@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ |
/******************************************************************************************* |
* |
* raylib game - Floppy Bird |
* |
* Welcome to raylib! |
* |
* To test examples, just press F6 and execute raylib_compile_execute script |
* Note that compiled executable is placed in the same folder as .c file |
* |
* You can find all basic examples on C:\raylib\raylib\examples folder or |
* raylib official webpage: www.raylib.com |
* |
* Enjoy using raylib. :) |
* |
* This game has been created using raylib 1.1 (www.raylib.com) |
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details) |
* |
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San - raysan@raysanweb.com) |
* |
********************************************************************************************/ |
#include "raylib.h" |
#define MAX_TUBES 100 |
int main() |
{ |
// Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
int screenWidth = 800; |
int screenHeight = 450; |
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Floppy Bird"); |
InitAudioDevice(); // Initialize audio device |
Sound coin = LoadSound("resources/coin.wav"); |
Sound jump = LoadSound("resources/jump.wav"); |
Texture2D background = LoadTexture("resources/background.png"); |
Texture2D tubes = LoadTexture("resources/tubes.png"); |
Texture2D floppy = LoadTexture("resources/floppy.png"); |
Vector2 floppyPos = { 80, screenHeight/2 - floppy.height/2 }; |
Vector2 tubesPos[MAX_TUBES]; |
int tubesSpeedX = 2; |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES; i++) |
{ |
tubesPos[i].x = 400 + 280*i; |
tubesPos[i].y = -GetRandomValue(0, 120); |
} |
Rectangle tubesRecs[MAX_TUBES*2]; |
bool tubesActive[MAX_TUBES]; |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES*2; i += 2) |
{ |
tubesRecs[i].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
tubesRecs[i].y = tubesPos[i/2].y; |
tubesRecs[i].width = tubes.width; |
tubesRecs[i].height = 255; |
tubesRecs[i+1].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
tubesRecs[i+1].y = 600 + tubesPos[i/2].y - 255; |
tubesRecs[i+1].width = tubes.width; |
tubesRecs[i+1].height = 255; |
tubesActive[i/2] = true; |
} |
int backScroll = 0; |
int score = 0; |
int hiscore = 0; |
bool gameover = false; |
bool superfx = false; |
SetTargetFPS(60); |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Main game loop |
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key |
{ |
// Update |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
backScroll--; |
if (backScroll <= -800) backScroll = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES; i++) tubesPos[i].x -= tubesSpeedX; |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES*2; i += 2) |
{ |
tubesRecs[i].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
tubesRecs[i+1].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
} |
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE) && !gameover) floppyPos.y -= 3; |
else floppyPos.y += 1; |
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !gameover) PlaySound(jump); |
// Check Collisions |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES*2; i++) |
{ |
if (CheckCollisionCircleRec((Vector2){ floppyPos.x + floppy.width/2, floppyPos.y + floppy.height/2 }, floppy.width/2, tubesRecs[i])) |
{ |
gameover = true; |
} |
else if ((tubesPos[i/2].x < floppyPos.x) && tubesActive[i/2] && !gameover) |
{ |
score += 100; |
tubesActive[i/2] = false; |
PlaySound(coin); |
superfx = true; |
if (score > hiscore) hiscore = score; |
} |
} |
if (gameover && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES; i++) |
{ |
tubesPos[i].x = 400 + 280*i; |
tubesPos[i].y = -GetRandomValue(0, 120); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES*2; i += 2) |
{ |
tubesRecs[i].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
tubesRecs[i].y = tubesPos[i/2].y; |
tubesRecs[i+1].x = tubesPos[i/2].x; |
tubesRecs[i+1].y = 600 + tubesPos[i/2].y - 255; |
tubesActive[i/2] = true; |
} |
floppyPos.x = 80; |
floppyPos.y = screenHeight/2 - floppy.height/2; |
gameover = false; |
score = 0; |
} |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BeginDrawing(); |
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); |
DrawTexture(background, backScroll, 0, WHITE); |
DrawTexture(background, screenWidth + backScroll, 0, WHITE); |
if (!gameover) |
{ |
DrawTextureEx(floppy, floppyPos, 0, 1.0, WHITE); |
//DrawCircleLines(floppyPos.x + floppy.width/2, floppyPos.y + floppy.height/2, floppy.width/2, RED); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUBES; i++) |
{ |
if (tubesPos[i].x <= 800) DrawTextureEx(tubes, tubesPos[i], 0, 1.0, WHITE); |
//DrawRectangleLines(tubesRecs[i*2].x, tubesRecs[i*2].y, tubesRecs[i*2].width, tubesRecs[i*2].height, RED); |
//DrawRectangleLines(tubesRecs[i*2 + 1].x, tubesRecs[i*2 + 1].y, tubesRecs[i*2 + 1].width, tubesRecs[i*2 + 1].height, RED); |
} |
DrawText(FormatText("%04i", score), 20, 20, 40, PINK); |
DrawText(FormatText("HI-SCORE: %04i", hiscore), 20, 70, 20, VIOLET); |
if (gameover) |
{ |
DrawText("GAME OVER", 100, 180, 100, MAROON); |
DrawText("PRESS ENTER to RETRY!", 280, 280, 20, RED); |
} |
if (superfx) |
{ |
DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GOLD); |
superfx = false; |
} |
EndDrawing(); |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
} |
// De-Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
UnloadTexture(background); // Texture unloading |
UnloadTexture(tubes); // Texture unloading |
UnloadTexture(floppy); // Texture unloading |
UnloadSound(coin); // Unload sound data |
UnloadSound(jump); // Unload sound data |
CloseAudioDevice(); // Close audio device |
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return 0; |
} |