- # raylib bindings and wrappers
- Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to the library. Here is a list with all the ports available. Feel free to send a PR if you know of any binding/wrapper not in this list.
- ### Language Bindings
- | name | raylib version | language | license | repo |
- |:------------------:|:---------------:|:---------:|:----------:|-----------------------------------------------------------|
- | raylib | **4.2** | [C/C++](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)) | Zlib | https://github.com/raysan5/raylib |
- | raylib-boo | 3.7 | [Boo](http://boo-language.github.io/)| MIT | https://github.com/Rabios/raylib-boo |
- | Raylib-cs | **4.2** | [C#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)) | Zlib | https://github.com/ChrisDill/Raylib-cs |
- | Raylib-CsLo | **4.2** | [C#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)) | MPL-2.0 | https://github.com/NotNotTech/Raylib-CsLo |
- | cl-raylib | **4.0** | [Common Lisp](https://common-lisp.net/) | MIT | https://github.com/longlene/cl-raylib |
- | claylib/wrap | **4.2** | [Common Lisp](https://common-lisp.net/) | Zlib | https://github.com/defun-games/claylib |
- | chez-raylib | auto | [Chez Scheme](https://cisco.github.io/ChezScheme/) | GPLv3 | https://github.com/Yunoinsky/chez-raylib |
- | raylib-cr | **4.5-dev (7e7939e)** | [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/) | Apache-2.0 | https://github.com/sol-vin/raylib-cr |
- | raylib-c3 | **4.5-dev** | [C3](https://c3-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Its-Kenta/Raylib-C3 |
- | dart-raylib | **4.0** | [Dart](https://dart.dev/) | MIT | https://gitlab.com/wolfenrain/dart-raylib |
- | bindbc-raylib3 | **4.0** | [D](https://dlang.org/) | BSL-1.0 | https://github.com/o3o/bindbc-raylib3 |
- | dray | **4.2** | [D](https://dlang.org/) | Apache-2.0 | https://github.com/redthing1/dray |
- | raylib-d | **4.2** | [D](https://dlang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/schveiguy/raylib-d |
- | dlang_raylib | **4.0** | [D](https://dlang.org) | MPL-2.0 |https://github.com/rc-05/dlang_raylib |
- | rayex | 3.7 | [elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) | Apache-2.0 | https://github.com/shiryel/rayex |
- | raylib-factor | **4.0** | [Factor](https://factorcode.org/) | BSD | https://github.com/factor/factor/blob/master/extra/raylib/raylib.factor |
- | raylib-freebasic | **4.2** | [FreeBASIC](https://www.freebasic.net/) | MIT | https://github.com/WIITD/raylib-freebasic |
- | raylib-go | **4.2** | [Go](https://golang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go |
- | raylib-guile | auto | [Guile](https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/) | Zlib | https://github.com/petelliott/raylib-guile |
- | gforth-raylib | 3.5 | [Gforth](https://gforth.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/ArnautDaniel/gforth-raylib |
- | h-raylib | 4.5-dev | [Haskell](https://haskell.org/) | Apache-2.0 | https://github.com/Anut-py/h-raylib |
- | raylib-hx | 4.0 | [Haxe](https://haxe.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/foreignsasquatch/raylib-hx |
- | hb-raylib | 3.5 | [Harbour](https://harbour.github.io) | MIT | https://github.com/MarcosLeonardoMendezGerencir/hb-raylib |
- | jaylib | **4.2** | [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) | GPLv3+CE | https://github.com/electronstudio/jaylib/ |
- | raylib-j | **4.0** | [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) | Zlib | https://github.com/CreedVI/Raylib-J |
- | raylib.jl | **4.2** | [Julia](https://julialang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.jl |
- | kaylib | 3.7 | [Kotlin/native](https://kotlinlang.org) | ? | https://github.com/electronstudio/kaylib |
- | kaylib | **4.5-dev**| [Kotlin/native](https://kotlinlang.org) | MIT | https://codeberg.org/Kenta/Kaylib |
- | raylib-lua | **4.2** | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | ISC | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua |
- | raylua | **4.0** | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Rabios/raylua |
- | nelua-raylib | 4.0 | [nelua](https://nelua.io/) | MIT | https://github.com/AKDev21/nelua-raylib |
- | Raylib-Nelua | **4.5-dev** | [nelua](https://nelua.io/) | MIT | https://github.com/Its-Kenta/Raylib-Nelua |
- | NimraylibNow! | 4.2 | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/greenfork/nimraylib_now |
- | raylib-Forever | auto | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | ? | https://github.com/Guevara-chan/Raylib-Forever |
- | naylib | auto | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/planetis-m/naylib |
- | node-raylib | **4.0** | [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) | Zlib | https://github.com/RobLoach/node-raylib |
- | raylib_odin_bindings | 4.0-dev | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Deathbat2190/raylib_odin_bindings |
- | raylib-odin | **4.0** | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/) | BSD-3Clause | https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib |
- | raylib-ocaml | **4.2** | [OCaml](https://ocaml.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/tjammer/raylib-ocaml |
- | TurboRaylib | **4.2** | [Object Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_Pascal) | MIT | https://github.com/turborium/TurboRaylib |
- | Ray4Laz | **4.2** | [Free Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Pascal)| Zlib | https://github.com/GuvaCode/Ray4Laz |
- | Raylib.4.0.Pascal | **4.0** | [Free Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Pascal)| Zlib | https://github.com/sysrpl/Raylib.4.0.Pascal |
- | pyraylib | 3.7 | [Python](https://www.python.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/Ho011/pyraylib |
- | raylib-python-cffi | **4.2** | [Python](https://www.python.org/) | EPL-2.0 | https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi |
- | raylibpyctbg | **4.2** | [Python](https://www.python.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/overdev/raylibpyctbg |
- | raylib-py | **4.2** | [Python](https://www.python.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py |
- | raylib-python-ctypes | **4.2** | [Python](https://www.python.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/sDos280/raylib-python-ctypes |
- | raylib-php | 3.5 | [PHP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP) | Zlib | https://github.com/joseph-montanez/raylib-php |
- | raylib-phpcpp | 3.5 | [PHP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP) | Zlib | https://github.com/oraoto/raylib-phpcpp |
- | raylibr | **4.0** | [R](https://www.r-project.org) | MIT | https://github.com/jeroenjanssens/raylibr |
- | raylib-rs | 3.5 | [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/deltaphc/raylib-rs |
- | Relib | 3.5 | [ReCT](https://github.com/RedCubeDev-ByteSpace/ReCT) | ? | https://github.com/RedCubeDev-ByteSpace/Relib |
- | racket-raylib | **4.0** | [Racket](https://racket-lang.org/) | MIT/Apache-2.0 | https://github.com/eutro/racket-raylib |
- | raylib-swift | **4.0** | [Swift](https://swift.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/STREGAsGate/Raylib |
- | raylib-scopes | auto | [Scopes](http://scopes.rocks) | MIT | https://github.com/salotz/raylib-scopes |
- | raylib-smallBasic | 4.1-dev | [SmallBASIC](https://github.com/smallbasic/SmallBASIC) | GPLv3 | https://github.com/smallbasic/smallbasic.plugins/tree/master/raylib |
- | raylib-umka | **4.2** | [Umka](https://github.com/vtereshkov/umka-lang) | Zlib | https://github.com/robloach/raylib-umka |
- | raylib.v | **4.2** | [V](https://vlang.io/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.v |
- | raylib-vapi | **4.2** | [Vala](https://vala.dev/) | Zlib | https://github.com/lxmcf/raylib-vapi |
- | raylib-wren | **4.0** | [Wren](http://wren.io/) | ISC | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren |
- | raylib-zig | **4.2** | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Not-Nik/raylib-zig |
- | raylib.zig | **4.2** | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/ryupold/raylib.zig |
- | hare-raylib | auto | [Hare](https://harelang.org/) | Zlib | https://git.sr.ht/~evantj/hare-raylib |
- ### Utility Wrapers
- These are utility wrappers for specific languages, they are not required to use raylib in the language but may adapt the raylib API to be more inline with the language's pardigm.
- | name | raylib version | language | license | repo |
- |:------------------:|:-------------: | :--------:|:-------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------|
- | raylib-cpp | **4.2** | [C++](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B) | Zlib | https://github.com/robloach/raylib-cpp |
- | claylib | **4.2** | [Common Lisp](https://common-lisp.net/) | Zlib | https://github.com/defun-games/claylib |
- ### Older or Unmaintained Language Bindings
- These are older raylib bindings that are more than 2 versions old or have not been maintained.
- | name | raylib version | language | repo |
- |:------------------:|:-------------: | :--------:|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | raylib-cppsharp | 2.5 | [C#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/phxvyper/raylib-cppsharp |
- | RaylibFS | 2.5 | [F#](https://fsharp.org/) | https://github.com/dallinbeutler/RaylibFS |
- | raylib_d | 2.5 | [D](https://dlang.org/) | https://github.com/Sepheus/raylib_d |
- | bindbc-raylib | 3.0 | [D](https://dlang.org/) | https://github.com/o3o/bindbc-raylib |
- | go-raylib | 3.5 | [Go](https://golang.org/) | https://github.com/chunqian/go-raylib |
- | raylib-goplus | 2.6-dev | [Go](https://golang.org/) | https://github.com/Lachee/raylib-goplus |
- | ray-go | 2.6-dev | [Go](https://golang.org/) | https://github.com/hecate-tech/ray-go |
- | raylib-luamore | 3.0 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/HDPLocust/raylib-luamore |
- | LuaJIT-Raylib | 2.6 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/Bambofy/LuaJIT-Raylib |
- | raylib-lua-sol | 2.5 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-lua-sol |
- | raylib-lua-ffi | 2.0 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/693 |
- | raylib-lua | 1.7 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-lua |
- | raylib-nelua | 3.0 | [Nelua](https://nelua.io/) | https://github.com/Andre-LA/raylib-nelua |
- | raylib-nim | 2.0 | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | https://github.com/Skrylar/raylib-nim |
- | raylib-Nim | 1.7 | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | https://gitlab.com/define-private-public/raylib-Nim |
- | nim-raylib | 3.1-dev | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | https://github.com/tomc1998/nim-raylib |
- | raylib-haskell | 2.0 | [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/) | https://github.com/DevJac/raylib-haskell |
- | raylib-cr | 2.5-dev | [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/) | https://github.com/AregevDev/raylib-cr |
- | raylib.cr | 2.0 | [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/) | https://github.com/sam0x17/raylib.cr |
- | cray | 1.8 | [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/) | https://gitlab.com/Zatherz/cray |
- | raylib-pas | 3.0 | [Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/tazdij/raylib-pas |
- | raylib-pascal | 2.0 | [Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/drezgames/raylib-pascal |
- | Graphics-Raylib | 1.4 | [Perl](https://www.perl.org/) | https://github.com/athreef/Graphics-Raylib |
- | raylib-ruby | 2.6 | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/a0/raylib-ruby |
- | raylib-ruby-ffi | 2.0 | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/D3nX/raylib-ruby-ffi |
- | raylib-mruby | 2.5-dev | [mruby](https://github.com/mruby/mruby) | https://github.com/lihaochen910/raylib-mruby |
- | raylib-java | 2.0 | [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/XoanaIO/raylib-java |
- | clj-raylib | 3.0 | [Clojure](https://clojure.org/) | https://github.com/lsevero/clj-raylib |
- | QuickJS-raylib | 3.0 | [QuickJS](https://bellard.org/quickjs/) | https://github.com/sntg-p/QuickJS-raylib |
- | raylib-duktape | 2.6 | [JavaScript (Duktape)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript) | https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-duktape |
- | raylib-v7 | 3.5 | [JavaScript (v7)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript) | https://github.com/Rabios/raylib-v7 |
- | raylib-chaiscript | 2.6 | [ChaiScript](http://chaiscript.com/) | https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-chaiscript |
- | raylib-squirrel | 2.5 | [Squirrel](http://www.squirrel-lang.org/) | https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-squirrel |
- | racket-raylib-2d | 2.5 | [Racket](https://racket-lang.org/) | https://github.com/arvyy/racket-raylib-2d |
- | raylib-php-ffi | 2.4-dev | [PHP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP) | https://github.com/oraoto/raylib-php-ffi |
- | raylib-haxe | 2.4 | [Haxe](https://haxe.org/) | https://github.com/ibilon/raylib-haxe |
- | ringraylib | 2.6 | [Ring](http://ring-lang.sourceforge.net/) | https://github.com/ringpackages/ringraylib |
- | raylib-scm | 2.5 | [Chicken Scheme](https://www.call-cc.org/) | https://github.com/yashrk/raylib-scm |
- | raylib-chibi | 2.5 | [Chibi-Scheme](https://github.com/ashinn/chibi-scheme) | https://github.com/VincentToups/raylib-chibi |
- | raylib-gambit-scheme | 3.1-dev | [Gambit Scheme](https://github.com/gambit/gambit) | https://github.com/georgjz/raylib-gambit-scheme |
- | Euraylib | 3.0 | [Euphoria](https://openeuphoria.org/) | https://github.com/gAndy50/Euraylib |
- | raylib-odin | 3.0 | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/) | https://github.com/kevinw/raylib-odin |
- | vraylib | 3.5 | [V](https://vlang.io/) | https://github.com/waotzi/vraylib |
- | raylib-vala | 3.0 | [Vala](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala) | https://code.guddler.uk/mart/raylibVapi |
- | raylib-jai | 3.1-dev | [Jai](https://github.com/BSVino/JaiPrimer/blob/master/JaiPrimer.md) | https://github.com/kujukuju/raylib-jai |
- | ray.zig | 2.5 | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | https://github.com/BitPuffin/zig-raylib-experiments |
- | raylib-Ada | 3.0 | [Ada](https://www.adacore.com/about-ada) | https://github.com/mimo/raylib-Ada |
- | jaylib | 3.0 | [Janet](https://janet-lang.org/) | https://github.com/janet-lang/jaylib |
- | raykit | ? | [Kit](https://www.kitlang.org/) | https://github.com/Gamerfiend/raykit |
- | ray.mod | 3.0 | [BlitzMax](https://blitzmax.org/) | https://github.com/bmx-ng/ray.mod |
- | raylib-mosaic | 3.0 | [Mosaic](https://github.com/sal55/langs/tree/master/Mosaic) | https://github.com/pluckyporcupine/raylib-mosaic |
- | raylib-xdpw | 2.6 | [XD Pascal](https://github.com/vtereshkov/xdpw) | https://github.com/vtereshkov/raylib-xdpw |
- | raylib-carp | 3.0 | [Carp](https://github.com/carp-lang/Carp) | https://github.com/pluckyporcupine/raylib-carp |
- | raylib-fb | 3.0 | [FreeBasic](https://www.freebasic.net/) | https://github.com/IchMagBier/raylib-fb |
- | raylib-purebasic | 3.0 | [PureBasic](https://www.purebasic.com/) | https://github.com/D-a-n-i-l-o/raylib-purebasic |
- | raylib-ats2 | 3.0 | [ATS2](http://www.ats-lang.org/) | https://github.com/mephistopheles-8/raylib-ats2 |
- | raylib-beef | 3.0 | [Beef](https://www.beeflang.org/) | https://github.com/M0n7y5/raylib-beef |
- | raylib-never | 3.0 | [Never](https://github.com/never-lang/never) | https://github.com/never-lang/raylib-never |
- | raylib.cbl | 2.0 | [COBOL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COBOL) | *[code examples](https://github.com/Martinfx/Cobol/tree/master/OpenCobol/Games/raylib)* |
- Missing some language or wrapper? Feel free to create a new one! :)
- Usually, raylib bindings follow the convention: `raylib-{language}`
- Let me know if you're writing a new binding for raylib, I will list it here!