This fixes an incomplete framebuffer issue due to the use of a texture format not supported in ES 3.
This commit also adds more information on how to manage deferred rendering.
* basic pbr example
pbr implementation includes rpbr.h and few shader files header only file, which self contain everything needed for pbr rendering. Few textures and one model of the car which is under free licence which is included inside basic_pbr.c example file currently supported shader versions are 120 and 330 , version 100 has small issue which I have to resolve
* Unloading PBRMAterial
I forgot unloading PBRMaterial
* fix small issue with texOffset assigment.
value was Vector4 at first but I found out it would be unclear for and users, so I change to have two Vector2 instead, but forgot to assign offset .
* Changed size of textures and file name changed
Changed size of textures from 2048x2048 to 1024x1024 and file name changed to shaders_basic_pbr.c ,
Added the function PBRModel PBRModelLoadFromMesh(Mesh mesh);
but GenMeshPlane(2, 2.0, 3, 3) culdn't be used because it crash once GenMeshTangents() is used with that plane mesh
* Update to 5.5 version of eexample and fix to work in web
set precision highp float;
removed in keyword
fix for loop has to use only constant
* Update shader_basic_pbr example to work on web
changed to GLSL_VERSION 100
update glsl100 shader
set float precision to highp
removed keyword in
change for loop tu use constant value gives an error
* Update shader_basic_pbr example to work on web
changed to GLSL_VERSION 100
update glsl100 shader
set float precision to highp
removed keyword in
change for loop tu use constant value gives an error
* removed rpbr.h
removed rpbr.h
Changed line 118 from, "// For advance camera controls, it's reecommended to compute camera movement manually", to, "// For advanced camera controls, it's recommended to compute camera movement manually".
* [rcore] add 'GetClipboardImage' for windows
* [rcore] GetClipboardImage removed some unneeded defines
* [rcore] PLATFORM_SDL: create a compatility layer for SDL3
* external: add win32_clipboard.h header only lib
* [rcore] using win32_clipboard on platforms rlfw and rgfw
* [rcore] fix warnings in SDL3 compatibility layer
* Makefile: Allow specifying SDL_LIBRARIES to link, this helps with SDL3
* Makefile: examples makefile now compile others/rlgl_standalone only when TARGET_PLATFORM is PLATFORM_DESKTOP_GFLW
* Makefile: examples makefile now compile others/rlgl_standalone only when TARGET_PLATFORM is PLATFORM_DESKTOP_GFLW
* [rcore]: PLATFORM_SDL: improve clipboard data retrieval
* external: remove unused function from win32_clipboard.h
* Makefile: allow for extra flags necessary when compiling for SDL3
* [rcore]: fix string typo
* [rcore]: Properly handle NULL dpi passing. As is allowed in SDL2
* external: fix arch finding on win32_clipboard.h to allow compilation on msvc cmake CI
* [rcore]: PLATFORM_SDL: Treat monitor as an ID in SDL3 as opposed to an index as in SDL2
* [rcore]: typo