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Move shaders to examples

Ray 7 years ago
39 changed files with 117 additions and 653 deletions
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shaders/glsl100/template.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/base.fs View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
uniform vec2 resolution = vec2(800, 450);
void main()

shaders/glsl100/blur.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/blur.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/cross_hatching.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/cross_hatching.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/cross_stitching.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/cross_stitching.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/dream_vision.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/dream_vision.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/fisheye.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/fisheye.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/pixel.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/pixel.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/posterization.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/posterization.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/predator.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/predator.fs View File

shaders/glsl100/scanlines.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/scanlines.fs View File

+ 41
- 0
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/sobel.fs View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
uniform vec2 resolution = vec2(800, 450);
void main()
float x = 1.0/resolution.x;
float y = 1.0/resolution.y;
vec4 horizEdge = vec4(0.0);
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y ))*2.0;
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y ))*2.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vec4 vertEdge = vec4(0.0);
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x , fragTexCoord.y - y))*2.0;
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x , fragTexCoord.y + y))*2.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vec3 edge = sqrt((horizEdge.rgb*horizEdge.rgb) + (vertEdge.rgb*vertEdge.rgb));
gl_FragColor = vec4(edge, texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord).a);

+ 3
- 2
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl100/swirl.fs View File

@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
const float renderWidth = 800.0; // HARDCODED for example!
const float renderHeight = 480.0; // Use uniforms instead...
// NOTE: Render size values should be passed from code
const float renderWidth = 800;
const float renderHeight = 450;
float radius = 250.0;
float angle = 0.8;

shaders/glsl330/template.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/base.fs View File

@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ void main()
finalColor = texelColor*colDiffuse;

shaders/glsl330/blur.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/blur.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/cross_hatching.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/cross_hatching.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/cross_stitching.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/cross_stitching.fs View File

+ 1
- 1
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/depth.fs View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0; // Depth texture
uniform vec4 fragTintColor;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;

shaders/glsl330/dream_vision.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/dream_vision.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/fisheye.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/fisheye.fs View File

+ 26
- 0
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/overdraw.fs View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
// To show overdraw, we just render all the fragments
// with a solid color and some transparency
// NOTE: This is not a postpro render,
// it will only render all screen texture in a plain color
finalColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2);

shaders/glsl330/pixel.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/pixelizer.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/posterization.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/posterization.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/predator.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/predator.fs View File

shaders/glsl330/scanlines.fs → examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/scanlines.fs View File

+ 41
- 0
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/sobel.fs View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
uniform vec2 resolution = vec2(800, 450);
void main()
float x = 1.0/resolution.x;
float y = 1.0/resolution.y;
vec4 horizEdge = vec4(0.0);
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y ))*2.0;
horizEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y ))*2.0;
horizEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vec4 vertEdge = vec4(0.0);
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x , fragTexCoord.y - y))*2.0;
vertEdge -= texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y - y))*1.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x - x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x , fragTexCoord.y + y))*2.0;
vertEdge += texture2D(texture0, vec2(fragTexCoord.x + x, fragTexCoord.y + y))*1.0;
vec3 edge = sqrt((horizEdge.rgb*horizEdge.rgb) + (vertEdge.rgb*vertEdge.rgb));
finalColor = vec4(edge, texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord).a);

+ 3
- 2
examples/shaders/resources/shaders/glsl330/swirl.fs View File

@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
const float renderWidth = 800.0; // HARDCODED for example!
const float renderHeight = 480.0; // Use uniforms instead...
// NOTE: Render size values should be passed from code
const float renderWidth = 800;
const float renderHeight = 450;
float radius = 250.0;
float angle = 0.8;

+ 0
- 26
shaders/glsl100/base.vs View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#version 100
// Input vertex attributes
attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
attribute vec2 vertexTexCoord;
attribute vec3 vertexNormal;
attribute vec4 vertexColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
// Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
// Send vertex attributes to fragment shader
fragTexCoord = vertexTexCoord;
fragColor = vertexColor;
// Calculate final vertex position
gl_Position = mvpMatrix*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);

+ 0
- 39
shaders/glsl100/bloom.fs View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#version 100
precision mediump float;
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
const vec2 size = vec2(800, 450); // render size
const float samples = 5.0; // pixels per axis; higher = bigger glow, worse performance
const float quality = 2.5; // lower = smaller glow, better quality
void main()
vec4 sum = vec4(0);
vec2 sizeFactor = vec2(1)/size*quality;
// Texel color fetching from texture sampler
vec4 source = texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord);
const int range = 2; // should be = (samples - 1)/2;
for (int x = -range; x <= range; x++)
for (int y = -range; y <= range; y++)
sum += texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord + vec2(x, y)*sizeFactor);
// Calculate final fragment color
gl_FragColor = ((sum/(samples*samples)) + source)*colDiffuse;

+ 0
- 25
shaders/glsl100/grayscale.fs View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#version 100
precision mediump float;
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
// Texel color fetching from texture sampler
vec4 texelColor = texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord)*colDiffuse*fragColor;
// Convert texel color to grayscale using NTSC conversion weights
float gray = dot(texelColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
// Calculate final fragment color
gl_FragColor = vec4(gray, gray, gray, texelColor.a);

+ 0
- 150
shaders/glsl100/standard.fs View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#version 100
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 fragPosition;
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
varying vec3 fragNormal;
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
uniform sampler2D texture2;
uniform vec4 colAmbient;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
uniform vec4 colSpecular;
uniform float glossiness;
uniform int useNormal;
uniform int useSpecular;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform vec3 viewDir;
struct Light {
int enabled;
int type;
vec3 position;
vec3 direction;
vec4 diffuse;
float intensity;
float radius;
float coneAngle;
const int maxLights = 8;
uniform Light lights[maxLights];
vec3 CalcPointLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 surfacePos = vec3(modelMatrix*vec4(fragPosition, 1));
vec3 surfaceToLight = l.position - surfacePos;
// Diffuse shading
float brightness = clamp(dot(n, surfaceToLight)/(length(surfaceToLight)*length(n)), 0, 1);
float diff = 1.0/dot(surfaceToLight/l.radius, surfaceToLight/l.radius)*brightness*l.intensity;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diff > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(-l.direction + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
return (diff*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb);
vec3 CalcDirectionalLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 lightDir = normalize(-l.direction);
// Diffuse shading
float diff = clamp(dot(n, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0)*l.intensity;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diff > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(lightDir + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
// Combine results
return (diff*l.intensity*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb);
vec3 CalcSpotLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 surfacePos = vec3(modelMatrix*vec4(fragPosition, 1));
vec3 lightToSurface = normalize(surfacePos - l.position);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(-l.direction);
// Diffuse shading
float diff = clamp(dot(n, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0)*l.intensity;
// Spot attenuation
float attenuation = clamp(dot(n, lightToSurface), 0.0, 1.0);
attenuation = dot(lightToSurface, -lightDir);
float lightToSurfaceAngle = degrees(acos(attenuation));
if (lightToSurfaceAngle > l.coneAngle) attenuation = 0.0;
float falloff = (l.coneAngle - lightToSurfaceAngle)/l.coneAngle;
// Combine diffuse and attenuation
float diffAttenuation = diff*attenuation;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diffAttenuation > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(lightDir + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
return (falloff*(diffAttenuation*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb));
void main()
// Calculate fragment normal in screen space
// NOTE: important to multiply model matrix by fragment normal to apply model transformation (rotation and scale)
mat3 normalMatrix = transpose(inverse(mat3(modelMatrix)));
vec3 normal = normalize(normalMatrix*fragNormal);
// Normalize normal and view direction vectors
vec3 n = normalize(normal);
vec3 v = normalize(viewDir);
// Calculate diffuse texture color fetching
vec4 texelColor = texture2D(texture0, fragTexCoord);
vec3 lighting = colAmbient.rgb;
// Calculate normal texture color fetching or set to maximum normal value by default
if (useNormal == 1)
n *= texture2D(texture1, fragTexCoord).rgb;
n = normalize(n);
// Calculate specular texture color fetching or set to maximum specular value by default
float spec = 1.0;
if (useSpecular == 1) spec *= normalize(texture2D(texture2, fragTexCoord).r);
for (int i = 0; i < maxLights; i++)
// Check if light is enabled
if (lights[i].enabled == 1)
// Calculate lighting based on light type
if(lights[i].type == 0) lighting += CalcPointLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
else if(lights[i].type == 1) lighting += CalcDirectionalLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
else if(lights[i].type == 2) lighting += CalcSpotLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
// Calculate final fragment color
gl_FragColor = vec4(texelColor.rgb*lighting*colDiffuse.rgb, texelColor.a*colDiffuse.a);

+ 0
- 23
shaders/glsl100/standard.vs View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
#version 100
attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
attribute vec3 vertexNormal;
attribute vec2 vertexTexCoord;
attribute vec4 vertexColor;
varying vec3 fragPosition;
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
varying vec3 fragNormal;
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
void main()
fragPosition = vertexPosition;
fragTexCoord = vertexTexCoord;
fragColor = vertexColor;
fragNormal = vertexNormal;
gl_Position = mvpMatrix*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);

+ 0
- 46
shaders/glsl100/swirl.fs View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#version 100
precision mediump float;
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
varying vec2 fragTexCoord;
varying vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
// NOTE: Render size values must be passed from code
const float renderWidth = 800;
const float renderHeight = 450;
float radius = 250.0;
float angle = 0.8;
uniform vec2 center = vec2(200.0, 200.0);
void main()
vec2 texSize = vec2(renderWidth, renderHeight);
vec2 tc = fragTexCoord*texSize;
tc -= center;
float dist = length(tc);
if (dist < radius)
float percent = (radius - dist)/radius;
float theta = percent*percent*angle*8.0;
float s = sin(theta);
float c = cos(theta);
tc = vec2(dot(tc, vec2(c, -s)), dot(tc, vec2(s, c)));
tc += center;
vec3 color = texture2D(texture0, tc/texSize).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);;

+ 0
- 26
shaders/glsl330/base.vs View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes
in vec3 vertexPosition;
in vec2 vertexTexCoord;
in vec3 vertexNormal;
in vec4 vertexColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
// Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
out vec2 fragTexCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
// Send vertex attributes to fragment shader
fragTexCoord = vertexTexCoord;
fragColor = vertexColor;
// Calculate final vertex position
gl_Position = mvpMatrix*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);

+ 0
- 40
shaders/glsl330/bloom.fs View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
const vec2 size = vec2(800, 450); // render size
const float samples = 5.0; // pixels per axis; higher = bigger glow, worse performance
const float quality = 2.5; // lower = smaller glow, better quality
void main()
vec4 sum = vec4(0);
vec2 sizeFactor = vec2(1)/size*quality;
// Texel color fetching from texture sampler
vec4 source = texture(texture0, fragTexCoord);
const int range = 2; // should be = (samples - 1)/2;
for (int x = -range; x <= range; x++)
for (int y = -range; y <= range; y++)
sum += texture(texture0, fragTexCoord + vec2(x, y)*sizeFactor);
// Calculate final fragment color
finalColor = ((sum/(samples*samples)) + source)*colDiffuse;

+ 0
- 27
shaders/glsl330/depth.fs View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0; // Depth texture
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
float zNear = 0.01; // camera z near
float zFar = 10.0; // camera z far
float z = texture(texture0, fragTexCoord).x;
// Linearize depth value
float depth = (2.0*zNear)/(zFar + zNear - z*(zFar - zNear));
// Calculate final fragment color
finalColor = vec4(depth, depth, depth, 1.0f);

+ 0
- 26
shaders/glsl330/grayscale.fs View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
void main()
// Texel color fetching from texture sampler
vec4 texelColor = texture(texture0, fragTexCoord)*colDiffuse*fragColor;
// Convert texel color to grayscale using NTSC conversion weights
float gray = dot(texelColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
// Calculate final fragment color
finalColor = vec4(gray, gray, gray, texelColor.a);

+ 0
- 150
shaders/glsl330/standard.fs View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#version 330
in vec3 fragPosition;
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
in vec3 fragNormal;
out vec4 finalColor;
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
uniform sampler2D texture2;
uniform vec4 colAmbient;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
uniform vec4 colSpecular;
uniform float glossiness;
uniform int useNormal;
uniform int useSpecular;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform vec3 viewDir;
struct Light {
int enabled;
int type;
vec3 position;
vec3 direction;
vec4 diffuse;
float intensity;
float radius;
float coneAngle;
const int maxLights = 8;
uniform Light lights[maxLights];
vec3 CalcPointLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 surfacePos = vec3(modelMatrix*vec4(fragPosition, 1));
vec3 surfaceToLight = l.position - surfacePos;
// Diffuse shading
float brightness = clamp(dot(n, surfaceToLight)/(length(surfaceToLight)*length(n)), 0, 1);
float diff = 1.0/dot(surfaceToLight/l.radius, surfaceToLight/l.radius)*brightness*l.intensity;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diff > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(-l.direction + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
return (diff*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb);
vec3 CalcDirectionalLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 lightDir = normalize(-l.direction);
// Diffuse shading
float diff = clamp(dot(n, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0)*l.intensity;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diff > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(lightDir + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
// Combine results
return (diff*l.intensity*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb);
vec3 CalcSpotLight(Light l, vec3 n, vec3 v, float s)
vec3 surfacePos = vec3(modelMatrix*vec4(fragPosition, 1));
vec3 lightToSurface = normalize(surfacePos - l.position);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(-l.direction);
// Diffuse shading
float diff = clamp(dot(n, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0)*l.intensity;
// Spot attenuation
float attenuation = clamp(dot(n, lightToSurface), 0.0, 1.0);
attenuation = dot(lightToSurface, -lightDir);
float lightToSurfaceAngle = degrees(acos(attenuation));
if (lightToSurfaceAngle > l.coneAngle) attenuation = 0.0;
float falloff = (l.coneAngle - lightToSurfaceAngle)/l.coneAngle;
// Combine diffuse and attenuation
float diffAttenuation = diff*attenuation;
// Specular shading
float spec = 0.0;
if (diffAttenuation > 0.0)
vec3 h = normalize(lightDir + v);
spec = pow(dot(n, h), 3 + glossiness)*s;
return (falloff*(diffAttenuation*l.diffuse.rgb + spec*colSpecular.rgb));
void main()
// Calculate fragment normal in screen space
// NOTE: important to multiply model matrix by fragment normal to apply model transformation (rotation and scale)
mat3 normalMatrix = transpose(inverse(mat3(modelMatrix)));
vec3 normal = normalize(normalMatrix*fragNormal);
// Normalize normal and view direction vectors
vec3 n = normalize(normal);
vec3 v = normalize(viewDir);
// Calculate diffuse texture color fetching
vec4 texelColor = texture(texture0, fragTexCoord);
vec3 lighting = colAmbient.rgb;
// Calculate normal texture color fetching or set to maximum normal value by default
if (useNormal == 1)
n *= texture(texture1, fragTexCoord).rgb;
n = normalize(n);
// Calculate specular texture color fetching or set to maximum specular value by default
float spec = 1.0;
if (useSpecular == 1) spec *= normalize(texture(texture2, fragTexCoord).r);
for (int i = 0; i < maxLights; i++)
// Check if light is enabled
if (lights[i].enabled == 1)
// Calculate lighting based on light type
if(lights[i].type == 0) lighting += CalcPointLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
else if(lights[i].type == 1) lighting += CalcDirectionalLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
else if(lights[i].type == 2) lighting += CalcSpotLight(lights[i], n, v, spec);
// Calculate final fragment color
finalColor = vec4(texelColor.rgb*lighting*colDiffuse.rgb, texelColor.a*colDiffuse.a);

+ 0
- 23
shaders/glsl330/standard.vs View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
#version 330
in vec3 vertexPosition;
in vec3 vertexNormal;
in vec2 vertexTexCoord;
in vec4 vertexColor;
out vec3 fragPosition;
out vec2 fragTexCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
out vec3 fragNormal;
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
void main()
fragPosition = vertexPosition;
fragTexCoord = vertexTexCoord;
fragColor = vertexColor;
fragNormal = vertexNormal;
gl_Position = mvpMatrix*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);

+ 0
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shaders/glsl330/swirl.fs View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#version 330
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
in vec4 fragColor;
// Input uniform values
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 colDiffuse;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// NOTE: Add here your custom variables
// NOTE: Render size values must be passed from code
const float renderWidth = 800;
const float renderHeight = 450;
float radius = 250.0;
float angle = 0.8;
uniform vec2 center = vec2(200.0, 200.0);
void main()
vec2 texSize = vec2(renderWidth, renderHeight);
vec2 tc = fragTexCoord*texSize;
tc -= center;
float dist = length(tc);
if (dist < radius)
float percent = (radius - dist)/radius;
float theta = percent*percent*angle*8.0;
float s = sin(theta);
float c = cos(theta);
tc = vec2(dot(tc, vec2(c, -s)), dot(tc, vec2(s, c)));
tc += center;
vec3 color = texture(texture0, tc/texSize).rgb;
finalColor = vec4(color, 1.0);;
