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  1. # Ignore generated files
  2. # ...
  3. # Ignore Android generated files and folders
  4. src_android/obj/
  5. templates/android_project/bin/
  6. templates/android_project/obj/
  7. templates/android_project/libs/
  8. # Ignore thumbnails created by windows
  9. Thumbs.db
  10. # Ignore files build by Visual Studio
  11. # *.obj --> Can be confused with 3d model!
  12. *.pdb
  13. *.aps
  14. *.vcproj.*.user
  15. *.vcxproj*
  16. *.sln
  17. *.vspscc
  18. *_i.c
  19. *.i
  20. *.icf
  21. *_p.c
  22. *.ncb
  23. *.suo
  24. *.tlb
  25. *.tlh
  26. *.bak
  27. *.cache
  28. *.ilk
  29. *.log
  30. [Bb]in
  31. [Dd]ebug/
  32. [Dd]ebug.win32/
  33. *.sbr
  34. *.sdf
  35. obj/
  36. [Rr]elease.win32/
  37. _ReSharper*/
  38. [Tt]est[Rr]esult*
  39. ipch/
  40. *.opensdf
  41. # Ignore compiled binaries
  42. *.o
  43. *.exe
  44. !tools/rrem.exe
  45. # Ignore files build by xcode
  46. *.mode*v*
  47. *.pbxuser
  48. *.xcbkptlist
  49. *.xcscheme
  50. *.xcworkspacedata
  51. *.xcuserstate
  52. *.xccheckout
  53. xcschememanagement.plist
  54. .DS_Store
  55. ._.*
  56. xcuserdata/
  57. DerivedData/