@ -697,6 +697,18 @@ void UnloadModel(Model model) |
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Unloaded model data from RAM and VRAM"); |
} |
// Load meshes from model file |
Mesh *LoadMeshes(const char *fileName, int *meshCount) |
{ |
Mesh *meshes = NULL; |
int count = 0; |
// TODO: Load meshes from file (OBJ, IQM, GLTF) |
*meshCount = count; |
return meshes; |
} |
// Unload mesh from memory (RAM and/or VRAM) |
void UnloadMesh(Mesh *mesh) |
{ |
@ -759,6 +771,386 @@ void ExportMesh(Mesh mesh, const char *fileName) |
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh could not be exported."); |
} |
// Load materials from model file |
Material *LoadMaterials(const char *fileName, int *materialCount) |
{ |
Material *materials = NULL; |
unsigned int count = 0; |
// TODO: Support IQM and GLTF for materials parsing |
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".mtl")) |
{ |
tinyobj_material_t *mats; |
int result = tinyobj_parse_mtl_file(&mats, &count, fileName); |
// TODO: Process materials to return |
tinyobj_materials_free(mats, count); |
} |
#else |
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] Materials file not supported", fileName); |
#endif |
// Set materials shader to default (DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL) |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) materials[i].shader = GetShaderDefault(); |
*materialCount = count; |
return materials; |
} |
// Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps) |
Material LoadMaterialDefault(void) |
{ |
Material material = { 0 }; |
material.shader = GetShaderDefault(); |
material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = GetTextureDefault(); // White texture (1x1 pixel) |
//material.maps[MAP_NORMAL].texture; // NOTE: By default, not set |
//material.maps[MAP_SPECULAR].texture; // NOTE: By default, not set |
material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].color = WHITE; // Diffuse color |
material.maps[MAP_SPECULAR].color = WHITE; // Specular color |
return material; |
} |
// Unload material from memory |
void UnloadMaterial(Material material) |
{ |
// Unload material shader (avoid unloading default shader, managed by raylib) |
if (material.shader.id != GetShaderDefault().id) UnloadShader(material.shader); |
// Unload loaded texture maps (avoid unloading default texture, managed by raylib) |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS; i++) |
{ |
if (material.maps[i].texture.id != GetTextureDefault().id) rlDeleteTextures(material.maps[i].texture.id); |
} |
} |
// Set texture for a material map type (MAP_DIFFUSE, MAP_SPECULAR...) |
// NOTE: Previous texture should be manually unloaded |
void SetMaterialTexture(Material *material, int mapType, Texture2D texture) |
{ |
material->maps[mapType].texture = texture; |
} |
// Set the material for a mesh |
void SetModelMeshMaterial(Model *model, int meshId, int materialId) |
{ |
if (meshId >= model->meshCount) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh id greater than mesh count"); |
else if (materialId >= model->materialCount) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING,"Material id greater than material count"); |
else model->meshMaterial[meshId] = materialId; |
} |
// Load model animations from file |
ModelAnimation *LoadModelAnimations(const char *filename, int *animCount) |
{ |
ModelAnimation *animations = (ModelAnimation *)malloc(1*sizeof(ModelAnimation)); |
int count = 1; |
#define IQM_MAGIC "INTERQUAKEMODEL" // IQM file magic number |
#define IQM_VERSION 2 // only IQM version 2 supported |
typedef struct IQMHeader { |
char magic[16]; |
unsigned int version; |
unsigned int filesize; |
unsigned int flags; |
unsigned int num_text, ofs_text; |
unsigned int num_meshes, ofs_meshes; |
unsigned int num_vertexarrays, num_vertexes, ofs_vertexarrays; |
unsigned int num_triangles, ofs_triangles, ofs_adjacency; |
unsigned int num_joints, ofs_joints; |
unsigned int num_poses, ofs_poses; |
unsigned int num_anims, ofs_anims; |
unsigned int num_frames, num_framechannels, ofs_frames, ofs_bounds; |
unsigned int num_comment, ofs_comment; |
unsigned int num_extensions, ofs_extensions; |
} IQMHeader; |
typedef struct IQMPose { |
int parent; |
unsigned int mask; |
float channeloffset[10]; |
float channelscale[10]; |
} IQMPose; |
typedef struct IQMAnim { |
unsigned int name; |
unsigned int first_frame, num_frames; |
float framerate; |
unsigned int flags; |
} IQMAnim; |
ModelAnimation animation = { 0 }; |
FILE *iqmFile; |
IQMHeader iqm; |
iqmFile = fopen(filename,"rb"); |
if (!iqmFile) |
{ |
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "[%s] Unable to open file", filename); |
} |
// header |
fread(&iqm, sizeof(IQMHeader), 1, iqmFile); |
if (strncmp(iqm.magic, IQM_MAGIC, sizeof(IQM_MAGIC))) |
{ |
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "Magic Number \"%s\"does not match.", iqm.magic); |
fclose(iqmFile); |
} |
if (iqm.version != IQM_VERSION) |
{ |
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "IQM version %i is incorrect.", iqm.version); |
fclose(iqmFile); |
} |
// header |
if (iqm.num_anims > 1) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "More than 1 animation in file, only the first one will be loaded"); |
// bones |
IQMPose *poses; |
poses = malloc(sizeof(IQMPose)*iqm.num_poses); |
fseek(iqmFile, iqm.ofs_poses, SEEK_SET); |
fread(poses, sizeof(IQMPose)*iqm.num_poses, 1, iqmFile); |
animation.boneCount = iqm.num_poses; |
animation.bones = malloc(sizeof(BoneInfo)*iqm.num_poses); |
for (int j = 0; j < iqm.num_poses; j++) |
{ |
strcpy(animation.bones[j].name, "ANIMJOINTNAME"); |
animation.bones[j].parent = poses[j].parent; |
} |
// animations |
IQMAnim anim = {0}; |
fseek(iqmFile, iqm.ofs_anims, SEEK_SET); |
fread(&anim, sizeof(IQMAnim), 1, iqmFile); |
animation.frameCount = anim.num_frames; |
//animation.framerate = anim.framerate; |
// frameposes |
unsigned short *framedata = malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*iqm.num_frames*iqm.num_framechannels); |
fseek(iqmFile, iqm.ofs_frames, SEEK_SET); |
fread(framedata, sizeof(unsigned short)*iqm.num_frames*iqm.num_framechannels, 1, iqmFile); |
animation.framePoses = malloc(sizeof(Transform*)*anim.num_frames); |
for (int j = 0; j < anim.num_frames; j++) animation.framePoses[j] = malloc(sizeof(Transform)*iqm.num_poses); |
int dcounter = anim.first_frame*iqm.num_framechannels; |
for (int frame = 0; frame < anim.num_frames; frame++) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < iqm.num_poses; i++) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.x = poses[i].channeloffset[0]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x01) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.x += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[0]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.y = poses[i].channeloffset[1]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x02) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.y += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[1]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.z = poses[i].channeloffset[2]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x04) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation.z += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[2]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.x = poses[i].channeloffset[3]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x08) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.x += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[3]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.y = poses[i].channeloffset[4]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x10) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.y += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[4]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.z = poses[i].channeloffset[5]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x20) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.z += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[5]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.w = poses[i].channeloffset[6]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x40) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation.w += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[6]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.x = poses[i].channeloffset[7]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x80) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.x += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[7]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.y = poses[i].channeloffset[8]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x100) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.y += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[8]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.z = poses[i].channeloffset[9]; |
if (poses[i].mask & 0x200) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale.z += framedata[dcounter]*poses[i].channelscale[9]; |
dcounter++; |
} |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation = QuaternionNormalize(animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation); |
} |
} |
// Build frameposes |
for (int frame = 0; frame < anim.num_frames; frame++) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < animation.boneCount; i++) |
{ |
if (animation.bones[i].parent >= 0) |
{ |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation = QuaternionMultiply(animation.framePoses[frame][animation.bones[i].parent].rotation, animation.framePoses[frame][i].rotation); |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation, animation.framePoses[frame][animation.bones[i].parent].rotation); |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation = Vector3Add(animation.framePoses[frame][i].translation, animation.framePoses[frame][animation.bones[i].parent].translation); |
animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale = Vector3MultiplyV(animation.framePoses[frame][i].scale, animation.framePoses[frame][animation.bones[i].parent].scale); |
} |
} |
} |
free(framedata); |
free(poses); |
fclose(iqmFile); |
animations[0] = animation; |
*animCount = count; |
return animations; |
} |
// Update model animated vertex data (positions and normals) for a given frame |
// NOTE: Updated data is uploaded to GPU |
void UpdateModelAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation anim, int frame) |
{ |
if (frame >= anim.frameCount) frame = frame%anim.frameCount; |
for (int m = 0; m < model.meshCount; m++) |
{ |
Vector3 animVertex = { 0 }; |
Vector3 animNormal = { 0 }; |
Vector3 inTranslation = { 0 }; |
Quaternion inRotation = { 0 }; |
Vector3 inScale = { 0 }; |
Vector3 outTranslation = { 0 }; |
Quaternion outRotation = { 0 }; |
Vector3 outScale = { 0 }; |
int vCounter = 0; |
int boneCounter = 0; |
int boneId = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshes[m].vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
boneId = model.meshes[m].boneIds[boneCounter]; |
inTranslation = model.bindPose[boneId].translation; |
inRotation = model.bindPose[boneId].rotation; |
inScale = model.bindPose[boneId].scale; |
outTranslation = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].translation; |
outRotation = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].rotation; |
outScale = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].scale; |
// Vertices processing |
// NOTE: We use meshes.vertices (default vertex position) to calculate meshes.animVertices (animated vertex position) |
animVertex = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter], model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter + 2] }; |
animVertex = Vector3MultiplyV(animVertex, outScale); |
animVertex = Vector3Subtract(animVertex, inTranslation); |
animVertex = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animVertex, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation))); |
animVertex = Vector3Add(animVertex, outTranslation); |
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter] = animVertex.x; |
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 1] = animVertex.y; |
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 2] = animVertex.z; |
// Normals processing |
// NOTE: We use meshes.baseNormals (default normal) to calculate meshes.normals (animated normals) |
animNormal = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 2] }; |
animNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animNormal, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation))); |
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter] = animNormal.x; |
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 1] = animNormal.y; |
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 2] = animNormal.z; |
vCounter += 3; |
boneCounter += 4; |
} |
// Upload new vertex data to GPU for model drawing |
rlUpdateBuffer(model.meshes[m].vboId[0], model.meshes[m].animVertices, model.meshes[m].vertexCount*3*sizeof(float)); // Update vertex position |
rlUpdateBuffer(model.meshes[m].vboId[2], model.meshes[m].animVertices, model.meshes[m].vertexCount*3*sizeof(float)); // Update vertex normals |
} |
} |
// Unload animation data |
void UnloadModelAnimation(ModelAnimation anim) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < anim.frameCount; i++) free(anim.framePoses[i]); |
free(anim.bones); |
free(anim.framePoses); |
} |
// Check model animation skeleton match |
// NOTE: Only number of bones and parent connections are checked |
bool IsModelAnimationValid(Model model, ModelAnimation anim) |
{ |
int result = true; |
if (model.boneCount != anim.boneCount) result = false; |
else |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < model.boneCount; i++) |
{ |
if (model.bones[i].parent != anim.bones[i].parent) { result = false; break; } |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
// Generate polygonal mesh |
Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius) |
@ -1807,59 +2199,124 @@ Mesh GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize) |
} |
// Load material data (from file) |
Material LoadMaterial(const char *fileName) |
// Compute mesh bounding box limits |
// NOTE: minVertex and maxVertex should be transformed by model transform matrix |
BoundingBox MeshBoundingBox(Mesh mesh) |
{ |
Material material = { 0 }; |
// Get min and max vertex to construct bounds (AABB) |
Vector3 minVertex = { 0 }; |
Vector3 maxVertex = { 0 }; |
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".mtl")) |
if (mesh.vertices != NULL) |
{ |
tinyobj_material_t *materials; |
unsigned int materialCount = 0; |
int result = tinyobj_parse_mtl_file(&materials, &materialCount, fileName); |
// TODO: Process materials to return |
minVertex = (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[0], mesh.vertices[1], mesh.vertices[2] }; |
maxVertex = (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[0], mesh.vertices[1], mesh.vertices[2] }; |
tinyobj_materials_free(materials, materialCount); |
for (int i = 1; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
minVertex = Vector3Min(minVertex, (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[i*3], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 1], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 2] }); |
maxVertex = Vector3Max(maxVertex, (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[i*3], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 1], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 2] }); |
} |
} |
#else |
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] Material fileformat not supported, it can't be loaded", fileName); |
#endif |
// Our material uses the default shader (DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL) |
material.shader = GetShaderDefault(); |
// Create the bounding box |
BoundingBox box = { 0 }; |
box.min = minVertex; |
box.max = maxVertex; |
return material; |
return box; |
} |
// Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps) |
Material LoadMaterialDefault(void) |
// Compute mesh tangents |
// NOTE: To calculate mesh tangents and binormals we need mesh vertex positions and texture coordinates |
// Implementation base don: https://answers.unity.com/questions/7789/calculating-tangents-vector4.html |
void MeshTangents(Mesh *mesh) |
{ |
Material material = { 0 }; |
if (mesh->tangents == NULL) mesh->tangents = (float *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*4*sizeof(float)); |
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh tangents already exist"); |
material.shader = GetShaderDefault(); |
material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = GetTextureDefault(); // White texture (1x1 pixel) |
//material.maps[MAP_NORMAL].texture; // NOTE: By default, not set |
//material.maps[MAP_SPECULAR].texture; // NOTE: By default, not set |
Vector3 *tan1 = (Vector3 *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*sizeof(Vector3)); |
Vector3 *tan2 = (Vector3 *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*sizeof(Vector3)); |
material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].color = WHITE; // Diffuse color |
material.maps[MAP_SPECULAR].color = WHITE; // Specular color |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; i += 3) |
{ |
// Get triangle vertices |
Vector3 v1 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 v2 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 v3 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 2] }; |
return material; |
// Get triangle texcoords |
Vector2 uv1 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 0)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 0)*2 + 1] }; |
Vector2 uv2 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 1)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 1)*2 + 1] }; |
Vector2 uv3 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 2)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 2)*2 + 1] }; |
float x1 = v2.x - v1.x; |
float y1 = v2.y - v1.y; |
float z1 = v2.z - v1.z; |
float x2 = v3.x - v1.x; |
float y2 = v3.y - v1.y; |
float z2 = v3.z - v1.z; |
float s1 = uv2.x - uv1.x; |
float t1 = uv2.y - uv1.y; |
float s2 = uv3.x - uv1.x; |
float t2 = uv3.y - uv1.y; |
float div = s1*t2 - s2*t1; |
float r = (div == 0.0f)? 0.0f : 1.0f/div; |
Vector3 sdir = { (t2*x1 - t1*x2)*r, (t2*y1 - t1*y2)*r, (t2*z1 - t1*z2)*r }; |
Vector3 tdir = { (s1*x2 - s2*x1)*r, (s1*y2 - s2*y1)*r, (s1*z2 - s2*z1)*r }; |
tan1[i + 0] = sdir; |
tan1[i + 1] = sdir; |
tan1[i + 2] = sdir; |
tan2[i + 0] = tdir; |
tan2[i + 1] = tdir; |
tan2[i + 2] = tdir; |
} |
// Compute tangents considering normals |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; ++i) |
{ |
Vector3 normal = { mesh->normals[i*3 + 0], mesh->normals[i*3 + 1], mesh->normals[i*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 tangent = tan1[i]; |
// TODO: Review, not sure if tangent computation is right, just used reference proposed maths... |
Vector3 tmp = Vector3Subtract(tangent, Vector3Multiply(normal, Vector3DotProduct(normal, tangent))); |
tmp = Vector3Normalize(tmp); |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0] = tmp.x; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1] = tmp.y; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] = tmp.z; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3] = 1.0f; |
#else |
Vector3OrthoNormalize(&normal, &tangent); |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0] = tangent.x; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1] = tangent.y; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] = tangent.z; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3] = (Vector3DotProduct(Vector3CrossProduct(normal, tangent), tan2[i]) < 0.0f)? -1.0f : 1.0f; |
#endif |
} |
free(tan1); |
free(tan2); |
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Tangents computed for mesh"); |
} |
// Unload material from memory |
void UnloadMaterial(Material material) |
// Compute mesh binormals (aka bitangent) |
void MeshBinormals(Mesh *mesh) |
{ |
// Unload material shader (avoid unloading default shader, managed by raylib) |
if (material.shader.id != GetShaderDefault().id) UnloadShader(material.shader); |
// Unload loaded texture maps (avoid unloading default texture, managed by raylib) |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS; i++) |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
if (material.maps[i].texture.id != GetTextureDefault().id) rlDeleteTextures(material.maps[i].texture.id); |
Vector3 normal = { mesh->normals[i*3 + 0], mesh->normals[i*3 + 1], mesh->normals[i*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 tangent = { mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0], mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1], mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] }; |
float tangentW = mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3]; |
// TODO: Register computed binormal in mesh->binormal? |
// Vector3 binormal = Vector3Multiply(Vector3CrossProduct(normal, tangent), tangentW); |
} |
} |
@ -2239,129 +2696,6 @@ RayHitInfo GetCollisionRayGround(Ray ray, float groundHeight) |
return result; |
} |
// Compute mesh bounding box limits |
// NOTE: minVertex and maxVertex should be transformed by model transform matrix |
BoundingBox MeshBoundingBox(Mesh mesh) |
{ |
// Get min and max vertex to construct bounds (AABB) |
Vector3 minVertex = { 0 }; |
Vector3 maxVertex = { 0 }; |
printf("Mesh vertex count: %i\n", mesh.vertexCount); |
if (mesh.vertices != NULL) |
{ |
minVertex = (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[0], mesh.vertices[1], mesh.vertices[2] }; |
maxVertex = (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[0], mesh.vertices[1], mesh.vertices[2] }; |
for (int i = 1; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
minVertex = Vector3Min(minVertex, (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[i*3], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 1], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 2] }); |
maxVertex = Vector3Max(maxVertex, (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[i*3], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 1], mesh.vertices[i*3 + 2] }); |
} |
} |
// Create the bounding box |
BoundingBox box = { 0 }; |
box.min = minVertex; |
box.max = maxVertex; |
return box; |
} |
// Compute mesh tangents |
// NOTE: To calculate mesh tangents and binormals we need mesh vertex positions and texture coordinates |
// Implementation base don: https://answers.unity.com/questions/7789/calculating-tangents-vector4.html |
void MeshTangents(Mesh *mesh) |
{ |
if (mesh->tangents == NULL) mesh->tangents = (float *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*4*sizeof(float)); |
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh tangents already exist"); |
Vector3 *tan1 = (Vector3 *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*sizeof(Vector3)); |
Vector3 *tan2 = (Vector3 *)malloc(mesh->vertexCount*sizeof(Vector3)); |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; i += 3) |
{ |
// Get triangle vertices |
Vector3 v1 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 0)*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 v2 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 1)*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 v3 = { mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 0], mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 1], mesh->vertices[(i + 2)*3 + 2] }; |
// Get triangle texcoords |
Vector2 uv1 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 0)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 0)*2 + 1] }; |
Vector2 uv2 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 1)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 1)*2 + 1] }; |
Vector2 uv3 = { mesh->texcoords[(i + 2)*2 + 0], mesh->texcoords[(i + 2)*2 + 1] }; |
float x1 = v2.x - v1.x; |
float y1 = v2.y - v1.y; |
float z1 = v2.z - v1.z; |
float x2 = v3.x - v1.x; |
float y2 = v3.y - v1.y; |
float z2 = v3.z - v1.z; |
float s1 = uv2.x - uv1.x; |
float t1 = uv2.y - uv1.y; |
float s2 = uv3.x - uv1.x; |
float t2 = uv3.y - uv1.y; |
float div = s1*t2 - s2*t1; |
float r = (div == 0.0f)? 0.0f : 1.0f/div; |
Vector3 sdir = { (t2*x1 - t1*x2)*r, (t2*y1 - t1*y2)*r, (t2*z1 - t1*z2)*r }; |
Vector3 tdir = { (s1*x2 - s2*x1)*r, (s1*y2 - s2*y1)*r, (s1*z2 - s2*z1)*r }; |
tan1[i + 0] = sdir; |
tan1[i + 1] = sdir; |
tan1[i + 2] = sdir; |
tan2[i + 0] = tdir; |
tan2[i + 1] = tdir; |
tan2[i + 2] = tdir; |
} |
// Compute tangents considering normals |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; ++i) |
{ |
Vector3 normal = { mesh->normals[i*3 + 0], mesh->normals[i*3 + 1], mesh->normals[i*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 tangent = tan1[i]; |
// TODO: Review, not sure if tangent computation is right, just used reference proposed maths... |
Vector3 tmp = Vector3Subtract(tangent, Vector3Multiply(normal, Vector3DotProduct(normal, tangent))); |
tmp = Vector3Normalize(tmp); |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0] = tmp.x; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1] = tmp.y; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] = tmp.z; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3] = 1.0f; |
#else |
Vector3OrthoNormalize(&normal, &tangent); |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0] = tangent.x; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1] = tangent.y; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] = tangent.z; |
mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3] = (Vector3DotProduct(Vector3CrossProduct(normal, tangent), tan2[i]) < 0.0f)? -1.0f : 1.0f; |
#endif |
} |
free(tan1); |
free(tan2); |
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Tangents computed for mesh"); |
} |
// Compute mesh binormals (aka bitangent) |
void MeshBinormals(Mesh *mesh) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
Vector3 normal = { mesh->normals[i*3 + 0], mesh->normals[i*3 + 1], mesh->normals[i*3 + 2] }; |
Vector3 tangent = { mesh->tangents[i*4 + 0], mesh->tangents[i*4 + 1], mesh->tangents[i*4 + 2] }; |
float tangentW = mesh->tangents[i*4 + 3]; |
// TODO: Register computed binormal in mesh->binormal? |
// Vector3 binormal = Vector3Multiply(Vector3CrossProduct(normal, tangent), tangentW); |
} |
} |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Module specific Functions Definition |
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