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Working on raylib 2.5 changelog...

Ray 6 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 changed files with 119 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +119

+ 119
- 1

@ -6,8 +6,126 @@ Current Release: raylib 2.0.0 (July 2018)
Release: raylib 2.5 (May 2019)
- New text management API
- Cubemap textures support
- Skeletal model animation support
- New textures drawing: Quad and N-Patch based rectangles
- New drawing shapes available: CircleSector, Ring and RectangleRounded
- VR system redesign to allow custom device parameters and distortion shader
Detailed changes:
[build] ...
[build] REVIEWED: Notepad++ NppExec scripts
[build] REVIEWED: VS2015 and VS2017 projects
[build] REVIEWED: Android APK build pipeline
[core] ADDED: IsWindowResized() - Check if window has been resized
[core] ADDED: IsWindowHidden() - Check if window is currently hidden
[core] ADDED: UnhideWindow() - Show the window
[core] ADDED: HideWindow() - Hide the window
[core] ADDED: GetWindowHandle() - Get native window handle
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorCount() - Get number of connected monitors
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorWidth() - Get primary monitor width
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorHeight() - Get primary monitor height
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorPhysicalWidth() - Get primary monitor physical width in millimetres
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorPhysicalHeight() - Get primary monitor physical height in millimetres
[core] ADDED: GetMonitorName() - Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor
[core] ADDED: GetClipboardText() - Get clipboard text content
[core] ADDED: SetClipboardText() - Set clipboard text content
[core] ADDED: ColorFromHSV() - Returns a Color from HSV values
[core] ADDED: FileExists() - Check if file exists
[core] ADDED: GetFileNameWithoutExt() - Get filename string without extension (memory should be freed)
[core] ADDED: GetDirectoryFiles() - Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)
[core] ADDED: ClearDirectoryFiles() - Clear directory files paths buffers (free memory)
[core] ADDED: OpenURL() - Open URL with default system browser (if available)
[core] ADDED: SetMouseOffset() - Set mouse offset
[core] ADDED: SetMouseScale() - Set mouse scaling
[core] REMOVED: ShowLogo() - Activate raylib logo at startup (can be done with flags)
[shapes] ADDED: DrawCircleSector() - Draw a piece of a circle
[shapes] ADDED: DrawCircleSectorLines() - Draw circle sector outline
[shapes] ADDED: DrawRing() - Draw ring
[shapes] ADDED: DrawRingLines() - Draw ring outline
[shapes] ADDED: DrawRectangleRounded() - Draw rectangle with rounded edges
[shapes] ADDED: DrawRectangleRoundedLines() - Draw rectangle with rounded edges outline
[shapes] ADDED: SetShapesTexture() - Define default texture used to draw shapes
[textures] REVIEWED: ExportImage() - Reorder function parameters
[textures] REVIEWED: ImageDrawRectangle() - Remove unneeded parameter
[textures] ADDED: ExportImageAsCode() - Export image as code file defining an array of bytes
[textures] ADDED: LoadTextureCubemap() - Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported
[textures] ADDED: ImageExtractPalette() - Extract color palette from image to maximum size (memory should be freed)
[textures] ADDED: ImageDrawRectangleLines() - Draw rectangle lines within an image
[textures] ADDED: DrawTextureQuad() - Draw texture quad with tiling and offset parameters
[textures] ADDED: DrawTextureNPatch() - Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely
[models] REVIEWED: LoadMesh() -> LoadMeshes() - Support multiple meshes loading
[models] REVIEWED: LoadMaterial() -> LoadMaterials() - Support multiple materials loading
[models] REVIEWED: ExportMesh() - Reorder parameters
[models] ADDED: DrawCubeWiresV() - Draw cube wires (Vector version)
[models] ADDED: GenMeshPoly() - Generate polygonal mesh
[models] ADDED: SetMaterialTexture() - Set texture for a material map type (MAP_DIFFUSE, MAP_SPECULAR...)
[models] ADDED: SetModelMeshMaterial() - Set material for a mesh
[models] ADDED: LoadModelAnimations() - Load model animations from file
[models] ADDED: UpdateModelAnimation() - Update model animation pose
[models] ADDED: UnloadModelAnimation() - Unload animation data
[models] ADDED: IsModelAnimationValid() - Check model animation skeleton match
[rlgl] Improved internal batching mechanism (multibuffering support, triangle texcoords...)
[rlgl] REVIEWED: rlPushMatrix()/rlPopMatrix() - Now works like OpenGL 1.1
[rlgl] REVIEWED: SetShaderValue() - More generic, now requires uniform type
[rlgl] REMOVED: SetShaderValuei() - Can be acoomplished with new SetShaderValue()
[rlgl] ADDED: SetShaderValueV() - Set shader uniform value vector
[rlgl] ADDED: SetShaderValueTexture() - Set shader uniform value for texture
[rlgl] ADDED: BeginScissorMode() - Begin scissor mode (define screen area for following drawing)
[rlgl] ADDED: EndScissorMode() - End scissor mode
[rlgl] ADDED: SetVrConfiguration() - Set stereo rendering configuration parameters
[rlgl] REVIEWED: InitVrSimulator() - No input parameter required, use SetVrConfiguration()
[text] REVIEWED: LoadFontEx() - Reorder function parameters
[text] REVIEWED: LoadFontData() - Reorder function parameters
[text] REVIEWED: GenImageFontAtlas() - Reorder function parameters
[text] RENAMED: FormatText() -> TextFormat()
[text] RENAMED: SubText() -> TextSubtext()
[text] ADDED: LoadFontFromImage() - Load font from Image (XNA style)
[text] ADDED: DrawTextRec() - Draw text using font inside rectangle limits
[text] ADDED: DrawTextRecEx() - Draw text using font inside rectangle limits with support for text selection
[text] ADDED: TextIsEqual() - Check if two text string are equal
[text] ADDED: TextLength() - Get text length, checks for '\0' ending
[text] ADDED: TextReplace() - Replace text string (memory should be freed!)
[text] ADDED: TextInsert() - Insert text in a position (memory should be freed!)
[text] ADDED: TextJoin() - Join text strings with delimiter
[text] ADDED: TextSplit() - Split text into multiple strings
[text] ADDED: TextAppend() - Append text at specific position and move cursor!
[text] ADDED: TextFindIndex() - Find first text occurrence within a string
[text] ADDED: TextToUpper() - Get upper case version of provided string
[text] ADDED: TextToLower() - Get lower case version of provided string
[text] ADDED: TextToPascal() - Get Pascal case notation version of provided string
[text] ADDED: TextToInteger() - Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)
[raudio] ADDED: ExportWave() - Export wave data to file
[raudio] ADDED: ExportWaveAsCode() - Export wave sample data to code (.h)
[raudio] ADDED: IsAudioStreamPlaying() - Check if audio stream is playing
[raudio] ADDED: SetAudioStreamVolume() - Set volume for audio stream (1.0 is max level)
[raudio] ADDED: SetAudioStreamPitch() - Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)
[examples] ADDED: core_custom_logging - Custom trace log system
[examples] ADDED: core_input_multitouch - Multitouch input example
[examples] REVIEWED: core_vr_simulator - HMD device parameters and distortion shader should be provided
[examples] ADDED: core_window_scale_letterbox - Windows resizing and letterbox content
[examples] ADDED: shapes_rectangle_scaling_mouse - Scale a rectangle with mouse
TODO: [examples] ADDED: shapes_draw_circle_sector - Circle sector drawing
TODO: [examples] ADDED: shapes_draw_ring - Ring drawing
TODO: [examples] ADDED: shapes_draw_rectangle_rounded - Rounded rectangle drawing
[examples] ADDED: textures_background_scrolling - Scrolling and parallaz background effect
[examples] ADDED: textures_image_npatch - Drawing N-Patch based boxes
TODO: [examples] ADDED: textures_sprite_button
TODO: [examples] ADDED: textures_sprite_explosion
[examples] ADDED: text_draw_inside_rectangle - Drawing text inside a delimited rectangle box
[examples] ADDED: models_animation - Animated models loading and animation playing
[examples] ADDED: models_obj_viewer - Draw and drop models viewer
[examples] ADDED: models_rlgl_solar_system - Solar system simulation using rlgl functionality
[examples] ADDED: shaders_palette_switch - Switching color palette on shader
[examples] ADDED: shaders_raymarching - Raymarching shader
[examples] ADDED: shaders_texture_drawing - Texture drawing on GPU
[examples] REVIEWED: audio_raw_stream - Mostly rewritten
[games] ADDED: GGJ19 game - Cat vs Roomba
[*] Updated external libraries to latest version
[*] Multiple bugs corrected (check github issues)
Release: raylib 2.0 (July 2018)
