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Update raylib.h

Ray 4 months ago
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +2

+ 2
- 2
src/raylib.h View File

@ -1299,13 +1299,13 @@ RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointBezierCubic(Vector2 p1, Vector2 c2, Vector2 c3, Vect
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Check collision between two rectangles
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2); // Check collision between two circles
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec); // Check collision between circle and rectangle
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionCircleLine(Vector2 center, float radius, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2); // Check if circle collides with a line created betweeen two points [p1] and [p2]
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointRec(Vector2 point, Rectangle rec); // Check if point is inside rectangle
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointCircle(Vector2 point, Vector2 center, float radius); // Check if point is inside circle
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3); // Check if point is inside a triangle
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, int threshold); // Check if point belongs to line created between two points [p1] and [p2] with defined margin in pixels [threshold]
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointPoly(Vector2 point, const Vector2 *points, int pointCount); // Check if point is within a polygon described by array of vertices
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionLines(Vector2 startPos1, Vector2 endPos1, Vector2 startPos2, Vector2 endPos2, Vector2 *collisionPoint); // Check the collision between two lines defined by two points each, returns collision point by reference
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, int threshold); // Check if point belongs to line created between two points [p1] and [p2] with defined margin in pixels [threshold]
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionCircleLine(Vector2 center, float radius, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2); // Check if circle collides with a line created betweeen two points [p1] and [p2]
RLAPI Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision
