- /*******************************************************************************************
- *
- * raylib [shapes] example - raylib logo animation
- *
- * Example originally created with raylib 2.5, last time updated with raylib 4.0
- *
- * Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
- * BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
- *
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #include "raylib.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Program main entry point
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(void)
- {
- // Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int screenWidth = 800;
- const int screenHeight = 450;
- InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [shapes] example - raylib logo animation");
- int logoPositionX = screenWidth/2 - 128;
- int logoPositionY = screenHeight/2 - 128;
- int framesCounter = 0;
- int lettersCount = 0;
- int topSideRecWidth = 16;
- int leftSideRecHeight = 16;
- int bottomSideRecWidth = 16;
- int rightSideRecHeight = 16;
- int state = 0; // Tracking animation states (State Machine)
- float alpha = 1.0f; // Useful for fading
- SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main game loop
- while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
- {
- // Update
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (state == 0) // State 0: Small box blinking
- {
- framesCounter++;
- if (framesCounter == 120)
- {
- state = 1;
- framesCounter = 0; // Reset counter... will be used later...
- }
- }
- else if (state == 1) // State 1: Top and left bars growing
- {
- topSideRecWidth += 4;
- leftSideRecHeight += 4;
- if (topSideRecWidth == 256) state = 2;
- }
- else if (state == 2) // State 2: Bottom and right bars growing
- {
- bottomSideRecWidth += 4;
- rightSideRecHeight += 4;
- if (bottomSideRecWidth == 256) state = 3;
- }
- else if (state == 3) // State 3: Letters appearing (one by one)
- {
- framesCounter++;
- if (framesCounter/12) // Every 12 frames, one more letter!
- {
- lettersCount++;
- framesCounter = 0;
- }
- if (lettersCount >= 10) // When all letters have appeared, just fade out everything
- {
- alpha -= 0.02f;
- if (alpha <= 0.0f)
- {
- alpha = 0.0f;
- state = 4;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (state == 4) // State 4: Reset and Replay
- {
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_R))
- {
- framesCounter = 0;
- lettersCount = 0;
- topSideRecWidth = 16;
- leftSideRecHeight = 16;
- bottomSideRecWidth = 16;
- rightSideRecHeight = 16;
- alpha = 1.0f;
- state = 0; // Return to State 0
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BeginDrawing();
- ClearBackground(RAYWHITE);
- if (state == 0)
- {
- if ((framesCounter/15)%2) DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, 16, BLACK);
- }
- else if (state == 1)
- {
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
- }
- else if (state == 2)
- {
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY, 16, rightSideRecHeight, BLACK);
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
- }
- else if (state == 3)
- {
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
- DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
- DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth()/2 - 112, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 112, 224, 224, Fade(RAYWHITE, alpha));
- DrawText(TextSubtext("raylib", 0, lettersCount), GetScreenWidth()/2 - 44, GetScreenHeight()/2 + 48, 50, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
- }
- else if (state == 4)
- {
- DrawText("[R] REPLAY", 340, 200, 20, GRAY);
- }
- EndDrawing();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- // De-Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return 0;
- }