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Reviewed rnet inclusion

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Ray 6 jaren geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 210 en 201 verwijderingen
  1. +1
  2. +10
  3. +199

+ 1
- 166
src/raylib.h Bestand weergeven

@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
#define RAYLIB_H
#include <stdarg.h> // Required for: va_list - Only used by TraceLogCallback
#include <inttypes.h> // Required for rnet
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(BUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED)
#define RLAPI __declspec(dllexport) // We are building raylib as a Win32 shared library (.dll)
@ -448,100 +447,6 @@ typedef struct VrDeviceInfo {
float lensDistortionValues[4]; // HMD lens distortion constant parameters
float chromaAbCorrection[4]; // HMD chromatic aberration correction parameters
} VrDeviceInfo;
// Network typedefs
typedef uint32_t SocketChannel;
typedef struct _AddressInformation * AddressInformation;
typedef struct _SocketAddress * SocketAddress;
typedef struct _SocketAddressIPv4 * SocketAddressIPv4;
typedef struct _SocketAddressIPv6 * SocketAddressIPv6;
typedef struct _SocketAddressStorage *SocketAddressStorage;
// IPAddress definition (in network byte order)
typedef struct IPAddress
unsigned long host; /* 32-bit IPv4 host address */
unsigned short port; /* 16-bit protocol port */
} IPAddress;
// An option ID, value, sizeof(value) tuple for setsockopt(2).
typedef struct SocketOpt
int id;
void *value;
int valueLen;
} SocketOpt;
typedef enum
} SocketType;
typedef struct UDPChannel
int numbound; // The total number of addresses this channel is bound to
IPAddress address[SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES]; // The list of remote addresses this channel is bound to
} UDPChannel;
typedef struct Socket
int ready; // Is the socket ready? i.e. has information
int status; // The last status code to have occured using this socket
bool isServer; // Is this socket a server socket (i.e. TCP/UDP Listen Server)
SocketChannel channel; // The socket handle id
SocketType type; // Is this socket a TCP or UDP socket?
bool isIPv6; // Is this socket address an ipv6 address?
SocketAddressIPv4 addripv4; // The host/target IPv4 for this socket (in network byte order)
SocketAddressIPv6 addripv6; // The host/target IPv6 for this socket (in network byte order)
struct UDPChannel binding[SOCKET_MAX_UDPCHANNELS]; // The amount of channels (if UDP) this socket is bound to
} Socket;
typedef struct SocketSet
int numsockets;
int maxsockets;
struct Socket **sockets;
} SocketSet;
typedef struct SocketDataPacket
int channel; // The src/dst channel of the packet
unsigned char *data; // The packet data
int len; // The length of the packet data
int maxlen; // The size of the data buffer
int status; // packet status after sending
IPAddress address; // The source/dest address of an incoming/outgoing packet
} SocketDataPacket;
// Configuration for a socket.
typedef struct SocketConfig
char * host; // The host address in form
char * port; // The target port/service in the form "http" or "25565"
bool server; // Listen for incoming clients?
SocketType type; // The type of socket, TCP/UDP
bool nonblocking; // non-blocking operation?
int backlog_size; // set a custom backlog size
SocketOpt sockopts[SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS];
} SocketConfig;
// Result from calling open with a given config.
typedef struct SocketResult
int status;
Socket *socket;
} SocketResult;
typedef struct Packet
uint32_t size; // The total size of bytes in data
uint32_t offs; // The offset to data access
uint32_t maxs; // The max size of data
uint8_t *data; // Data stored in network byte order
} Packet;
// Enumerators Definition
@ -1512,77 +1417,7 @@ RLAPI void SetAudioStreamPitch(AudioStream stream, float pitch); // Set pit
// Network (Module: network)
// Initialisation and cleanup
RLAPI bool InitNetwork(void);
RLAPI void CloseNetwork(void);
// Address API
RLAPI void ResolveIP(const char *ip, const char *service, int flags, char *outhost, char *outserv);
RLAPI int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int flags, AddressInformation *outAddr);
RLAPI int GetAddressFamily(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressSocketType(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressProtocol(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressCanonName(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressHostAndPort(AddressInformation address, char *outhost, int *outport);
RLAPI void PrintAddressInfo(AddressInformation address);
// Address Memory API
RLAPI AddressInformation AllocAddress();
RLAPI void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
RLAPI AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size);
// Socket API
RLAPI bool SocketCreate(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketBind(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketListen(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketConnect(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config);
// UDP Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel, const IPAddress *address);
RLAPI void SocketUnsetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel);
// UDP DataPacket API
RLAPI SocketDataPacket *AllocPacket(int size);
RLAPI int ResizePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet, int newsize);
RLAPI void FreePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet);
RLAPI SocketDataPacket **AllocPacketList(int count, int size);
RLAPI void FreePacketList(SocketDataPacket **packets);
// General Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
RLAPI int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
RLAPI void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
RLAPI SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
RLAPI char* GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
RLAPI short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
// Socket Memory API
RLAPI Socket *AllocSocket();
RLAPI void FreeSocket(Socket **sock);
RLAPI SocketResult *AllocSocketResult();
RLAPI void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
RLAPI SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max);
RLAPI void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
// Socket I/O API
RLAPI bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock);
RLAPI bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock);
RLAPI int AddSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int RemoveSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int CheckSockets(SocketSet *set, unsigned int timeout);
// Packet API
void PacketSend(Packet *packet);
void PacketReceive(Packet *packet);
void PacketWrite8(Packet *packet, uint16_t value);
void PacketWrite16(Packet *packet, uint16_t value);
void PacketWrite32(Packet *packet, uint32_t value);
void PacketWrite64(Packet *packet, uint64_t value);
uint16_t PacketRead8(Packet *packet);
uint16_t PacketRead16(Packet *packet);
uint32_t PacketRead32(Packet *packet);
uint64_t PacketRead64(Packet *packet);
// IN PROGRESS: Check rnet.h for reference
#if defined(__cplusplus)

+ 10
- 11
src/rnet.c Bestand weergeven

@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
* rnet.h - platform-specific network includes
* Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) (Feb. 2019):
* - Initial version
* Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) (Feb. 2019) - Initial version
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ static bool IsSocketValid(Socket *sock)
// Sets the error code that can be retrieved through the WSAGetLastError function.
static void SocketSetLastError(int err)
#if defined(_WIN32)
errno = err;
@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ static void SocketSetLastError(int err)
// Returns the error status for the last Sockets operation that failed
static int SocketGetLastError()
#if defined(_WIN32)
return WSAGetLastError();
return errno;
@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ static char *SocketGetLastErrorString()
// Returns a human-readable string representing the error message (err)
static char *SocketErrorCodeToString(int err)
#if defined(_WIN32)
static char gaiStrErrorBuffer[GAI_STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE];
sprintf(gaiStrErrorBuffer, "%ws", gai_strerror(err));
return gaiStrErrorBuffer;
@ -496,7 +495,7 @@ static bool CreateSocket(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *outresult)
static bool SocketSetBlocking(Socket *sock)
bool ret = true;
#if defined(_WIN32)
unsigned long mode = 0;
ret = ioctlsocket(sock->channel, FIONBIO, &mode);
@ -516,7 +515,7 @@ static bool SocketSetBlocking(Socket *sock)
static bool SocketSetNonBlocking(Socket *sock)
bool ret = true;
#if defined(_WIN32)
unsigned long mode = 1;
ret = ioctlsocket(sock->channel, FIONBIO, &mode);
@ -602,7 +601,7 @@ static void SocketSetHints(SocketConfig *config, struct addrinfo *hints)
// Initialise the network (requires for windows platforms only)
bool InitNetwork()
#if defined(_WIN32)
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
int err;
@ -635,7 +634,7 @@ bool InitNetwork()
// Cleanup, and close the network
void CloseNetwork()
#if defined(_WIN32)
@ -1592,7 +1591,7 @@ bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock)
// Check if the socket is considered connected
bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock)
#if defined(_WIN32)
FD_SET writefds;
FD_SET(sock->channel, &writefds);

+ 199
- 24
src/rnet.h Bestand weergeven

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
* Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) (Feb. 2019):
* - Initial version
* Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) (Feb. 2019) - Initial version
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Jak Barnes (github: @syphonx) and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
@ -38,16 +38,14 @@
// Platform type sizes
#include <limits.h>
#include <limits.h> // Required for limits
#include <inttypes.h> // Required for platform type sizes
// Undefine any conflicting windows.h symbols
// Defines and Macros
// Undefine any conflicting windows.h symbols
// If defined, the following flags inhibit definition of the indicated items.
#define NOGDICAPMASKS // CC_*, LC_*, PC_*, CP_*, TC_*, RC_
@ -90,19 +88,6 @@
#define NOMCX // Modem Configuration Extensions
// Platform defines
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32)
#elif defined(_LINUX)
// Platform type definitions
// From:
@ -137,7 +122,7 @@ typedef int socklen_t;
// Include system network headers
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined(_WIN32)
# pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
# define __USE_W32_SOCKETS
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
@ -225,4 +210,194 @@ typedef int socklen_t;
#define NAME_INFO_NUMERICHOST (0x02) // Return numeric form of the host's address
#define NAME_INFO_NAMEREQD (0x04) // Error if the host's name not in DNS
#define NAME_INFO_NUMERICSERV (0x08) // Return numeric form of the service (port #)
#define NAME_INFO_DGRAM (0x10) // Service is a datagram service
#define NAME_INFO_DGRAM (0x10) // Service is a datagram service
// Types and Structures Definition
// Network typedefs
typedef uint32_t SocketChannel;
typedef struct _AddressInformation * AddressInformation;
typedef struct _SocketAddress * SocketAddress;
typedef struct _SocketAddressIPv4 * SocketAddressIPv4;
typedef struct _SocketAddressIPv6 * SocketAddressIPv6;
typedef struct _SocketAddressStorage *SocketAddressStorage;
// IPAddress definition (in network byte order)
typedef struct IPAddress
unsigned long host; /* 32-bit IPv4 host address */
unsigned short port; /* 16-bit protocol port */
} IPAddress;
// An option ID, value, sizeof(value) tuple for setsockopt(2).
typedef struct SocketOpt
int id;
void *value;
int valueLen;
} SocketOpt;
typedef enum
} SocketType;
typedef struct UDPChannel
int numbound; // The total number of addresses this channel is bound to
IPAddress address[SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES]; // The list of remote addresses this channel is bound to
} UDPChannel;
typedef struct Socket
int ready; // Is the socket ready? i.e. has information
int status; // The last status code to have occured using this socket
bool isServer; // Is this socket a server socket (i.e. TCP/UDP Listen Server)
SocketChannel channel; // The socket handle id
SocketType type; // Is this socket a TCP or UDP socket?
bool isIPv6; // Is this socket address an ipv6 address?
SocketAddressIPv4 addripv4; // The host/target IPv4 for this socket (in network byte order)
SocketAddressIPv6 addripv6; // The host/target IPv6 for this socket (in network byte order)
struct UDPChannel binding[SOCKET_MAX_UDPCHANNELS]; // The amount of channels (if UDP) this socket is bound to
} Socket;
typedef struct SocketSet
int numsockets;
int maxsockets;
struct Socket **sockets;
} SocketSet;
typedef struct SocketDataPacket
int channel; // The src/dst channel of the packet
unsigned char *data; // The packet data
int len; // The length of the packet data
int maxlen; // The size of the data buffer
int status; // packet status after sending
IPAddress address; // The source/dest address of an incoming/outgoing packet
} SocketDataPacket;
// Configuration for a socket.
typedef struct SocketConfig
char * host; // The host address in form
char * port; // The target port/service in the form "http" or "25565"
bool server; // Listen for incoming clients?
SocketType type; // The type of socket, TCP/UDP
bool nonblocking; // non-blocking operation?
int backlog_size; // set a custom backlog size
SocketOpt sockopts[SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS];
} SocketConfig;
// Result from calling open with a given config.
typedef struct SocketResult
int status;
Socket *socket;
} SocketResult;
typedef struct Packet
uint32_t size; // The total size of bytes in data
uint32_t offs; // The offset to data access
uint32_t maxs; // The max size of data
uint8_t *data; // Data stored in network byte order
} Packet;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
// Global Variables Definition
// Module Functions Declaration
// Initialisation and cleanup
RLAPI bool InitNetwork(void);
RLAPI void CloseNetwork(void);
// Address API
RLAPI void ResolveIP(const char *ip, const char *service, int flags, char *outhost, char *outserv);
RLAPI int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int flags, AddressInformation *outAddr);
RLAPI int GetAddressFamily(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressSocketType(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressProtocol(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressCanonName(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressHostAndPort(AddressInformation address, char *outhost, int *outport);
RLAPI void PrintAddressInfo(AddressInformation address);
// Address Memory API
RLAPI AddressInformation AllocAddress();
RLAPI void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
RLAPI AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size);
// Socket API
RLAPI bool SocketCreate(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketBind(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketListen(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketConnect(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config);
// UDP Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel, const IPAddress *address);
RLAPI void SocketUnsetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel);
// UDP DataPacket API
RLAPI SocketDataPacket *AllocPacket(int size);
RLAPI int ResizePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet, int newsize);
RLAPI void FreePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet);
RLAPI SocketDataPacket **AllocPacketList(int count, int size);
RLAPI void FreePacketList(SocketDataPacket **packets);
// General Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
RLAPI int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
RLAPI void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
RLAPI SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
RLAPI char* GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
RLAPI short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
// Socket Memory API
RLAPI Socket *AllocSocket();
RLAPI void FreeSocket(Socket **sock);
RLAPI SocketResult *AllocSocketResult();
RLAPI void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
RLAPI SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max);
RLAPI void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
// Socket I/O API
RLAPI bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock);
RLAPI bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock);
RLAPI int AddSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int RemoveSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int CheckSockets(SocketSet *set, unsigned int timeout);
// Packet API
void PacketSend(Packet *packet);
void PacketReceive(Packet *packet);
void PacketWrite8(Packet *packet, uint16_t value);
void PacketWrite16(Packet *packet, uint16_t value);
void PacketWrite32(Packet *packet, uint32_t value);
void PacketWrite64(Packet *packet, uint64_t value);
uint16_t PacketRead8(Packet *packet);
uint16_t PacketRead16(Packet *packet);
uint32_t PacketRead32(Packet *packet);
uint64_t PacketRead64(Packet *packet);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // RNET_H
