- /*******************************************************************************************
- *
- * raylib - sample game: gorilas
- *
- * Sample game Marc Palau and Ramon Santamaria
- *
- * This game has been created using raylib v1.3 (www.raylib.com)
- * raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
- *
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #include "raylib.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
- #include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
- #endif
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Some Defines
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define MAX_BUILDINGS 15
- #define MAX_EXPLOSIONS 200
- #define MAX_PLAYERS 2
- #define BUILDING_RELATIVE_ERROR 30 // Building size random range %
- #define BUILDING_MIN_RELATIVE_HEIGHT 20 // Minimum height in % of the screenHeight
- #define BUILDING_MAX_RELATIVE_HEIGHT 60 // Maximum height in % of the screenHeight
- #define BUILDING_MIN_GRAYSCALE_COLOR 120 // Minimum gray color for the buildings
- #define BUILDING_MAX_GRAYSCALE_COLOR 200 // Maximum gray color for the buildings
- #define MIN_PLAYER_POSITION 5 // Minimum x position %
- #define MAX_PLAYER_POSITION 20 // Maximum x position %
- #define GRAVITY 9.81f
- #define DELTA_FPS 60
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Types and Structures Definition
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef struct Player {
- Vector2 position;
- Vector2 size;
- Vector2 aimingPoint;
- int aimingAngle;
- int aimingPower;
- Vector2 previousPoint;
- int previousAngle;
- int previousPower;
- Vector2 impactPoint;
- bool isLeftTeam; // This player belongs to the left or to the right team
- bool isPlayer; // If is a player or an AI
- bool isAlive;
- } Player;
- typedef struct Building {
- Rectangle rectangle;
- Color color;
- } Building;
- typedef struct Explosion {
- Vector2 position;
- int radius;
- bool active;
- } Explosion;
- typedef struct Ball {
- Vector2 position;
- Vector2 speed;
- int radius;
- bool active;
- } Ball;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Global Variables Declaration
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static int screenWidth = 800;
- static int screenHeight = 450;
- static bool gameOver = false;
- static bool pause = false;
- static Player player[MAX_PLAYERS];
- static Building building[MAX_BUILDINGS];
- static Explosion explosion[MAX_EXPLOSIONS];
- static Ball ball;
- static int playerTurn = 0;
- static bool ballOnAir = false;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module Functions Declaration (local)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void InitGame(void); // Initialize game
- static void UpdateGame(void); // Update game (one frame)
- static void DrawGame(void); // Draw game (one frame)
- static void UnloadGame(void); // Unload game
- static void UpdateDrawFrame(void); // Update and Draw (one frame)
- // Additional module functions
- static void InitBuildings(void);
- static void InitPlayers(void);
- static bool UpdatePlayer(int playerTurn);
- static bool UpdateBall(int playerTurn);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Program main entry point
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(void)
- {
- // Initialization (Note windowTitle is unused on Android)
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "sample game: gorilas");
- InitGame();
- #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
- emscripten_set_main_loop(UpdateDrawFrame, 0, 1);
- #else
- SetTargetFPS(60);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main game loop
- while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
- {
- // Update and Draw
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UpdateDrawFrame();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- #endif
- // De-Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UnloadGame(); // Unload loaded data (textures, sounds, models...)
- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return 0;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module Functions Definitions (local)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialize game variables
- void InitGame(void)
- {
- // Init shoot
- ball.radius = 10;
- ballOnAir = false;
- ball.active = false;
- InitBuildings();
- InitPlayers();
- // Init explosions
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS; i++)
- {
- explosion[i].position = (Vector2){ 0.0f, 0.0f };
- explosion[i].radius = 30;
- explosion[i].active = false;
- }
- }
- // Update game (one frame)
- void UpdateGame(void)
- {
- if (!gameOver)
- {
- if (IsKeyPressed('P')) pause = !pause;
- if (!pause)
- {
- if (!ballOnAir) ballOnAir = UpdatePlayer(playerTurn); // If we are aiming
- else
- {
- if (UpdateBall(playerTurn)) // If collision
- {
- // Game over logic
- bool leftTeamAlive = false;
- bool rightTeamAlive = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
- {
- if (player[i].isAlive)
- {
- if (player[i].isLeftTeam) leftTeamAlive = true;
- if (!player[i].isLeftTeam) rightTeamAlive = true;
- }
- }
- if (leftTeamAlive && rightTeamAlive)
- {
- ballOnAir = false;
- ball.active = false;
- playerTurn++;
- if (playerTurn == MAX_PLAYERS) playerTurn = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- gameOver = true;
- // if (leftTeamAlive) left team wins
- // if (rightTeamAlive) right team wins
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
- {
- InitGame();
- gameOver = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Draw game (one frame)
- void DrawGame(void)
- {
- BeginDrawing();
- ClearBackground(RAYWHITE);
- if (!gameOver)
- {
- // Draw buildings
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUILDINGS; i++) DrawRectangleRec(building[i].rectangle, building[i].color);
- // Draw explosions
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS; i++)
- {
- if (explosion[i].active) DrawCircle(explosion[i].position.x, explosion[i].position.y, explosion[i].radius, RAYWHITE);
- }
- // Draw players
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
- {
- if (player[i].isAlive)
- {
- if (player[i].isLeftTeam) DrawRectangle(player[i].position.x - player[i].size.x/2, player[i].position.y - player[i].size.y/2,
- player[i].size.x, player[i].size.y, BLUE);
- else DrawRectangle(player[i].position.x - player[i].size.x/2, player[i].position.y - player[i].size.y/2,
- player[i].size.x, player[i].size.y, RED);
- }
- }
- // Draw ball
- if (ball.active) DrawCircle(ball.position.x, ball.position.y, ball.radius, MAROON);
- // Draw the angle and the power of the aim, and the previous ones
- if (!ballOnAir)
- {
- // Draw shot information
- /*
- if (player[playerTurn].isLeftTeam)
- {
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Point %i, %i", (int)player[playerTurn].previousPoint.x, (int)player[playerTurn].previousPoint.y), 20, 20, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Angle %i", player[playerTurn].previousAngle), 20, 50, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Power %i", player[playerTurn].previousPower), 20, 80, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Point %i, %i", (int)player[playerTurn].aimingPoint.x, (int)player[playerTurn].aimingPoint.y), 20, 110, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Angle %i", player[playerTurn].aimingAngle), 20, 140, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Power %i", player[playerTurn].aimingPower), 20, 170, 20, DARKBLUE);
- }
- else
- {
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Point %i, %i", (int)player[playerTurn].previousPoint.x, (int)player[playerTurn].previousPoint.y), screenWidth*3/4, 20, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Angle %i", player[playerTurn].previousAngle), screenWidth*3/4, 50, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Previous Power %i", player[playerTurn].previousPower), screenWidth*3/4, 80, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Point %i, %i", (int)player[playerTurn].aimingPoint.x, (int)player[playerTurn].aimingPoint.y), screenWidth*3/4, 110, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Angle %i", player[playerTurn].aimingAngle), screenWidth*3/4, 140, 20, DARKBLUE);
- DrawText(FormatText("Aiming Power %i", player[playerTurn].aimingPower), screenWidth*3/4, 170, 20, DARKBLUE);
- }
- */
- // Draw aim
- if (player[playerTurn].isLeftTeam)
- {
- // Previous aiming
- DrawTriangle((Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x - player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y - player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- (Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x + player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y + player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- player[playerTurn].previousPoint, GRAY);
- // Actual aiming
- DrawTriangle((Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x - player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y - player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- (Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x + player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y + player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint, DARKBLUE);
- }
- else
- {
- // Previous aiming
- DrawTriangle((Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x - player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y + player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- (Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x + player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y - player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- player[playerTurn].previousPoint, GRAY);
- // Actual aiming
- DrawTriangle((Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x - player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y + player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- (Vector2){ player[playerTurn].position.x + player[playerTurn].size.x/4, player[playerTurn].position.y - player[playerTurn].size.y/4 },
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint, MAROON);
- }
- }
- if (pause) DrawText("GAME PAUSED", screenWidth/2 - MeasureText("GAME PAUSED", 40)/2, screenHeight/2 - 40, 40, GRAY);
- }
- else DrawText("PRESS [ENTER] TO PLAY AGAIN", GetScreenWidth()/2 - MeasureText("PRESS [ENTER] TO PLAY AGAIN", 20)/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 50, 20, GRAY);
- EndDrawing();
- }
- // Unload game variables
- void UnloadGame(void)
- {
- // TODO: Unload all dynamic loaded data (textures, sounds, models...)
- }
- // Update and Draw (one frame)
- void UpdateDrawFrame(void)
- {
- UpdateGame();
- DrawGame();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Additional module functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void InitBuildings(void)
- {
- // Horizontal generation
- int currentWidth = 0;
- // We make sure the absolute error randomly generated for each building, has as a minimum value the screenWidth.
- // This way all the screen will be filled with buildings. Each building will have a different, random width.
- float relativeWidth = 100/(100 - BUILDING_RELATIVE_ERROR);
- float buildingWidthMean = (screenWidth*relativeWidth/MAX_BUILDINGS) + 1; // We add one to make sure we will cover the whole screen.
- // Vertical generation
- int currentHeighth = 0;
- int grayLevel;
- // Creation
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUILDINGS; i++)
- {
- // Horizontal
- building[i].rectangle.x = currentWidth;
- building[i].rectangle.width = GetRandomValue(buildingWidthMean*(100 - BUILDING_RELATIVE_ERROR/2)/100 + 1, buildingWidthMean*(100 + BUILDING_RELATIVE_ERROR)/100);
- currentWidth += building[i].rectangle.width;
- // Vertical
- building[i].rectangle.y = screenHeight - (screenHeight*currentHeighth/100);
- building[i].rectangle.height = screenHeight*currentHeighth/100 + 1;
- // Color
- building[i].color = (Color){ grayLevel, grayLevel, grayLevel, 255 };
- }
- }
- static void InitPlayers(void)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
- {
- player[i].isAlive = true;
- // Decide the team of this player
- if (i % 2 == 0) player[i].isLeftTeam = true;
- else player[i].isLeftTeam = false;
- // Now there is no AI
- player[i].isPlayer = true;
- // Set size, by default by now
- player[i].size = (Vector2){ 40, 40 };
- // Set position
- if (player[i].isLeftTeam) player[i].position.x = GetRandomValue(screenWidth*MIN_PLAYER_POSITION/100, screenWidth*MAX_PLAYER_POSITION/100);
- else player[i].position.x = screenWidth - GetRandomValue(screenWidth*MIN_PLAYER_POSITION/100, screenWidth*MAX_PLAYER_POSITION/100);
- for (int j = 0; j < MAX_BUILDINGS; j++)
- {
- if (building[j].rectangle.x > player[i].position.x)
- {
- // Set the player in the center of the building
- player[i].position.x = building[j-1].rectangle.x + building[j-1].rectangle.width/2;
- // Set the player at the top of the building
- player[i].position.y = building[j-1].rectangle.y - player[i].size.y/2;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Set statistics to 0
- player[i].aimingPoint = player[i].position;
- player[i].previousAngle = 0;
- player[i].previousPower = 0;
- player[i].previousPoint = player[i].position;
- player[i].aimingAngle = 0;
- player[i].aimingPower = 0;
- player[i].impactPoint = (Vector2){ -100, -100 };
- }
- }
- static bool UpdatePlayer(int playerTurn)
- {
- // If we are aiming at the firing quadrant, we calculate the angle
- if (GetMousePosition().y <= player[playerTurn].position.y)
- {
- // Left team
- if (player[playerTurn].isLeftTeam && GetMousePosition().x >= player[playerTurn].position.x)
- {
- // Distance (calculating the fire power)
- player[playerTurn].aimingPower = sqrt(pow(player[playerTurn].position.x - GetMousePosition().x, 2) + pow(player[playerTurn].position.y - GetMousePosition().y, 2));
- // Calculates the angle via arcsin
- player[playerTurn].aimingAngle = asin((player[playerTurn].position.y - GetMousePosition().y)/player[playerTurn].aimingPower)*RAD2DEG;
- // Point of the screen we are aiming at
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint = GetMousePosition();
- // Ball fired
- if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
- {
- player[playerTurn].previousPoint = player[playerTurn].aimingPoint;
- player[playerTurn].previousPower = player[playerTurn].aimingPower;
- player[playerTurn].previousAngle = player[playerTurn].aimingAngle;
- ball.position = player[playerTurn].position;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Right team
- else if (!player[playerTurn].isLeftTeam && GetMousePosition().x <= player[playerTurn].position.x)
- {
- // Distance (calculating the fire power)
- player[playerTurn].aimingPower = sqrt(pow(player[playerTurn].position.x - GetMousePosition().x, 2) + pow(player[playerTurn].position.y - GetMousePosition().y, 2));
- // Calculates the angle via arcsin
- player[playerTurn].aimingAngle = asin((player[playerTurn].position.y - GetMousePosition().y)/player[playerTurn].aimingPower)*RAD2DEG;
- // Point of the screen we are aiming at
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint = GetMousePosition();
- // Ball fired
- if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
- {
- player[playerTurn].previousPoint = player[playerTurn].aimingPoint;
- player[playerTurn].previousPower = player[playerTurn].aimingPower;
- player[playerTurn].previousAngle = player[playerTurn].aimingAngle;
- ball.position = player[playerTurn].position;
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint = player[playerTurn].position;
- player[playerTurn].aimingPower = 0;
- player[playerTurn].aimingAngle = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- player[playerTurn].aimingPoint = player[playerTurn].position;
- player[playerTurn].aimingPower = 0;
- player[playerTurn].aimingAngle = 0;
- }
- return false;
- }
- static bool UpdateBall(int playerTurn)
- {
- static int explosionNumber = 0;
- // Activate ball
- if (!ball.active)
- {
- if (player[playerTurn].isLeftTeam)
- {
- ball.speed.x = cos(player[playerTurn].previousAngle*DEG2RAD)*player[playerTurn].previousPower*3/DELTA_FPS;
- ball.speed.y = -sin(player[playerTurn].previousAngle*DEG2RAD)*player[playerTurn].previousPower*3/DELTA_FPS;
- ball.active = true;
- }
- else
- {
- ball.speed.x = -cos(player[playerTurn].previousAngle*DEG2RAD)*player[playerTurn].previousPower*3/DELTA_FPS;
- ball.speed.y = -sin(player[playerTurn].previousAngle*DEG2RAD)*player[playerTurn].previousPower*3/DELTA_FPS;
- ball.active = true;
- }
- }
- ball.position.x += ball.speed.x;
- ball.position.y += ball.speed.y;
- ball.speed.y += GRAVITY/DELTA_FPS;
- // Collision
- if (ball.position.x + ball.radius < 0) return true;
- else if (ball.position.x - ball.radius > screenWidth) return true;
- else
- {
- // Player collision
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
- {
- if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(ball.position, ball.radius, (Rectangle){ player[i].position.x - player[i].size.x/2, player[i].position.y - player[i].size.y/2,
- player[i].size.x, player[i].size.y }))
- {
- // We can't hit ourselves
- if (i == playerTurn) return false;
- else
- {
- // We set the impact point
- player[playerTurn].impactPoint.x = ball.position.x;
- player[playerTurn].impactPoint.y = ball.position.y + ball.radius;
- // We destroy the player
- player[i].isAlive = false;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Building collision
- // NOTE: We only check building collision if we are not inside an explosion
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUILDINGS; i++)
- {
- if (CheckCollisionCircles(ball.position, ball.radius, explosion[i].position, explosion[i].radius - ball.radius))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUILDINGS; i++)
- {
- if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(ball.position, ball.radius, building[i].rectangle))
- {
- // We set the impact point
- player[playerTurn].impactPoint.x = ball.position.x;
- player[playerTurn].impactPoint.y = ball.position.y + ball.radius;
- // We create an explosion
- explosion[explosionNumber].position = player[playerTurn].impactPoint;
- explosion[explosionNumber].active = true;
- explosionNumber++;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }