* CheckCollisionPointTriangle
* New feature proposal to existing collision detection routines.
It checks if point [point] belongs to line created between two points [p1] and [p2] with defined margin in pixels[threshold].
- The vertices did not map to where I expected causing rotation to be
off by 90 degrees. I reorganized the vertices making it easier to
reason about which fixes this.
- The order for drawing is now topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight,
* Optimize DrawTexturePro and DrawRectanglePro transformations
- Add check so rotation is only applied if rotation != 0.0f.
- Replace matrix usage by calculating the vertex data directly.
* Fix error with windows build and trim whitespace
Pefixing/Suffixing some data type identifier in the variables is not a convention used in raylib, just reviewed it for consistency...
Still, I kept the *Rec suffix in some functions.
Most warning were related to types conversion (casting required) and unsigned/signed types comparisons.
Added preprocessor directives (_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE; _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE) to avoid warnings about unsafe functions, those functions are safe while used properly and recommended alternatives are MS only.
Some external libraries still generate warnings.
There are multiple #define values around raylib, usually not exposed for redefinition, just reviewed all of them to allow users redefining them on compile time if required.
Also, multiple #define have been renamed and commented.
Just for clarification, no plans to remove libc dependency, just did some code analysis to see how much raylib depend on stardard C library. My conclusions:
- stdlib.h: primary dependency is for malloc() and free()
- stdio.h: primary dependency is for FILE access, maybe it could go through a custom ABI?
- string.h: just around 8 functions required
- math.h: just around 8 functions required
- others: 1-2 functions required for some other headers
By removing the equal sign, if the 2 rects a right next to each other and not overlapping, there will be no collision detection. This is what a majority of other game libraries do and would make it easier to implement collisions for tile based games.
- Font structure has been redesigned, CharInfo structure contained character rectangle within font texture, it has not much sense, considering that it was an information relative to the font atlas generated and not the character itself, so character rectangles have been moved out from CharInfo to Font.
- CharInfo included a data parameters to contain character pixel data (usually grayscale), generated on TTF font generation. It was inconsistent with other fonts types, so, now CharInfo includes directly an Image of the glyph.
- REDESIGNED: GenImageFontAtlas(), additional recs parameter added, loaded and filled inside the function to export atlas characters rectangles, instead of silently modify the input CharInfo data.
- REVIEWED: ImageTextEx(), funtion retrieved the font atlas image from the GPU, that was slow and problematic in several platforms. Now it uses directly the CharInfo image. Support for unicode codepoints has also been added.
- REDESIGNED: ImageDraw(), now it includes an additional parameter, the color tint, not only it could be useful for several situations but also function signature is more consistent with similar functions.
- ADDED: ImageFromImage() to generate a new image from a piece of another image.
- REVIEWED: GetNextCodepoint(), renamed parameters to be more clear.
Also all examples and games that were affected by those changes have been reviewed.