(), "allocator should be empty");
- }
- {
- std::set<void*> ptr_set;
- std::vector<size_t> infill;
- std::insert_iterator< std::vector<size_t> > inserter{infill, std::end(infill)};
- std::fill_n(inserter, 4096 / 16 / 4, 16);
- inserter = std::insert_iterator< std::vector<size_t> >{infill, std::end(infill)};
- std::fill_n(inserter, 4096 / 8 / 4, 8);
- std::shuffle(infill.begin(), infill.end(), rng);
- for(auto sz : infill)
- {
- void* v = bud.allocate(sz);
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(v == nullptr) throw gp::runtime_error("allocation failed");
- ptr_set.insert(v);
- }
- if(ptr_set.count(nullptr)!=0) throw gp::runtime_error("some allocations failed line: " MACRO_STR(__LINE__));
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.deallocate((char*)store.begin().data + 1), "misaligned deallocation fails");
- for(auto elem : ptr_set) {
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.empty(), "allocator should have elements");
- if(bud.deallocate(elem) == false)
- {
- res += 1;
- }
- }
- gp_config::assertion(!bud.deallocate(nullptr), "deallocating out of scope returns false");
- gp_config::assertion(bud.empty(), "allocator should be empty");
- }
- }
- });
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_654sisd3(new buddy_test{});
- // TODO: should implement a test that tries to wrongly remove pointers as well as to allocate them correctly
- struct buddy_fuzz_test : public test_scaffold {
- buddy_fuzz_test() {
- name = std::string(__FILE__ "seed_") + std::to_string(seed) + ":4";
- rng.seed(seed);
- }
- buddy_fuzz_test(size_t _seed) {
- seed = _seed;
- name = std::string(__FILE__ "seed_") + std::to_string(seed) + ":4";
- rng.seed(seed);
- }
- std::mt19937 rng{};
- int seed = std::random_device{}();
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- alignas(8) gp::array<char, 4096> store;
- gp::buddy<gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096)> bud{&*store.begin(), store.size()};
- std::vector<void*> ptr_set;
- auto get_random_mem_qt = [&]() -> size_t {
- return 1+rng()%(store.size()-1);
- };
- auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- {
- gp::repeat(FUZZ_STRENGTH, [&](){
- void* ptr;
- auto sz = get_random_mem_qt();
- size_t tries = 0;
- std::shuffle(
- ptr_set.begin(),
- ptr_set.end(),
- rng
- );
- while(!(ptr = bud.allocate(sz)))
- {
- void* free_ptr = ptr_set.back();
- ptr_set.pop_back();
- gp_config::assertion(bud.deallocate(free_ptr), "could not free sample");
- gp_config::assertion(++tries <= store.size(), "infinite fuzzing");
- }
- ptr_set.emplace_back(ptr);
- });
- for(auto ptr : ptr_set)
- {
- bud.deallocate(ptr);
- }
- ptr_set.resize(0);
- }
- auto duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
- start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- {
- size_t acc = 0;
- gp::repeat(FUZZ_STRENGTH, [&](){
- void* ptr;
- auto sz = get_random_mem_qt();
- size_t tries = 0;
- std::shuffle(
- ptr_set.begin(),
- ptr_set.end(),
- rng
- );
- ptr = malloc(sz);
- acc+=1;
- while(acc > 20)
- {
- void* free_ptr = ptr_set.back();
- free(free_ptr);
- acc -= 1;
- ptr_set.pop_back();
- gp_config::assertion(++tries <= store.size(), "infinite fuzzing");
- }
- ptr_set.emplace_back(ptr);
- });
- for(auto ptr : ptr_set)
- {
- free(ptr);
- }
- }
- auto reference = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
- if(do_bench){
- std::cout
- << "Fuzzing timed at "
- << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count()
- << "µs for "
- << " (reference: "
- << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(reference).count()
- << "µs)"
- << std::endl;
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_df987sd3(new buddy_fuzz_test{781017366});
- append_test dummy_df4sisd3(new buddy_fuzz_test{});
- struct ring_list_test : public test_scaffold {
- ring_list_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":5";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- alignas(8) gp::array<char, 4096> store;
- using local_allocator = gp::buddy<gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096)>;
- local_allocator bud{&*store.begin(), store.size()};
- {
- using string_ring = gp::ring_list<std::string>;
- auto p = new(bud.allocate(sizeof(std::string))) std::string("Hello");
- auto orig = new(bud.allocate(sizeof(string_ring::node))) string_ring::node(p);
- string_ring ring{orig, bud};
- ring.insert("World");
- auto it = ring.explore();
- std::string test = "";
- do{
- test += *it;
- ++it;
- }while(it != ring.explore());
- res += (test != "HelloWorld");
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_867fdrgsd3(new ring_list_test{});
- struct aggregator_test : public test_scaffold {
- aggregator_test() {
- name = std::string(__FILE__ "seed_") + std::to_string(seed) + ":6";
- rng.seed(seed);
- }
- std::mt19937 rng{};
- int seed = std::random_device{}();
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- alignas(8) gp::array<char, 4096> store;
- using local_allocator = gp::buddy<gp::math::msb<uint64_t>(4096)>;
- local_allocator bud{&*store.begin(), store.size()};
- alignas(8) gp::array<char, 4096> store2;
- local_allocator bud2{&*store2.begin(), store2.size()};
- gp::aggregator allocator(bud);
- allocator.insert(bud2);
- {
- std::vector<void*> ptr_set;
- auto get_random_mem_qt = [&]() -> size_t {
- return 1+rng()%(store.size()-1);
- };
- auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- {
- gp::repeat(FUZZ_STRENGTH, [&](){
- void* ptr;
- auto sz = get_random_mem_qt();
- size_t tries = 0;
- std::shuffle(
- ptr_set.begin(),
- ptr_set.end(),
- rng
- );
- while(!(ptr = allocator.allocate(sz)))
- {
- void* free_ptr = ptr_set.back();
- ptr_set.pop_back();
- gp_config::assertion(allocator.deallocate(free_ptr), "could not free sample");
- gp_config::assertion(++tries <= store.size(), "infinite fuzzing");
- }
- ptr_set.emplace_back(ptr);
- });
- for(auto ptr : ptr_set)
- {
- bud.deallocate(ptr);
- }
- ptr_set.resize(0);
- }
- auto duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
- }
- void* a = allocator.allocate(8);
- gp_config::assertion(allocator.try_reallocate(a, 16) == false, "could reallocate? was it implemented?");
- gp_config::assertion(allocator.deallocate(nullptr) == false, "error, could free an invalid pointer");
- allocator.deallocate(a);
- {
- gp::ring_list<int> list{allocator};
- list.insert(8);
- list.insert(16);
- list.insert(32);
- }
- {
- gp::array<char, 256> work_array;
- gp::arena alloc_work(work_array.begin().data, work_array.size());
- gp::ring_list<int> list{alloc_work};
- gp_config::assertion(list.insert(8) == true, "could allocate in list with good enough allocator");
- gp_config::assertion(list.insert(8) == true, "could allocate in list with good enough allocator");
- gp_config::assertion(list.insert(8) == true, "could allocate in list with good enough allocator");
- }
- {
- gp::array<char, sizeof(int)> once_array;
- gp::arena alloc_once(once_array.begin().data, once_array.size());
- gp::ring_list<int> list{alloc_once};
- gp_config::assertion(list.insert(8) == false, "could allocate in list with insufficient allocator");
- }
- {
- gp::arena alloc_none(nullptr, 0);
- gp::ring_list<int> list{alloc_none};
- gp_config::assertion(list.insert(8) == false, "could allocate in list with fake allocator");
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_8ijfsd658(new aggregator_test{});
- struct array_test : public test_scaffold {
- array_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":7";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- gp::array<int, 8> store;
- {
- int i = 0;
- for(auto& p : store)
- {
- p = i++;
- }
- for(auto it = store.rbegin(); it != store.rend(); ++it)
- {
- gp_config::assertion(*it == --i, "array error");
- }
- for(const auto& p : store)
- {
- gp_config::assertion(p == i++, "array error");
- }
- for(auto it = store.crbegin(); it != store.crend(); ++it)
- {
- gp_config::assertion(*it == --i, "array error");
- }
- size_t cnt = 0;
- for(const auto& p : store)
- {
- cnt++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(cnt == store.size(), "array error");
- cnt = 0;
- for(auto& p : store)
- {
- cnt++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(cnt == store.size(), "array error");
- cnt = 0;
- for(auto it = store.crbegin(); it != store.crend(); ++it)
- {
- cnt++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(cnt == store.size(), "array error");
- cnt = 0;
- for(auto it = store.rbegin(); it != store.rend(); ++it)
- {
- cnt++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(cnt == store.size(), "array error");
- gp::rotate(store.begin(), store.begin()+1, store.end());
- gp::array<int, 8> rotated({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0});
- gp_config::assertion(store == rotated, "rotate error");
- gp::rotate(store.begin(), store.end()-1, store.end());
- gp_config::assertion(store[0] == 0, "rotate error");
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_ajcurgsd3(new array_test{});
- struct indexed_array_test : public test_scaffold {
- indexed_array_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":7";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- gp::indexed_array<int, 8> store;
- size_t idx = store.push (112);
- store.push (113);
- store.push (114);
- gp_config::assertion(store[idx] == 112, "Bad value in indexed array");
- store.mark_for_removal(idx);
- store.sweep_removed();
- for(auto& p : store) {
- if(p == 112) res++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(store.size() == 2, "Bad size of indexed array");
- }
- {
- gp::indexed_array<std::string, 8> store;
- size_t idx = store.push ("112");
- store.push ("113");
- store.push ("114");
- gp_config::assertion(store[idx] == "112", "Bad value in indexed array");
- store.mark_for_removal(idx);
- store.sweep_removed();
- for(auto& p : store) {
- if(p == "112") res++;
- }
- gp_config::assertion(store.size() == 2, "Bad size of indexed array");
- {
- // TODO: write a concrete implementation and test it
- // gp::vfs fs;
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_khxurgsd3(new indexed_array_test{});
- struct move_uninitialized_test : public test_scaffold {
- move_uninitialized_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":8";
- }
- struct tester {
- size_t* const incremented;
- tester(size_t* ptr)
- : incremented(ptr)
- {}
- tester(tester&& oth)
- : incremented(oth.incremented)
- {
- ++*incremented;
- }
- };
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- size_t counter;
- using src_t = gp::array<tester, 16>;
- src_t *source = reinterpret_cast<src_t*>(malloc(sizeof(src_t)));
- gp::array<char, sizeof(tester)*16> buffer;
- for(auto& a : *source) {
- new(&a) tester(&counter);
- }
- gp::move_uninitialized(*source, buffer.as_buffer().cast<tester>());
- free(source);
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_hkfyr5f5(new move_uninitialized_test{});
- struct clamp_test : public test_scaffold {
- clamp_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":9";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- res += gp::clamp<float>(0.0, -1.0, 1.0);
- res += gp::clamp<float>(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- res += gp::max(-1, -2, 0, -3);
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_gsdh25f5(new clamp_test{});
- struct buffer_test : public test_scaffold {
- buffer_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":10";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- gp::array<char, 24> data;
- gp::array<char, 24> data_e;
- gp::buffer<char> handle = data.as_buffer();
- handle[12] = '&';
- gp_config::assertion(*(handle.begin()+12) == '&', "Could not assign to the buffer");
- res += 1;
- try {
- handle[24] = 16;
- res += 1;
- handle[-1] = 16;
- res += 1;
- handle[1024] = 16;
- } catch (...) {
- res -= 1;
- }
- res += 1;
- try {
- auto cast = handle.cast<gp::array<char, 32>>();
- } catch (...) {
- res -= 1;
- }
- auto cast = handle.template cast<gp::array<char, 6>>().template cast<gp::array<char, 4>>();
- gp_config::assertion(false == (data == data_e), "Different arrays should return false here");
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_gs87ytf5f5(new buffer_test{});
- struct endian_test : public test_scaffold {
- endian_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":11";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- gp::endian_wrapper<uint32_t> a = 0x41424344UL;
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfour-char-constants"
- #pragma gcc diagnostic push
- #pragma gcc diagnostic ignored "-Wfour-char-constants"
- gp_config::assertion(a.value != 'ABCD', "Not a big endian in a big endian wrapper");
- #pragma gcc diagnostic pop
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- gp_config::assertion(gp::swap_endian<uint32_t>(0x41424344UL)==0x44434241UL, "swap_endian doesn't swap endian");
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_45zelotf5f5(new endian_test{});
- struct alloc_bench_test : public test_scaffold {
- alloc_bench_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":12";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- if(do_bench) {
- auto store = std::make_unique<std::array<char, 1 << 16>>();
- using buddy_loc = gp::buddy<>;
- using arena_loc = gp::arena;
- buddy_loc bud{&*store->begin(), store->size()};
- arena_loc are{&*store->begin(), store->size()};
- std::cout << "Allocator | Operation | Divider | Time (µs)" << std::endl;
- for(size_t divider = 2; divider < 32; ++divider)
- {
- gp::ring_list<int> a{bud};
- gp::ring_list<int> b{are};
- std::cout <<
- "ARE | " << "INS | " << divider << " | " <<
- time_operation([&](){
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/divider; i++) {
- b.insert(i);
- }
- }).count() << std::endl;
- std::cout <<
- "ARE | " << "DEL | " << divider << " | " <<
- time_operation([&](){
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/divider; i++) {
- gp::ring_list<int>::explorer e = b.explore();
- b.remove(e);
- }
- }).count() << std::endl;
- std::cout <<
- "BUD | " << "INS | " << divider << " | " <<
- time_operation([&](){
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/divider; i++) {
- a.insert(i);
- }
- }).count() << std::endl;
- std::cout <<
- "BUD | " << "DEL | " << divider << " | " <<
- time_operation([&](){
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/divider; i++) {
- gp::ring_list<int>::explorer e = a.explore();
- a.remove(e);
- }
- }).count() << std::endl;
- }
- {
- gp::ring_list<int> a{bud};
- gp::ring_list<int> b{are};
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/2; i++) {
- a.insert(i);
- }
- for(size_t i = 0; i < store->size()/sizeof(gp::ring_list<int>::node)/2; i++) {
- gp::ring_list<int>::explorer e = a.explore();
- a.remove(++e);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_jhgspo5d5(new alloc_bench_test{});
- struct indexed_array_stair_test : public test_scaffold {
- indexed_array_stair_test() {
- name = __FILE__ ":13";
- }
- virtual int run() {
- int res = 0;
- {
- int climb = 0;
- int curr_climb = 0;
- gp::indexed_array<int, 1024> arr;
- while(climb < 1000)
- {
- for(; curr_climb < 10; climb++, curr_climb++ )
- {
- arr.push(climb);
- }
- for(; curr_climb != 0; curr_climb -= 2) {
- arr.pop(arr.size() - curr_climb);
- }
- arr.pop(arr.size() - 1);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- append_test dummy_amf763ld5(new indexed_array_stair_test{});