- /*******************************************************************************************
- *
- * raylib [shapes] example - Rectangle advanced
- *
- * Example originally created with raylib 5.5, last time updated with raylib 5.5
- *
- * Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
- * BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2024-2025 raylib contributors and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
- *
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #include "raylib.h"
- #include "rlgl.h"
- #include <math.h>
- // Draw rectangle with rounded edges and horizontal gradient, with options to choose side of roundness
- static void DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(Rectangle rec, float roundnessLeft, float roundnessRight, int segments, Color left, Color right);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Program main entry point
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(void)
- {
- // Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int screenWidth = 800;
- const int screenHeight = 450;
- InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [shapes] example - rectangle avanced");
- SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main game loop
- while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
- {
- // Update rectangle bounds
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- float width = GetScreenWidth()/2.0f, height = GetScreenHeight()/6.0f;
- Rectangle rec = {
- GetScreenWidth() / 2.0f - width/2,
- GetScreenHeight() / 2.0f - 5*(height/2),
- width, height
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BeginDrawing();
- ClearBackground(RAYWHITE);
- // Draw All Rectangles with different roundess for each side and different gradients
- DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(rec, 0.8f, 0.8f, 36, BLUE, RED);
- rec.y += rec.height + 1;
- DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(rec, 0.5f, 1.0f, 36, RED, PINK);
- rec.y += rec.height + 1;
- DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(rec, 1.0f, 0.5f, 36, RED, BLUE);
- rec.y += rec.height + 1;
- DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(rec, 0.0f, 1.0f, 36, BLUE, BLACK);
- rec.y += rec.height + 1;
- DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(rec, 1.0f, 0.0f, 36, BLUE, PINK);
- EndDrawing();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- // De-Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return 0;
- }
- // Draw rectangle with rounded edges and horizontal gradient, with options to choose side of roundness
- // NOTE: Adapted from both 'DrawRectangleRounded()' and 'DrawRectangleGradientH()' raylib [rshapes] implementations
- static void DrawRectangleRoundedGradientH(Rectangle rec, float roundnessLeft, float roundnessRight, int segments, Color left, Color right)
- {
- // Neither side is rounded
- if ((roundnessLeft <= 0.0f && roundnessRight <= 0.0f) || (rec.width < 1) || (rec.height < 1 ))
- {
- DrawRectangleGradientEx(rec, left, left, right, right);
- return;
- }
- if (roundnessLeft >= 1.0f) roundnessLeft = 1.0f;
- if (roundnessRight >= 1.0f) roundnessRight = 1.0f;
- // Calculate corner radius both from right and left
- float recSize = rec.width > rec.height ? rec.height : rec.width;
- float radiusLeft = (recSize*roundnessLeft)/2;
- float radiusRight = (recSize*roundnessRight)/2;
- if (radiusLeft <= 0.0f) radiusLeft = 0.0f;
- if (radiusRight <= 0.0f) radiusRight = 0.0f;
- if (radiusRight <= 0.0f && radiusLeft <= 0.0f) return;
- float stepLength = 90.0f/(float)segments;
- /*
- Diagram Copied here for reference, original at 'DrawRectangleRounded()' source code
- P0____________________P1
- /| |\
- /1| 2 |3\
- P7 /__|____________________|__\ P2
- | |P8 P9| |
- | 8 | 9 | 4 |
- | __|____________________|__ |
- P6 \ |P11 P10| / P3
- \7| 6 |5/
- \|____________________|/
- P5 P4
- */
- // Coordinates of the 12 points also apdated from `DrawRectangleRounded`
- const Vector2 point[12] = {
- // PO, P1, P2
- {(float)rec.x + radiusLeft, rec.y}, {(float)(rec.x + rec.width) - radiusRight, rec.y}, { rec.x + rec.width, (float)rec.y + radiusRight },
- // P3, P4
- {rec.x + rec.width, (float)(rec.y + rec.height) - radiusRight}, {(float)(rec.x + rec.width) - radiusRight, rec.y + rec.height},
- // P5, P6, P7
- {(float)rec.x + radiusLeft, rec.y + rec.height}, { rec.x, (float)(rec.y + rec.height) - radiusLeft}, {rec.x, (float)rec.y + radiusLeft},
- // P8, P9
- {(float)rec.x + radiusLeft, (float)rec.y + radiusLeft}, {(float)(rec.x + rec.width) - radiusRight, (float)rec.y + radiusRight},
- // P10, P11
- {(float)(rec.x + rec.width) - radiusRight, (float)(rec.y + rec.height) - radiusRight}, {(float)rec.x + radiusLeft, (float)(rec.y + rec.height) - radiusLeft}
- };
- const Vector2 centers[4] = { point[8], point[9], point[10], point[11] };
- const float angles[4] = { 180.0f, 270.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f };
- rlSetTexture(GetShapesTexture().id);
- Rectangle shapeRect = GetShapesTextureRectangle();
- rlBegin(RL_QUADS);
- // Draw all the 4 corners: [1] Upper Left Corner, [3] Upper Right Corner, [5] Lower Right Corner, [7] Lower Left Corner
- for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
- {
- Color color;
- float radius;
- if (k == 0) color = left, radius = radiusLeft; // [1] Upper Left Corner
- if (k == 1) color = right, radius = radiusRight; // [3] Upper Right Corner
- if (k == 2) color = right, radius = radiusRight; // [5] Lower Right Corner
- if (k == 3) color = left, radius = radiusLeft; // [7] Lower Left Corner
- float angle = angles[k];
- const Vector2 center = centers[k];
- for (int i = 0; i < segments/2; i++)
- {
- rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x, center.y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength*2))*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength*2))*radius);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius);
- angle += (stepLength*2);
- }
- // End one even segments
- if ( segments % 2)
- {
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x, center.y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(center.x, center.y);
- }
- }
- // Here we use the 'Diagram' to guide ourselves to which point receives what color
- // By choosing the color correctly associated with a pointe the gradient effect
- // will naturally come from OpenGL interpolation
- // [2] Upper Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[0].x, point[0].y);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[1].x, point[1].y);
- // [4] Left Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[2].x, point[2].y);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[3].x, point[3].y);
- // [6] Bottom Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[5].x, point[5].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[4].x, point[4].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- // [8] left Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[7].x, point[7].y);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[6].x, point[6].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- // [9] Middle Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlTexCoord2f(shapeRect.x/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, (shapeRect.y + shapeRect.height)/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlTexCoord2f((shapeRect.x + shapeRect.width)/texShapes.width, shapeRect.y/texShapes.height);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlEnd();
- rlSetTexture(0);
- #else
- // Here we use the 'Diagram' to guide ourselves to which point receives what color.
- // By choosing the color correctly associated with a pointe the gradient effect
- // will naturally come from OpenGL interpolation.
- // But this time instead of Quad, we think in triangles.
- rlBegin(RL_TRIANGLES);
- // Draw all of the 4 corners: [1] Upper Left Corner, [3] Upper Right Corner, [5] Lower Right Corner, [7] Lower Left Corner
- for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
- {
- Color color = { 0 };
- float radius = 0.0f;
- if (k == 0) color = left, radius = radiusLeft; // [1] Upper Left Corner
- if (k == 1) color = right, radius = radiusRight; // [3] Upper Right Corner
- if (k == 2) color = right, radius = radiusRight; // [5] Lower Right Corner
- if (k == 3) color = left, radius = radiusLeft; // [7] Lower Left Corner
- float angle = angles[k];
- const Vector2 center = centers[k];
- for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++)
- {
- rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
- rlVertex2f(center.x, center.y);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*(angle + stepLength))*radius);
- rlVertex2f(center.x + cosf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius, center.y + sinf(DEG2RAD*angle)*radius);
- angle += stepLength;
- }
- }
- // [2] Upper Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[0].x, point[0].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[1].x, point[1].y);
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[0].x, point[0].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- // [4] Right Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[3].x, point[3].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[2].x, point[2].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[3].x, point[3].y);
- // [6] Bottom Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[5].x, point[5].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[4].x, point[4].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[4].x, point[4].y);
- // [8] Left Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[7].x, point[7].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[6].x, point[6].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[7].x, point[7].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- // [9] Middle Rectangle
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[11].x, point[11].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlVertex2f(point[9].x, point[9].y);
- rlColor4ub(left.r, left.g, left.b, left.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[8].x, point[8].y);
- rlColor4ub(right.r, right.g, right.b, right.a);
- rlVertex2f(point[10].x, point[10].y);
- rlEnd();
- #endif
- }