UWP Support Overhaul (#819)
* Working build
* Fix build again, stop deleting files
* Hotfix crash, needs investigating
* Remove VS2015.UWP, I cannot update the project
* Lots of UWP work, added keyboard and mouse press support. Still need to finish scroll wheel, mouse position and cursor hiding, plus other stuff that I haven't seen yet.
* Implemented a ton more things, added BaseApp.h to provide common code to UWP apps.
* Remove constant window dimensions
* Enable and Disable cursor support.
* Actually use mouse delta
* Gamepad Support
* Cleaning and small tweaks
* Restore original example.
* Update comment
* Use 'Messages' to handle the cursor functions so code is more portable.
* Comment
* Comment unused message fields and use vector for mouse pos instead.
* Move messages to utils.h and use messages for everything. No more plat-specific code in raylib.h
* Working build
* Fix build again, stop deleting files
* Hotfix crash, needs investigating
* Remove VS2015.UWP, I cannot update the project
* Lots of UWP work, added keyboard and mouse press support. Still need to finish scroll wheel, mouse position and cursor hiding, plus other stuff that I haven't seen yet.
* Implemented a ton more things, added BaseApp.h to provide common code to UWP apps.
* Remove constant window dimensions
* Enable and Disable cursor support.
* Actually use mouse delta
* Gamepad Support
* Cleaning and small tweaks
* Restore original example.
* Update comment
* Use 'Messages' to handle the cursor functions so code is more portable.
* Comment
* Comment unused message fields and use vector for mouse pos instead.
* Move messages to utils.h and use messages for everything. No more plat-specific code in raylib.h
* Tested some desktop stuff and added projection matrix updates for window resizing.
* Fixed big bad mouse bug
* Fix alt buttons and add hack to combat flickery key presses (far from perfect)
* Remove debug code
* Final commit
* Well, so I thought
* Wow, i am bad
* Remove packages folder
* Remove useless include
* Apply requested changes and fix linux build
* Try to stop packages folder
* Have we fixed the formatting properly?
* Third time's the charm?
* Where did this come from?
* Re-fix
* Autoformat is gonna kill
* Fixed XBOX ONE Support
* Fix tabs
5 years ago |
- # Ignore generated files
- # ...
- # Ignore VIM's backup generated files
- *.swp
- *.swo
- *~
- # Ignore thumbnails created by windows
- Thumbs.db
- # Ignore files build by Visual Studio
- # *.obj --> Can be confused with 3d model!
- *.pdb
- *.aps
- *.user
- # *.vcproj
- # *.vcxproj*
- # *.sln
- *.vspscc
- *_i.c
- *.i
- *.icf
- *_p.c
- *.ncb
- *.suo
- *.tlb
- *.tlh
- *.bak
- *.cache
- *.ilk
- *.log
- .vs
- [Bb]in
- [Dd]ebug/
- [Dd]ebug.win32/
- [Dd]ebug.DLL/
- *.sbr
- *.sdf
- obj/
- [R]elease/
- [Rr]elease.win32/
- _ReSharper*/
- [Tt]est[Rr]esult*
- ipch/
- *.opensdf
- *.db
- *.opendb
- packages/
- # Ignore compiled binaries
- *.o
- *.exe
- *.a
- *.bc
- *.so
- # Ignore all examples files
- examples/*
- # Unignore all examples dirs
- !examples/*/
- # Unignore all examples files with extension
- !examples/*.c
- !examples/*.lua
- !examples/*.png
- # Unignore examples Makefile
- !examples/Makefile
- !examples/Makefile.Android
- !examples/raylib_compile_execute.bat
- !examples/raylib_makefile_example.bat
- # Ignore all games files
- games/*
- # Unignore all games dirs
- !games/*/
- # Unignore all games files with extension
- !games/*.c
- !games/*.png
- # Unignore games makefile
- !games/Makefile
- !games/Makefile.Android
- # Ignore files build by xcode
- *.mode*v*
- *.pbxuser
- *.xcbkptlist
- *.xcscheme
- *.xcworkspacedata
- *.xcuserstate
- *.xccheckout
- xcschememanagement.plist
- .DS_Store
- ._.*
- xcuserdata/
- DerivedData/
- # Jetbrains project
- .idea/
- cmake-build-debug/
- # CMake stuff
- CMakeCache.txt
- CMakeFiles
- CMakeScripts
- Testing
- TestingIfSymlinkWorks
- cmake_install.cmake
- install_manifest.txt
- compile_commands.json
- CTestTestfile.cmake
- build
- # Unignore These makefiles...
- !examples/CMakeLists.txt
- !games/CMakeLists.txt
- # Ignore GNU global tags