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Updated to version 1.0.2

Some functions added (collision detection)
Check CHANGELOG for details
raysan5 11 years ago
7 changed files with 179 additions and 9 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +8
  3. BIN
  4. +36
  5. +7
  6. +97
  7. +30

+ 1
- 1 View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ raylib has been developed using exclusively two tools:
* Notepad++ (text editor) - [](
* MinGW (GCC compiler) - [](
Those are the tools I recommended to develop with raylib, actually, my students develop using this tools.
Those are the tools I recommend to develop with raylib, in fact, those are the tools my students use.
I believe those are the best tools to train spartan-programmers.
Someone could argue about debugging. raylib is a library intended for learning and I think C it's a clear enough language

+ 8
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release/win32-mingw/include/raylib.h View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* raylib 1.0.1 (
* raylib 1.0.2 (
* A simple and easy-to-use library to learn C videogames programming
@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ void DrawTriangleLines(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color);
void DrawPoly(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw a closed polygon defined by points
void DrawPolyLine(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw polygon lines
bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Check collision between two rectangles
bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2); // Check collision between two circles
bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec); // Check collision between circle and rectangle
Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision
// Texture Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: textures)
@ -313,10 +318,12 @@ void DrawTexture(Texture2D texture, int posX, int posY, Color tint);
void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters
Texture2D CreateTexture2D(Image image); // Create a Texture2D from Image data
// Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)
SpriteFont GetDefaultFont(); // Get the default SpriteFont
SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char *fileName); // Load a SpriteFont image into GPU memory
void UnloadSpriteFont(SpriteFont spriteFont); // Unload SpriteFont from GPU memory
void DrawText(const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color); // Draw text (using default font)

release/win32-mingw/lib/libraylib.a View File

+ 36
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src/models.c View File

@ -662,6 +662,38 @@ Model LoadModel(const char *fileName)
return model;
// Load a heightmap image as a 3d model
// TODO: Just do it...
Model LoadHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 resolution)
Model model;
int mapX = heightmap.width;
int mapZ = heightmap.height;
// NOTE: One vertex per pixel
// TODO: Consider resolution when generating model data?
int numTriangles = (mapX-1)*(mapZ-1)*2; // One quad every four pixels
model.numVertices = numTriangles*3;
model.vertices = (Vector3 *)malloc(model.numVertices * sizeof(Vector3));
model.normals = (Vector3 *)malloc(model.numVertices * sizeof(Vector3));
model.texcoords = (Vector2 *)malloc(model.numVertices * sizeof(Vector2));
for(int z = 0; z < mapZ; z++)
for(int x = 0; x < mapX; x++)
// TODO: Fill vertices array with data
//SmoothHeightmap(&model); // TODO: Smooth vertex interpolation
return model;
// Unload 3d model from memory
void UnloadModel(Model model)
@ -743,9 +775,9 @@ void DrawBillboard(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Vector3 basePos, float size
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector3 basePos, float size, Color tint)
// NOTE: Billboard size will represent the width, height maintains aspect ratio
Vector3 centerPos = { basePos.x, basePos.y + size * (float)texture.height/(float)texture.width/2, basePos.z };
Vector2 sizeRatio = { size, size * (float)texture.height/texture.width };
Vector3 rotation = { 90, 0, 0 };
o">//Vector3 centerPos = { basePos.x, basePos.y + size * (float)texture.height/(float)texture.width/2, basePos.z };
o">//Vector2 sizeRatio = { size, size * (float)texture.height/texture.width };
o">//Vector3 rotation = { 90, 0, 0 };
// TODO: Calculate Y rotation to face always camera (use matrix)
// OPTION: Lock Y-axis
@ -766,7 +798,7 @@ void DrawHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 scale, Color colo
// NOTE: Heightmap resolution will depend on image size (one quad per pixel)
// TODO: Review how this function works... probably we need:
// Model LoadHeightmap(Image image, Vector3 resolution);
// Model LoadHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 resolution);
// NOTE: We are allocating and de-allocating vertex data every frame! --> framerate drops 80%! CRAZY!
Vector3 *terrainVertex = (Vector3 *)malloc(heightmap.width * heightmap.height * sizeof(Vector3));

+ 7
- 1
src/raylib.h View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* raylib 1.0.1 (
* raylib 1.0.2 (
* A simple and easy-to-use library to learn C videogames programming
@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ void DrawTriangleLines(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color);
void DrawPoly(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw a closed polygon defined by points
void DrawPolyLine(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw polygon lines
bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Check collision between two rectangles
bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2); // Check collision between two circles
bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec); // Check collision between circle and rectangle
Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision
// Texture Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: textures)
@ -313,6 +318,7 @@ void DrawTexture(Texture2D texture, int posX, int posY, Color tint);
void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters
Texture2D CreateTexture2D(Image image); // Create a Texture2D from Image data
// Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)

+ 97
- 2
src/shapes.c View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* raylib.shapes
* Basic functions to draw 2d Shapes
* Basic functions to draw 2d Shapes and check collisions
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
#include "raylib.h"
#include <GL/gl.h> // OpenGL functions
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for abs() function
#include <math.h> // Math related functions, sin() and cos() used on DrawCircle*
// sqrt() and pow() and abs() used on CheckCollision*
// Defines and Macros
@ -323,4 +325,97 @@ void DrawPolyLine(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color)
// Check collision between two rectangles
bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
bool collision = false;
int dx = abs((rec1.x + rec1.width / 2) - (rec2.x + rec2.width / 2));
int dy = abs((rec1.y + rec1.height / 2) - (rec2.y + rec2.height / 2));
if ((dx <= (rec1.width / 2 + rec2.width / 2)) && ((dy <= (rec1.height / 2 + rec2.height / 2)))) collision = true;
return collision;
// Check collision between two circles
bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2)
bool collision = false;
float dx = center2.x - center1.x; // X distance between centers
float dy = center2.y - center1.y; // Y distance between centers
float distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // Distance between centers
if (distance <= (radius1 + radius2)) collision = true;
return collision;
// Check collision between circle and rectangle
bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec)
bool collision = false;
float dx = abs((rec.x + rec.width / 2) - center.x);
float dy = abs((rec.y + rec.height / 2) - center.y);
if ((dx <= (rec.width / 2 + radius)) && (dy <= (rec.height / 2 + radius))) collision = true;
return collision;
// Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision
Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
Rectangle retRec = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (CheckCollisionRecs(rec1, rec2))
int dxx = abs(rec1.x - rec2.x);
int dyy = abs(rec1.y - rec2.y);
if (rec1.x <= rec2.x)
if (rec1.y <= rec2.y)
retRec.x = rec2.x;
retRec.y = rec2.y;
retRec.width = rec1.width - dxx;
retRec.height = rec1.height - dyy;
retRec.x = rec2.x;
retRec.y = rec1.y;
retRec.width = rec1.width - dxx;
retRec.height = rec2.height - dyy;
if (rec1.y <= rec2.y)
retRec.x = rec1.x;
retRec.y = rec2.y;
retRec.width = rec2.width - dxx;
retRec.height = rec1.height - dyy;
retRec.x = rec1.x;
retRec.y = rec1.y;
retRec.width = rec2.width - dxx;
retRec.height = rec2.height - dyy;
if (retRec.width >= rec2.width) retRec.width = rec2.width;
if (retRec.height >= rec2.height) retRec.height = rec2.height;
return retRec;

+ 30
- 0
src/textures.c View File

@ -157,6 +157,36 @@ Texture2D LoadTextureEx(const char *fileName, bool createPOT, bool mipmaps)
return texture;
// Create a Texture2D from Image data
// NOTE: Image is not unloaded, it should be done manually...
Texture2D CreateTexture2D(Image image)
Texture2D texture;
// Convert image data to OpenGL texture
GLuint id;
glGenTextures(1, &id); // Generate Pointer to the Texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); // Set texture to repead on x-axis
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); // Set texture to repead on y-axis
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); // Filter for pixel-perfect drawing, alternative: GL_LINEAR
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); // Filter for pixel-perfect drawing, alternative: GL_LINEAR
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.pixels);
// NOTE: Not using mipmappings (texture for 2D drawing)
// At this point we have the image converted to texture and uploaded to GPU
texture.glId = id;
texture.width = image.width;
texture.height = image.height;
return texture;
// Unload texture from GPU memory
void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture)
