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Merge pull request #755 from neonmoe/fix-config-flags

Fix config.h flags
Ray pirms 5 gadiem
committed by GitHub
Šim parakstam datu bāzē netika atrasta zināma atslēga GPG atslēgas ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
5 mainītis faili ar 178 papildinājumiem un 120 dzēšanām
  1. +4
  2. +24
  3. +1
  4. +10
  5. +139

+ 4
- 0
src/models.c Parādīt failu

@ -655,12 +655,16 @@ Mesh LoadMesh(const char *fileName)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] Mesh fileformat not supported, it can't be loaded", fileName);
if (mesh.vertexCount == 0)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh could not be loaded! Let's load a cube to replace it!");
mesh = GenMeshCube(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
else rlLoadMesh(&mesh, false); // Upload vertex data to GPU (static mesh)
rlLoadMesh(&mesh, false); // Upload vertex data to GPU (static mesh)
return mesh;

+ 24
- 0
src/raudio.c Parādīt failu

@ -767,7 +767,11 @@ Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName)
Wave wave = { 0 };
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".wav")) wave = LoadWAV(fileName);
if (false) {}
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".ogg")) wave = LoadOGG(fileName);
@ -887,7 +891,11 @@ void ExportWave(Wave wave, const char *fileName)
bool success = false;
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".wav")) success = SaveWAV(wave, fileName);
if (false) {}
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".raw"))
// Export raw sample data (without header)
@ -1087,6 +1095,7 @@ Music LoadMusicStream(const char *fileName)
Music music = (MusicData *)malloc(sizeof(MusicData));
bool musicLoaded = true;
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".ogg"))
// Open ogg audio stream
@ -1110,6 +1119,9 @@ Music LoadMusicStream(const char *fileName)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "[%s] OGG memory required: %i", fileName, info.temp_memory_required);
if (false) {}
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".flac"))
@ -1202,7 +1214,11 @@ Music LoadMusicStream(const char *fileName)
if (!musicLoaded)
if (music->ctxType == MUSIC_AUDIO_OGG) stb_vorbis_close(music->ctxOgg);
if (false) {}
else if (music->ctxType == MUSIC_AUDIO_FLAC) drflac_free(music->ctxFlac);
@ -1232,7 +1248,11 @@ void UnloadMusicStream(Music music)
if (music->ctxType == MUSIC_AUDIO_OGG) stb_vorbis_close(music->ctxOgg);
if (false) {}
else if (music->ctxType == MUSIC_AUDIO_FLAC) drflac_free(music->ctxFlac);
@ -1297,7 +1317,9 @@ void StopMusicStream(Music music)
// Restart music context
switch (music->ctxType)
case MUSIC_AUDIO_OGG: stb_vorbis_seek_start(music->ctxOgg); break;
case MUSIC_AUDIO_FLAC: /* TODO: Restart FLAC context */ break;
@ -1339,12 +1361,14 @@ void UpdateMusicStream(Music music)
// TODO: Really don't like ctxType thingy...
switch (music->ctxType)
// NOTE: Returns the number of samples to process (be careful! we ask for number of shorts!)
stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(music->ctxOgg, music->stream.channels, (short *)pcm, samplesCount);
} break;

+ 1
- 1
src/shapes.c Parādīt failu

@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ static Texture2D GetShapesTexture(void)
recTexShapes = (Rectangle){ rec.x + 1, rec.y + 1, rec.width - 2, rec.height - 2 };
texShapes = GetTextureDefault(); // Use default white texture
recTexShapes = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
recTexShapes = (Rectangle){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

+ 10
- 0
src/text.c Parādīt failu

@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCou
font.charsCount = (charsCount > 0) ? charsCount : 95;
font.chars = LoadFontData(fileName, font.baseSize, fontChars, font.charsCount, FONT_DEFAULT);
if (font.chars != NULL)
Image atlas = GenImageFontAtlas(font.chars, font.charsCount, font.baseSize, 2, 0);
@ -316,6 +317,9 @@ Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCou
else font = GetFontDefault();
font = GetFontDefault();
return font;
@ -449,6 +453,7 @@ CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int c
CharInfo *chars = NULL;
// Load font data (including pixel data) from TTF file
// NOTE: Loaded information should be enough to generate font image atlas,
// using any packaging method
@ -537,12 +542,16 @@ CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int c
if (genFontChars) free(fontChars);
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] TTF file could not be opened", fileName);
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] TTF support is disabled", fileName);
return chars;
// Generate image font atlas using chars info
// NOTE: Packing method: 0-Default, 1-Skyline
Image GenImageFontAtlas(CharInfo *chars, int charsCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod)
Image atlas = { 0 };
@ -667,6 +676,7 @@ Image GenImageFontAtlas(CharInfo *chars, int charsCount, int fontSize, int paddi
return atlas;
// Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM)
void UnloadFont(Font font)

+ 139
- 119
src/textures.c Parādīt failu

@ -182,7 +182,11 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
Image image = { 0 };
if ((IsFileExtension(fileName, ".png"))
if ((false)
|| (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".bmp"))
@ -398,90 +402,6 @@ Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image)
return texture;
// Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported
TextureCubemap LoadTextureCubemap(Image image, int layoutType)
TextureCubemap cubemap = { 0 };
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_AUTO_DETECT) // Try to automatically guess layout type
// Check image width/height to determine the type of cubemap provided
if (image.width > image.height)
if ((image.width/6) == image.height) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_LINE_HORIZONTAL; cubemap.width = image.width/6; }
else if ((image.width/4) == (image.height/3)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_CROSS_FOUR_BY_THREE; cubemap.width = image.width/4; }
else if (image.width >= (int)((float)image.height*1.85f)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_PANORAMA; cubemap.width = image.width/4; }
else if (image.height > image.width)
if ((image.height/6) == image.width) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_LINE_VERTICAL; cubemap.width = image.height/6; }
else if ((image.width/3) == (image.height/4)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_CROSS_THREE_BY_FOUR; cubemap.width = image.width/3; }
cubemap.height = cubemap.width;
int size = cubemap.width;
if (layoutType != CUBEMAP_AUTO_DETECT)
//unsigned int dataSize = GetPixelDataSize(size, size, format);
//void *facesData = malloc(size*size*dataSize*6); // Get memory for 6 faces in a column
Image faces = { 0 }; // Vertical column image
Rectangle faceRecs[6] = { 0 }; // Face source rectangles
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i] = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, size, size };
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_LINE_VERTICAL)
faces = image;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i].y = size*i;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_PANORAMA)
// TODO: Convert panorama image to square faces...
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_LINE_HORIZONTAL) for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i].x = size*i;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_CROSS_THREE_BY_FOUR)
faceRecs[0].x = size; faceRecs[0].y = size;
faceRecs[1].x = size; faceRecs[1].y = 3*size;
faceRecs[2].x = size; faceRecs[2].y = 0;
faceRecs[3].x = size; faceRecs[3].y = 2*size;
faceRecs[4].x = 0; faceRecs[4].y = size;
faceRecs[5].x = 2*size; faceRecs[5].y = size;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_CROSS_FOUR_BY_THREE)
faceRecs[0].x = 2*size; faceRecs[0].y = size;
faceRecs[1].x = 0; faceRecs[1].y = size;
faceRecs[2].x = size; faceRecs[2].y = 0;
faceRecs[3].x = size; faceRecs[3].y = 2*size;
faceRecs[4].x = size; faceRecs[4].y = size;
faceRecs[5].x = 3*size; faceRecs[5].y = size;
// Convert image data to 6 faces in a vertical column, that's the optimum layout for loading
faces = GenImageColor(size, size*6, MAGENTA);
ImageFormat(&faces, image.format);
// TODO: Image formating does not work with compressed textures!
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) ImageDraw(&faces, image, faceRecs[i], (Rectangle){ 0, size*i, size, size });
cubemap.id = rlLoadTextureCubemap(faces.data, size, faces.format);
if (cubemap.id == 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Cubemap image could not be loaded.");
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Cubemap image layout can not be detected.");
return cubemap;
// Load texture for rendering (framebuffer)
// NOTE: Render texture is loaded by default with RGBA color attachment and depth RenderBuffer
RenderTexture2D LoadRenderTexture(int width, int height)
@ -825,14 +745,27 @@ void ExportImage(Image image, const char *fileName)
int success = 0;
// NOTE: Getting Color array as RGBA unsigned char values
unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)GetImageData(image);
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".png")) success = stbi_write_png(fileName, image.width, image.height, 4, imgData, image.width*4);
if (false) {}
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".bmp")) success = stbi_write_bmp(fileName, image.width, image.height, 4, imgData);
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".tga")) success = stbi_write_tga(fileName, image.width, image.height, 4, imgData);
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".jpg")) success = stbi_write_jpg(fileName, image.width, image.height, 4, imgData, 80); // JPG quality: between 1 and 100
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".ktx")) success = SaveKTX(image, fileName);
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".raw"))
// Export raw pixel data (without header)
@ -842,10 +775,11 @@ void ExportImage(Image image, const char *fileName)
if (success != 0) TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Image exported successfully: %s", fileName);
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Image could not be exported.");
// Export image as code file (.h) defining an array of bytes
@ -1133,7 +1067,9 @@ void ImageFormat(Image *image, int newFormat)
if (image->mipmaps > 1)
image->mipmaps = 1;
if (image->data != NULL) ImageMipmaps(image);
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Image data format is compressed, can not be converted");
@ -1202,38 +1138,6 @@ void ImageAlphaClear(Image *image, Color color, float threshold)
ImageFormat(image, prevFormat);
// Crop image depending on alpha value
void ImageAlphaCrop(Image *image, float threshold)
Color *pixels = GetImageData(*image);
int xMin = 65536; // Define a big enough number
int xMax = 0;
int yMin = 65536;
int yMax = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < image->height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
if (pixels[y*image->width + x].a > (unsigned char)(threshold*255.0f))
if (x < xMin) xMin = x;
if (x > xMax) xMax = x;
if (y < yMin) yMin = y;
if (y > yMax) yMax = y;
Rectangle crop = { xMin, yMin, (xMax + 1) - xMin, (yMax + 1) - yMin };
// Check for not empty image brefore cropping
if (!((xMax < xMin) || (yMax < yMin))) ImageCrop(image, crop);
// Premultiply alpha channel
void ImageAlphaPremultiply(Image *image)
@ -1259,6 +1163,90 @@ void ImageAlphaPremultiply(Image *image)
// Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported
TextureCubemap LoadTextureCubemap(Image image, int layoutType)
TextureCubemap cubemap = { 0 };
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_AUTO_DETECT) // Try to automatically guess layout type
// Check image width/height to determine the type of cubemap provided
if (image.width > image.height)
if ((image.width/6) == image.height) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_LINE_HORIZONTAL; cubemap.width = image.width/6; }
else if ((image.width/4) == (image.height/3)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_CROSS_FOUR_BY_THREE; cubemap.width = image.width/4; }
else if (image.width >= (int)((float)image.height*1.85f)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_PANORAMA; cubemap.width = image.width/4; }
else if (image.height > image.width)
if ((image.height/6) == image.width) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_LINE_VERTICAL; cubemap.width = image.height/6; }
else if ((image.width/3) == (image.height/4)) { layoutType = CUBEMAP_CROSS_THREE_BY_FOUR; cubemap.width = image.width/3; }
cubemap.height = cubemap.width;
int size = cubemap.width;
if (layoutType != CUBEMAP_AUTO_DETECT)
//unsigned int dataSize = GetPixelDataSize(size, size, format);
//void *facesData = malloc(size*size*dataSize*6); // Get memory for 6 faces in a column
Image faces = { 0 }; // Vertical column image
Rectangle faceRecs[6] = { 0 }; // Face source rectangles
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i] = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, size, size };
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_LINE_VERTICAL)
faces = image;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i].y = size*i;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_PANORAMA)
// TODO: Convert panorama image to square faces...
if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_LINE_HORIZONTAL) for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) faceRecs[i].x = size*i;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_CROSS_THREE_BY_FOUR)
faceRecs[0].x = size; faceRecs[0].y = size;
faceRecs[1].x = size; faceRecs[1].y = 3*size;
faceRecs[2].x = size; faceRecs[2].y = 0;
faceRecs[3].x = size; faceRecs[3].y = 2*size;
faceRecs[4].x = 0; faceRecs[4].y = size;
faceRecs[5].x = 2*size; faceRecs[5].y = size;
else if (layoutType == CUBEMAP_CROSS_FOUR_BY_THREE)
faceRecs[0].x = 2*size; faceRecs[0].y = size;
faceRecs[1].x = 0; faceRecs[1].y = size;
faceRecs[2].x = size; faceRecs[2].y = 0;
faceRecs[3].x = size; faceRecs[3].y = 2*size;
faceRecs[4].x = size; faceRecs[4].y = size;
faceRecs[5].x = 3*size; faceRecs[5].y = size;
// Convert image data to 6 faces in a vertical column, that's the optimum layout for loading
faces = GenImageColor(size, size*6, MAGENTA);
ImageFormat(&faces, image.format);
// TODO: Image formating does not work with compressed textures!
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) ImageDraw(&faces, image, faceRecs[i], (Rectangle){ 0, size*i, size, size });
cubemap.id = rlLoadTextureCubemap(faces.data, size, faces.format);
if (cubemap.id == 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Cubemap image could not be loaded.");
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Cubemap image layout can not be detected.");
return cubemap;
// Crop an image to area defined by a rectangle
// NOTE: Security checks are performed in case rectangle goes out of bounds
void ImageCrop(Image *image, Rectangle crop)
@ -1309,6 +1297,38 @@ void ImageCrop(Image *image, Rectangle crop)
// Crop image depending on alpha value
void ImageAlphaCrop(Image *image, float threshold)
Color *pixels = GetImageData(*image);
int xMin = 65536; // Define a big enough number
int xMax = 0;
int yMin = 65536;
int yMax = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < image->height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
if (pixels[y*image->width + x].a > (unsigned char)(threshold*255.0f))
if (x < xMin) xMin = x;
if (x > xMax) xMax = x;
if (y < yMin) yMin = y;
if (y > yMax) yMax = y;
Rectangle crop = { xMin, yMin, (xMax + 1) - xMin, (yMax + 1) - yMin };
// Check for not empty image brefore cropping
if (!((xMax < xMin) || (yMax < yMin))) ImageCrop(image, crop);
// Resize and image to new size
// NOTE: Uses stb default scaling filters (both bicubic):
@ -2146,7 +2166,6 @@ void ImageColorReplace(Image *image, Color color, Color replace)
// Generate image: plain color
Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color)
@ -2161,6 +2180,7 @@ Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color)
return image;
// Generate image: vertical gradient
Image GenImageGradientV(int width, int height, Color top, Color bottom)

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