@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
### raylib bindings |
Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to the library, here is a list with the ones I'm aware of: |
- [raylib](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib) : raylib **C/C++** version (default) |
- [raylib-lua](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-lua) : raylib **Lua** binding |
- [raylib-lua-ffi](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/693) : raylib **Lua** ffi binding |
- [raylib-go](https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go) : raylib **Go** binding |
- [raylib-Nim](https://gitlab.com/define-private-public/raylib-Nim) : raylib **Nim** binding |
- [cray](https://gitlab.com/Zatherz/cray) - raylib **Crystal** binding |
- [Graphics::Raylib](https://metacpan.org/pod/Graphics::Raylib) : raylib **Perl** wrapper |
- [raylib-pascal](https://github.com/drezgames/raylib-pascal) - raylib **Pascal** binding |
- [Raylib-cs](https://github.com/ChrisDill/Raylib-cs) : raylib **C#** binding |
- [RaylibSharp](https://github.com/TheLumaio/RaylibSharp) : raylib **C#** binding |
- [raylib-ruby-ffi](https://github.com/D3nX/raylib-ruby-ffi) : raylib **Ruby** binding |
- [raylib-rs](https://github.com/deltaphc/raylib-rs) : raylib **Rust** binding |
- [raylib-py](https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py) : raylib **Python** binding |
- [raylib-haskell](https://github.com/DevJac/raylib-haskell) : raylib **Haskell** binding |
- [raylib-java](https://github.com/XoanaIO/raylib-java) : raylib **Java** binding |
- [raylib-chaiscript](https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-chaiscript) : raylib **ChaiScript** binding |
- [node-raylib](https://github.com/RobLoach/node-raylib) : **Node.js** raylib binding |
- *[raylib flat-assembler Usage example]()* |
- *[raylib COBOL Usage example](https://github.com/Martinfx/Cobol/tree/master/OpenCobol/Games/raylib)* |
Usually, raylib bindings follow the convention: `raylib-{language}` |
Let me know if you're writing a new binding for raylib, I will list it here and I usually |
provide the icon/logo for that new language binding. |