General Purpose library for Freestanding C++ and POSIX systems
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#include "test_scaffold.h"
#include "gp/containers/array.hpp"
#include "gp/utils/pair.hpp"
#include "gp/math.hpp"
#include "gp/math/rendering/renderer.hpp"
#include "gp/math/rendering/bmp_viewport.hpp"
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
typedef std::mt19937_64 cheap_rand;
struct sin_test : public test_scaffold {
sin_test() {
name = __FILE__ ":1";
virtual int run() {
int res = 0;
for(float i = 0; i < 100; i += 0.1) {
float v = gp::math::sin(i);
float ref = sin(i);
res += 0.3 < gp::math::abs<float>(ref - v)*100.0/(gp::math::abs(ref+0.00000001));
for(float i = 0; i < 100; i += 0.1) {
float v = gp::math::cos(i);
float ref = cos(i);
res += 0.3 < gp::math::abs<float>(ref - v)*100.0/(gp::math::abs(ref+0.00000001));
for(float i = 0; i < 100; i += 0.1) {
float v = gp::math::cos(i)*gp::math::cos(i) + gp::math::sin(i)*gp::math::sin(i);
res += 1 + gp_config::rendering::epsilon < v;
res += 1 - gp_config::rendering::epsilon > v;
return res;
append_test dummy_mldffh6f(new sin_test{});
struct render_test : public test_scaffold {
render_test() {
name = __FILE__ ":2";
virtual int run() {
using namespace gp::math::rendering;
int res = 0;
gp::array<char, 2048> allocation_buffer;
renderer a{allocation_buffer.as_buffer()};
a._resolution = vec2{128,64};
a.passes = 5;
a.projection_end = 3;
a.sky_box = material_t([](vec3) -> color_t {
color_t ret;
ret.r() = 0.5;
ret.g() = 0.5;
ret.b() = 1;
ret.a() = 1;
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator());
auto red = a.materials.push(
material_t([&](vec3 p) -> color_t {
color_t ret;
ret.r() = 1;
ret.g() = 0;
ret.b() = 0;
ret.a() = 1;
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator())
auto green = a.materials.push(
material_t([&](vec3 p) -> color_t {
color_t ret;
ret.r() = 0;
ret.g() = 1;
ret.b() = 0;
ret.a() = 1;
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator())
auto sphere = a.scene_elements.push(
sdf_t([&](vec3 pos) -> render_point {
auto l_sdf = gp::math::difference_sdf<float>(
gp::math::sphere_sdf<float>({0.0,0.0,0.0}, 1.0),
gp::math::sphere_sdf<float>({-0.75,0.0,0.0}, 1.0)
render_point ret;
ret.distance = l_sdf(pos);
ret.material = red;
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator())
auto sphere2 = a.scene_elements.push(
sdf_t([&](vec3 pos) -> render_point {
auto l_sdf_b = gp::math::sphere_sdf<float>({-0.75,0.0,0.0}, 0.05);
render_point ret;
ret.distance = l_sdf_b(pos);
ret.material = green;
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator())
a._camera.position = vec3{0, 0, -5};
a._camera.normal = vec3{0, 0, 1};
using pic_color = gp::math::vec4_g<uint8_t>;
using viewport = gp::bmp_viewport<true, pic_color>;
viewport vp{
viewport::src_t{[&](gp::math::vec2_g<int32_t> p) -> pic_color {
auto orig = a.render({(float)p.x,(float)p.y});
pic_color ret{};
ret.x = (uint8_t)(orig.x*255);
ret.y = (uint8_t)(orig.y*255);
ret.z = (uint8_t)(orig.z*255);
ret.w = (uint8_t)(orig.w*255);
return ret;
}, a.get_allocator()}
auto buff = std::make_unique<gp::array<char, 300000>>();
auto begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto r_end = vp.write(buff->as_buffer());
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "render time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - begin).count() << std::endl;
auto myfile = std::fstream("render.bmp", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
myfile.write(buff->begin().data, r_end - buff->begin());
//gp_config::assertion(a.render(vec2{64,32}).x == color_t{1.0,0,0,1.0}.x, "red sphere not perceived");
//gp_config::assertion(a.render(vec2{0,0}).x == color_t{0.0,0,1.0,1.0}.x, "blue sky not perceived");
return res;
append_test dummy_pzj6f(new render_test{});
struct function_test : public test_scaffold {
function_test() {
name = __FILE__ ":3";
virtual int run() {
using namespace gp::math::rendering;
int res = 0;
gp::array<char, 2048> allocation_buffer;
gp::buddy<> allocator{allocation_buffer.begin().data, allocation_buffer.size()};
gp::function<float(vec3)> l_sdf_b{gp::math::sphere_sdf<float>({0.0,0.0,0.0}, 1.0), allocator};
gp::function<float(vec3)> sdf{l_sdf_b};
gp_config::assertion(l_sdf_b(vec3(0,0,0)) == -1 && sdf(vec3(0,0,0)) == -1, "Bad sdf");
return res;
append_test dummy_ml8576f(new function_test{});
template<typename T>
struct math_funcs_test : public test_scaffold {
uint32_t seed;
T low;
T high;
math_funcs_test(T low = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), T high = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
this->low = low;
this->high = high;
seed = std::random_device{}();
name = __FILE__ ":4_math_funcs";
name += std::to_string(seed);
virtual int run() {
cheap_rand setter(seed);
bool result = true;
std::uniform_real_distribution<T> dist{low, high};
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10000; i++)
// TODO: Verify things, like, for real
gp::pair<T, T> v{dist(setter), dist(setter)};
gp::pair<T, T>
floorsign{gp::math::floor<T>(v.first), gp::math::sign(v.second)},
sincos{gp::math::sin(v.first), gp::math::cos(v.second)},
isqrt{gp::math::isqrt(v.first), gp::math::fast_isqrt(v.second)};
double tan_v = gp::math::tan(dist(setter));
double sign_v = gp::math::sign<T>(0);
result += floorsign.first > v.first;
result += gp::math::abs(floorsign.second) == 1;
//result = ascending.first == descending.second ? result : false;
return !result;
append_test dummy_5qsz5ert443(new math_funcs_test<float>{});
append_test dummy_436z5ert443(new math_funcs_test<double>{});
append_test dummy_mqlsdf123(new math_funcs_test<float>{-10,10});
append_test dummy_mqlsdf456(new math_funcs_test<double>{-10,10});