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WARNING: REMOVED: `DrawTextureTiled()`

This function implementation has been moved to the related example. Current implementation can be probably customized depending on user needs.
Ray 2 years ago
3 changed files with 87 additions and 87 deletions
  1. +86
  2. +1
  3. +0

+ 86
- 0
examples/textures/textures_draw_tiled.c View File

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
#define MARGIN_SIZE 8 // Size for the margins
#define COLOR_SIZE 16 // Size of the color select buttons
// Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.
void DrawTextureTiled(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float scale, Color tint);
// Program main entry point
@ -168,3 +171,86 @@ int main(void)
return 0;
// Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.
void DrawTextureTiled(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float scale, Color tint)
if (( <= 0) || (scale <= 0.0f)) return; // Wanna see a infinite loop?!...just delete this line!
if ((source.width == 0) || (source.height == 0)) return;
int tileWidth = (int)(source.width*scale), tileHeight = (int)(source.height*scale);
if ((dest.width < tileWidth) && (dest.height < tileHeight))
// Can fit only one tile
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y, dest.width, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
else if (dest.width <= tileWidth)
// Tiled vertically (one column)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, source.height}, (Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y + dy, dest.width, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last tile
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y + dy, dest.width, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);
else if (dest.height <= tileHeight)
// Tiled horizontally (one row)
int dx = 0;
for (;dx+tileWidth < dest.width; dx += tileWidth)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height}, (Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y, (float)tileWidth, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last tile
if (dx < dest.width)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y, dest.width - dx, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Tiled both horizontally and vertically (rows and columns)
int dx = 0;
for (;dx+tileWidth < dest.width; dx += tileWidth)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, source, (Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, (float)tileWidth, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, (float)tileWidth, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last column of tiles
if (dx < dest.width)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, dest.width - dx, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Draw final tile in the bottom right corner
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, dest.width - dx, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);

+ 1
- 2
src/raylib.h View File

@ -1322,8 +1322,7 @@ RLAPI void DrawTextureV(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Color tint);
RLAPI void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
RLAPI void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Vector2 position, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
RLAPI void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters
RLAPI void DrawTextureTiled(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.
RLAPI void DrawTextureNPatch(Texture2D texture, NPatchInfo nPatchInfo, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint); // Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely
RLAPI void DrawTextureNPatch(Texture2D texture, NPatchInfo nPatchInfo, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint); // Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely
// Color/pixel related functions
RLAPI Color Fade(Color color, float alpha); // Get color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f

+ 0
- 85
src/rtextures.c View File

@ -3611,91 +3611,6 @@ void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2
// Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.
// NOTE: For tilling a whole texture DrawTextureQuad() is better
void DrawTextureTiled(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float scale, Color tint)
if (( <= 0) || (scale <= 0.0f)) return; // Wanna see a infinite loop?!...just delete this line!
if ((source.width == 0) || (source.height == 0)) return;
int tileWidth = (int)(source.width*scale), tileHeight = (int)(source.height*scale);
if ((dest.width < tileWidth) && (dest.height < tileHeight))
// Can fit only one tile
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y, dest.width, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
else if (dest.width <= tileWidth)
// Tiled vertically (one column)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, source.height}, (Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y + dy, dest.width, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last tile
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)dest.width/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x, dest.y + dy, dest.width, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);
else if (dest.height <= tileHeight)
// Tiled horizontally (one row)
int dx = 0;
for (;dx+tileWidth < dest.width; dx += tileWidth)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height}, (Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y, (float)tileWidth, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last tile
if (dx < dest.width)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)dest.height/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y, dest.width - dx, dest.height}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Tiled both horizontally and vertically (rows and columns)
int dx = 0;
for (;dx+tileWidth < dest.width; dx += tileWidth)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, source, (Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, (float)tileWidth, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, (float)tileWidth, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Fit last column of tiles
if (dx < dest.width)
int dy = 0;
for (;dy+tileHeight < dest.height; dy += tileHeight)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, dest.width - dx, (float)tileHeight}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Draw final tile in the bottom right corner
if (dy < dest.height)
DrawTexturePro(texture, (Rectangle){source.x, source.y, ((float)(dest.width - dx)/tileWidth)*source.width, ((float)(dest.height - dy)/tileHeight)*source.height},
(Rectangle){dest.x + dx, dest.y + dy, dest.width - dx, dest.height - dy}, origin, rotation, tint);
// Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely using n-patch info
void DrawTextureNPatch(Texture2D texture, NPatchInfo nPatchInfo, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint)
